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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Sith warrior story fail, Malavai Quinn


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I'll see if I can find some of the other stuff I have where I'm being "insenstive" or something, there's a fair bit of it sitting on a 2 terabyte drive somewhere. There's one somewhere that talks about Quinn's "gut." That was a funny one. :D


hmm.. I might just speed level a SW for some of the dialogue for Quinn or that ONE dialogue choice from Pierce near the end of his set. So much to do, so little time. Sadly, I didn't record much of the conversations the first time around and I really didn't want to do that while my husband was home. It's bad enough when I keep escaping out of conversations.


But yeah, I'm the Hand. I'll see what I can do to keep you supplied.


PS: Palpatine is the name of my 14year old teddy bear. He's super huggable but I had to box him because my cat steals my teddies.

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I'll see if I can find some of the other stuff I have where I'm being "insenstive" or something, there's a fair bit of it sitting on a 2 terabyte drive somewhere. There's one somewhere that talks about Quinn's "gut." That was a funny one. :D


The wonderful thing about Quinn's brutality to consonants is that I could immediately think of only one conversation in which he mentioned his gut and I could already hear in my head how he said it. It may not be the one you're thinking of, though - I wasn't being mean for this conversation. http://youtu.be/8V_FA7k9gyM


I may upload the rest of my first femWarrior run sometime...I dunno, it's messy, only does one runthrough (no option exploration), and it's often clipped at start and end because I didn't know what I was doing and expected to use it only for my reference.


EDIT: Incidentally, this song has been running through my head all day, and it could totally apply to any estrangement after the event and before any sign of atonement/willingness to make it up to the Warrior. The visuals on the music video don't necessarily fit, but the lyrics are sound.



(It terrifies me, by the way, that this song is 20 years old.) :eek:


Lyrics, tagged to minimize clogging up this thread:



I don't wanna lose you,

I don't wanna use you

Just to have somebody by my side

And I don't wanna hate you

I don't wanna take you

But I don't wanna be the one to cry

That don't really matter to anyone, anymore

But like a fool I keep losing my place

And I keep seeing you walk through that door




But there's a danger in loving somebody too much

And it's sad when you know it's your heart you can't trust

There's a reason why people don't stay where they are


Baby sometimes love just ain't enough



Now I could never change you

I don't wanna blame you

Baby you don't have to take the fall


Yes I may have hurt you

But I did not desert you

Maybe I just wanna have it all


It makes a sound like thunder

It makes me feel like rain


And like a fool who will never see the truth

I keep thinking something's gonna change




But there's a danger in loving somebody too much

And it's sad when you know it's your heart you can't trust

There's a reason why people don't stay where they are


Baby sometimes love just ain't enough




And there's no way home

When it's late at night and you're all alone

Are there things that you wanted to say

Do you feel me beside you in your bed

There beside you where I used to lay




And there's a danger in loving somebody too much

And it's sad when you know it's your heart they can't touch.

There's a reason why people don't stay who they are


Cause baby sometimes love just ain't enough.

Baby sometimes love just ain't enough.


Edited by bright_ephemera
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As for the Corellia dialogue, I'm dying here. I can't find it on Youtube. Can somebody get me a link?


I uploaded it for you. You can see it here. It's not a lot, but it worked for me the way my SW's storyline unfolded.


Ahahaha! Glad you two enjoyed those referenced vids. :D

Thank you for uploading them. I tried a lot of the less conventional choices myself, but didn't record most of them. I was glad to have found yours.

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I agree. No matter how you fix this, people will find something to complain.


What I would have liked to see was some cut scene in the Baras fight that affirms Quinn's current loyalty to you. The Sith Inquisitor cut scene in Chapter 1 has scene where Khem took a hit for you. They could have done something similar. Like at some point Baras made a final attempt to strike you with lightening and Quinn runs in and take the blow instead. They could have the SW reacts very fast and so the strike was interrupted (and thus doesn't not kill Quinn), but enough to show that Quinn will die for you. That way they won't need to change the game too much. Just add a 5 sec cut scene and it will make a huge difference for a lot of people.


