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Poll: Swtor Game of the Year 2012?


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Maybe it can win "largest fanboy community" of 2012. But game of the year, you must be joking or delusional.


I dont think it will even be the Bioware game of the year. Mass Effect, which this game stole its story system from, has its final game in the trilogy, where the story actually works because it has great pacing with the responsive fun combat. In those games the story makes you out to be a ******, and the combat proves it, in this game your Apprentice Sith Warrior can't even solo a gold starred Sand person without Vette to help.

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Six letters for 2011:




2012? I may be wrong, but it'll be Diablo 3 Year.


Personal secret hope: Guild Wars 2. MMOs need decent PvP so bad. Arenanet - since its clear that Bioware/Mythic cant handle PvP - , you are our only hope :

Edited by Soulaufein
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My votes for Arkham City.



Only 'of the Year' this game gets is 'Worst'



They shoulda just used teh ME engine for the MMo part of this game and made it a third person MMO.

Edited by oflow
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Let's help get Bioware some votes for Game of the Year 2012.


A simple yes or no answer will do.



I'll post a spreadsheet later with the results of this poll.


lol. No. Kind of reminds of DAII. Bad game. And yet people had to run polls about "Is this CRPG of the year." I'm like, ONLY IF IT IS THE ONLY ONE RELEASED....


That wasn't a popular opinion. But I was right.

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No. Skyrim most likely.


Yeah, let's give it to a game with awful melee combat, where half the guild and other main subquests would bug into being uncompleteable- and which became unplayable due to lag issues after 40 hours.



Skyrim was an embarrassment, releasing a broken game- with zero online component no less- to that degree is just awful. It's getting GOTY purely based on hype and overwhelming fanbois who think having a game that is garbage until players fix it with mods is godlike.


Whether or not TOR gets it, Skyrim shouldn't even be close- much rather have something like Arkham City or Dark Souls... though at this point those would all be 2011 games as generally they were included in the recent GOTY from sites/shows.



Unless ME3 screws up, that's going to be BW's chance at 2012 GOTY over TOR I imagine- will likely be above other decent competitors like Borderlands 2 and Bioshock Infinite, but there's a year of possible surprises in store.

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Witcher 2 is amazing!


Old Republic however is not.


Wasn't it though! And Skyrim was amazing. I've got over 100 hours logged in that game and still haven't found/done everything. My daughter has 250+ hours in that game. It's about all she did during her Christmas holidays...


Shogun 2 was great if you like stratagy. I liked everything but the boss fights in Deus Ex, I love games where you have actual, game-play changing choices instead of getting stuck on the rails...

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