Something occurred to me just now on the drive home, don't know why I was thinking about it but hey driving is boring at 11pm at night.


There's only one problem I see with that idea and it's the fact that Quinn would be interfering with what is essentially a duel between Sith Lords. The members of the Dark Council aren't going to, and if Quinn does Baras might even call "foul". Maybe. That and I don't see it as something he would do especially since the terms of the fight were practically dictated by the Dark Council.

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Something occurred to me just now on the drive home, don't know why I was thinking about it but hey driving is boring at 11pm at night.


There's only one problem I see with that idea and it's the fact that Quinn would be interfering with what is essentially a duel between Sith Lords. The members of the Dark Council aren't going to, and if Quinn does Baras might even call "foul". Maybe. That and I don't see it as something he would do especially since the terms of the fight were practically dictated by the Dark Council.


A small tweak can fix that. Since you are supposed to fight Baras two times, anyways, this scene can be inserted in the middle, between the two fights. Something like this:


  1. First battle - you won. Baras lies on the floor, looks dead.
  2. Dark Council stood up and calls upon the SW, starts to acknowledge him/her. In response, the SW turn towards the Dark Council, and thus have his/her back facing Baras.
  3. Baras got up and strikes with a sneak attack from the back.
  4. Quinn jumps in and take the hit for the SW. One of two possibilities:

    1. SW interrupts the lightening strike. Quinn is injured, but not so bad that he cannot continue to assist the SW in the battle (if you took him with you to the fight. If you took another companion then he's just injured and gets taken to the side while you continue on to the second battle).
    2. Quinn successfully block the attack. Baras accuses Quinn of being compromised and tries to manipulate/persuade him to switch sides (basically, give us a glimpse of what he did to turn Quinn against the SW the first time). He failed. Quinn unequivocally letting him know that he has chosen the SW over Baras. (Female SW who are in romance with Quinn can even have a "Quinn, I can kiss you" here. :)).

[*]Second battle


That way, you still end the battle the same way, where SW wins fair and square, and thus winning the Dark Council's approval. Quinn's stepping in won't be considered interfering, either, since the SW was being addressed by the Dark Council when the sneak attack happened (ala, he/she was not in the middle of the "duel").

Edited by Soteirian
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The only problem with the second option is money - you will need an additional like of dialogs, means, payment to actors. While just a jump and shielding SW is the re-skinned copy-paste scene with Kem (they use very same moves all the time anyway). Should not be THAT big problem.


Actually, right now they already have the cheapest and simplest option - lock conversations in the order you posted here. With this alone so many confusions could be avoided...

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I uploaded it for you. You can see it here. It's not a lot, but it worked for me the way my SW's storyline unfolded.



Thank you for uploading them. I tried a lot of the less conventional choices myself, but didn't record most of them. I was glad to have found yours.


Thanks for putting that up. I see they fixed the nekked bug....

mmm... the man looks good in uniform.


Also, locking the Quinn dialogues would probably really help with the situation, atleast for the female SW, I doubt there's much they can do for the male though.

Edited by Kalterien
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Thanks for putting that up. I see they fixed the nekked bug....

mmm... the man looks good in uniform.


Also, locking the Quinn dialogues would probably really help with the situation, atleast for the female SW, I doubt there's much they can do for the male though.


My understanding is certain companion dialogues are gated based on where you are in terms of level and class story as well as affection. I don't know how complicated it would be to add additional gates to Quinn's later dialogues so that they happen after the betrayal and thus make better narrative sense, but I would agree it would be preferable. I would think that adding an additional gate based on gender would be more, not less, difficult so I think if it were done it would be easier to do for all.

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The only problem with the second option is money - you will need an additional like of dialogs, means, payment to actors. While just a jump and shielding SW is the re-skinned copy-paste scene with Kem (they use very same moves all the time anyway). Should not be THAT big problem.


Actually, right now they already have the cheapest and simplest option - lock conversations in the order you posted here. With this alone so many confusions could be avoided...


The problem with locking the conversation in such strict order as the only mitigation is that it limits the gameplay. It also requires you to pick a specific option at each stage for it to work out right. For example, if you had broken up with Quinn during the betrayal, and missed the Corellia dialog, then there'd be no logical bridging of the betrayal and Technical Changes. It would make his "falling in love" conversation rather odd and feels like out of nowhere.


To make the transition work it really has to be an event that does not depend on user choice.


I wouldn't think money would be an issue. Typically contracts cover some post-production 'maintenance effort'. I would hope given that BW has been in business for quite some time now they would know to cover this in the contracts. Furthermore, unless BW has no plan to continue the companion story, they should be busy working on Chapter 4 right now. I would imagine main characters like the PCs and the companions are probably already under contract (or at least in negotiation stage), if not already in recording. It shouldn't be so hard to just write into the contract to do this.

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My understanding is certain companion dialogues are gated based on where you are in terms of level and class story as well as affection. I don't know how complicated it would be to add additional gates to Quinn's later dialogues so that they happen after the betrayal and thus make better narrative sense, but I would agree it would be preferable. I would think that adding an additional gate based on gender would be more, not less, difficult so I think if it were done it would be easier to do for all.


From programming perspective, usually adding conditions shouldn't be so hard. The hard part is the story flow design. They will have to think through all the permutations of prior events, and lock the conversations at the right place. Else it will be odd for people who didn't follow the same flow.


Having said that, it is my believe that the game design was meant to have the final conversation for each companion happen after the class quests are completed. In addition to this whole Quinn fiasco, there are also a couple of other places where the current conversations do not make sense:

  1. The Vector letter I mentioned before. His second letter talked about getting to know SCORPIO. However, at this point my IA has not been to Balsavis so she has no idea who SCORPIO is.
  2. Jaesa's last conversation talked about she understands SW's crew is off limit when it comes to using her abilities. However, she used her ability on Quinn during the betrayal event, and w/o SW asking her to do. So it makes her statement meaningless. It would make more sense if this statement came in after the betrayal event. It would be Jaesa came to that conclusion as she grows and learns her place in the SW's world.


All these would be non-issue if the final companion conversation happens after the class quests. Story flow wise, it would also make more sense: after the PC led the crew to the final victory, each companion now fully settle into their place in the PC's life.

Edited by Soteirian
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The problem with locking the conversation in such strict order as the only mitigation is that it limits the gameplay. It also requires you to pick a specific option at each stage for it to work out right. For example, if you had broken up with Quinn during the betrayal, and missed the Corellia dialog, then there'd be no logical bridging of the betrayal and Technical Changes. It would make his "falling in love" conversation rather odd and feels like out of nowhere.

Keywords "as the only mitigation"...with or without a proposed conversation throttle, nothing Quinn says to the Warrior post-betrayal makes any sense unless the Warrior forgave him during the scene or triggered his Corellia material and forgave him there. (Thanks for linking that, Soteirian!) Blocking Technical Changes until after the fact might help the progression make sense for a slightly larger fraction of the population, but that's the best it can hope to do.


Until we get a real "Hey, let's talk about that awkward incident" conversation, no further high-affection content makes sense. Finishing that scene with "F*** you, Captain" and storming out leaves little hope for warming up one's relationship...and as far as I can tell there's no guaranteed opportunity to head-on address the betrayal ever once the scene itself has closed.


My understanding is certain companion dialogues are gated based on where you are in terms of level and class story as well as affection. I don't know how complicated it would be to add additional gates to Quinn's later dialogues so that they happen after the betrayal and thus make better narrative sense, but I would agree it would be preferable.


Kira is the first companion I can think of for heavily plot-gated content, and you have to finish your story line to finish talking to her. So this kind of limiting has been done. Would it make sense here? I think so, just because something of this magnitude is likely to change the player's relationship to the companion. It matters and deserves to be addressed with options in your last conversation or three.


It sounds like I missed a lot by finishing both Pierce and Quinn, and nearly finishing LS Jaesa, prior to the event.


What I would have liked to see was some cut scene in the Baras fight that affirms Quinn's current loyalty to you. The Sith Inquisitor cut scene in Chapter 1 has scene where Khem took a hit for you. They could have done something similar


Mmm, I would love to see Quinn die......for me. Die for me. Yes. Let's be romantic about this. (Baras 'n' me, united in combat for the first and last time, just to wipe out the scum who failed us both...zorch! And now it's back to our regularly scheduled power play...)

Edited by bright_ephemera
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For example, if you had broken up with Quinn during the betrayal, and missed the Corellia dialog, then there'd be no logical bridging of the betrayal and Technical Changes. It would make his "falling in love" conversation rather odd and feels like out of nowhere.


With all dew respect have to disagree on this particular part. Looks very logic to me:

1. SW chases and pushes Quinn to the relationships.

2. He finally gives up

3. Betrayal

4. Braking up

5. Corellia

6. Technical Changes, where he is asking was this brake up serious or he can be forgiven. Since now, when no Baras on the horison, he realizes he does love SW and already proved he is 100% on SW's side now.


And even without Corellia, as a fallen in love (or pretend to) man he is simply obliged to ask that question. Still logic to me.

Edited by Mirandel
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With all dew respect have to disagree on this particular part. Looks very logic to me:

1. SW chases and pushes Quinn to the relationships.

2. He finally gives up

3. Betrayal

4. Braking up

5. Corellia

6. Technical Changes, where he is asking was this brake up serious or he can be forgiven. Since now, when no Baras on the horison, he realizes he does love SW and already proved he is 100% on SW's side now.


And even without Corellia, as a fallen in love (or pretend to) man he is simply obliged to ask that question. Still logic to me.


I don't know. If you had broken up with him and missed the Corellia piece, the event would have unfolded this way:


1. SW chases and pushes Quinn into relationship

2. Quinn tries to kill SW and failed. Event ends with SW telling Quinn "I'll let you back on the ship but you are no longer welcome in my quarters".

3. Quinn tells the SW: I am falling in love with you, and I think you are falling in love with me. Am I wrong?


Quinn can continue to fall in love with the SW. But after trying to kill her and she tells him that their relationship is over, why would Quinn think the SW is falling in love with him? That doesn't make sense to me.

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Looks very logic to me:

1. SW chases and pushes Quinn to the relationships.

2. He finally gives up

3. Betrayal

4. Braking up

5. Corellia

6. Technical Changes, where he is asking was this brake up serious or he can be forgiven. Since now, when no Baras on the horison, he realizes he does love SW and already proved he is 100% on SW's side now.


And even without Corellia, as a fallen in love (or pretend to) man he is simply obliged to ask that question. Still logic to me.


Unless Technical Changes is rewritten, his blurting out a declaration of love remains badly jarring. The two flirtatious opening options work for somebody inclined to forgive him post-Corellia. But those of us who are still mad are stuck with Option 3, "Noted," and he'll proclaim love anyway.


At that point, again assuming that this unlocks post-betrayal, "Yes" and "I'll keep you guessing" make sense for people who want to keep him. The people staying mad really need something stronger than "No" coming out as "I'm just toying with you." I would advocate more of a "Give me one reason I shouldn't put my saber through your face, you bleeping presumptuous bleep bleeping bleep, maybe you should've thought of all this sooner, [shock Quinn]."


As with most romance content in this game, the scene flows if you're favorably inclined towards him and locks you into a stifling "the only 'no' option isn't strong enough" situation if you're not.


Without rewriting, the only thing that plot-throttling can do is limit how involved the player gets with Quinn before the event. There's something to be said for that. I could see him avoiding marriage while he's got the nearly-inevitable kill order hanging over his head. From his perspective, yes, I'll give in and get involved with you, but at least I have the decency not to make some mockery of a marriage out of it, not now that you're openly at war with my master. Blocking the deepest decisions until after the event would be a kindness. Won't make all our choices make sense, won't salvage the Act 3 story as a whole, but it could make his arc a little less infuriatingly awful.

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Quinn can continue to fall in love with the SW. But after trying to kill her and she tells him that their relationship is over, why would Quinn think the SW is falling in love with him?


Well, first sign - she did not kill him :)

But I meant the question "How long are you going to stay away" and answer "We are history". Of course, no "you are falling in love with me" would be here.


And if your answer is anything but confirmed brake up - then Quinn has all the reasons believe you are falling in love with him :)


Of course I do agree the dialog must be much stronger, still if we are stuck with what we have now - locking that order up would still help. (God, I do hope you are right about contracts and 1.4!)

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Personally, and this is just me, I didn't mind the order, or how the whole thing went down really. It works in a way that it is confusing, tragic, and infuriating...but...really life can be like that. Things and people don't a always make sense, and to me, they seemed to nail the fact that life can go right down the garbage disposal chute, and leave you reeling in the aftermath.


Just like at a certain pivotal moment in the Agents story (chapter 2), when you feel utterly helpless and numb. It's a story-line brick to the face, but for me, it works.


However, that being said I can see how it does not quite work, for those who choose to force choke, and not forgive Quinn for his actions.


That's just my humble take on it :o ...and I do hope that in chapter four, or the big story patch, that perhaps a punish or banishment option is made available.


*runs and hides in a little corner*

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First of all folks, thank you for all your responses, links, suggestions and thoughts. This is an excellent thread. I was never intending on making a female SW, melee is not my preferred role. But after this, I rolled one and now have her to level 21.


This is one of the best storylines and romances (even though the romance part hasn't started yet) thus far. I will also be rolling other Empire toons (I was Republic until now). Seems the stories sound like they are better, this side. (But of course that is a whole 'nother discussion).


Just to add my two cents, and since I've been thoroughly spoiled about the events to take place, I feel I can chime in. I don't feel the betrayal is wrong in the context of a romance, marriage and legacy, though it is definately suprising, and how Bioware has dealt with the convos, certainly could use some polishing up and closure.


This is not our world. The things we value are not what is valued in the Empire. Among the upper echelons, duty and honour to the Empire, personal ambition and then loyalty to your master is above all else. For Quinn this is just as true as well as advancement in his role in the military. (I could see him being a Grand Moff someday, and Kilrans position is open, hehe and I am so dressing him in Empire military gear only) Both my Sith and Quinn follow this creed, to their utmost. My SW knew that when Quinn joined her, it was to keep tabs on her for Baras. Baras afterall, has an extensive spy network and was the focus of the beginning storyline. Why else would Quinn, recently promoted to Captain and able to choose where he can go with a new apprentice, fresh out of the academy, who has yet to establish her power base and network? Though she has just started her powerbase, with Ratheri agreeing to serve her in Nar Shaddaa. (First time I've also chosen options based on my story as opposed to just picking dark side.) What can she offer him? She accepts his request nonetheless because Quinn is a tactical genius, top notch pilot and shot, a healer and has extensive knowledge of Baras powerbase. (and she has no choice due to game mechanics, lol, but I am roleplaying this whole story out) She has to start somewhere, and turning talent from their former masters, to her happens all the time in this Empire. He joining her is of more benefit to her, than it is to him.


Love, marriage and romance is a distant priority and at best a fringe benefit. In this world, family members turning on each other, disappointment in offspring, failure to go through the academy resulting in death, betraying masters etc is commonplace! There are those in the Empire that also value their families and kids, but tend not to be in the upper echelons and as we have seen many times, valuing your family and relationships often results in death. Now on to the betrayal. My SW would not be surprised at such a thing, perhaps disappointment at her failure to have him establish his loyalty to her, and regret because she does like him. Subsequently, when he does fail and despite the fight being easy, in my story, there is no way Quinn would do this halfassed. He just underestimates her abilites, in one of the first convo's he admits that she has a knack for surprising him, afterall. She would forgive him, and definately would punish him more harshly than just force choking him into a wall. I am pretending that she throws him in carbonite and uses him as an ornament in her ship for a reminder to the others. She will have her release with Pierce, too, buahaha. In my story, he's in the carbonite for at least a year, maybe more. As levelheaded as she is, she does know that they work extremely well as a team and the benefits of having him still around outweighs the risks. I haven't decided yet at this point, at what point their romantic status would be. Quinn definately likes her, respects her, finds her attractive, exciting and possibly loves her, but follows through as Baras subordinate, even though in a weak moment he asks to be reassigned, knowing what will eventually come to be. Since this is not going to happen, the wheels are in motion. Though the game will probably tell me what my status will be. Marriage will come after since it appears I can control that convo at least. The point is, because in this milieu and the status that she enjoys and pursues, she would actually expect no less from him. The fact that he has the balls to follow through for my little Sith, works in his favour. She would want her consort to be ruthless, and him failing in his attempt would be an excellent reminder of who is top dog. He himself says after his defeat, that he should have known. My little Sith is always surprising him. In my story though she will always be the master (except maybe in the bedroom). Even though this would be an uneven match, for a Sith, marrying Quinn would be a step down, she would do it anyway, because she will come to love him and he her, and they would truly make an unbeatable team, there is nothing they couldn't achieve together. I believe that. They would end up being a power couple. She will secure his unswerving loyalty. And this could never have happened without him trying to kill her at some point.


I love that Bioware put in a betrayal like this, it makes for very rewarding roleplay for me, and much more interesting than the standard romance options. It was a very ballsy move, and yes, it could have been done better, but my mind will do the rest. When I read a story, it doesn't always work the way I would wish it for me.


Once again, thanks to you all for your thoughts and replies, I would have never enjoyed this storyline and made a SW without this thread.

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35 pages and 2months later I'm still trying to make sense of this in my head. Glad I'm not the only one.



Wow... you really are pissed at the poor guy. O_O

And I posted 2 versions of conversation that includes Quinn's "gut". :D

hehe.. acidic bile.....

Edited by Kalterien
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I love that Bioware put in a betrayal like this, it makes for very rewarding roleplay for me, and much more interesting than the standard romance options. It was a very ballsy move, and yes, it could have been done better, but my mind will do the rest.


Ballsy is right. The SW writers took more outlandish risks with their companion stories than any other class I've played thus far, and I admire that, even when I want to write volumes on what they screwed up. DS/LS Jaesa was an incredible move, Vette's collar - on a romance option, no less - was kind of disturbing but very interesting, and Quinn...Quinn is Quinn. I can't wrap my head around sparing him, not the way my playthrough went down, but it was both a daring and a fascinating story. (now let me kill that slimy ingrate plz)


Glad you're liking the concept :) I hope you find the playthrough rewarding!


35 pages and 2months later I'm still trying to make sense of this in my head. Glad I'm not the only one.



Wow... you really are pissed at the poor guy. O_O


Umm...yes. :o Can't deny that one.

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I think.. I need to log my SW and just umm.... stare at Quinn for a bit but that might be weird....

Hmm... I can't bring myself to complete the last conversation with him, mostly because I know there's nothing else after it and I would be really sad about that.


Hey, anyone else remember that thread about Vette, her shock collar and abuse? Didn't that thing go on for over 60 pages? :D

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I love that Bioware put in a betrayal like this, it makes for very rewarding roleplay for me, and much more interesting than the standard romance options. It was a very ballsy move, and yes, it could have been done better, but my mind will do the rest. When I read a story, it doesn't always work the way I would wish it for me.


Beautifully said.


(Now if only my male Sith Warrior could romance him.... *sigh* )

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Wait... you CAN'T kill Quinn? I debated for a long time with my LS sith warrior whether to kill him or not because, LS or not, you can't have a traitor who tried to kill you hanging around your ship. Not with my wife-to-be on board, no way. I ended up keeping him because my SW was a goody-two-shoes but really, really couldn't wait until I re-rolled DS. Here's hoping they put it back in with a clear warning to all the ******* complainers.


Killing companions is just about the most impactful, awesome thing you can do in RPGs. Remember Mission and Big Z? Hands down, the best dark side moment in Star Wars.

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Wait... you CAN'T kill Quinn? I debated for a long time with my LS sith warrior whether to kill him or not because, LS or not, you can't have a traitor who tried to kill you hanging around your ship. Not with my wife-to-be on board, no way. I ended up keeping him because my SW was a goody-two-shoes but really, really couldn't wait until I re-rolled DS. Here's hoping they put it back in with a clear warning to all the ******* complainers.


Killing companions is just about the most impactful, awesome thing you can do in RPGs. Remember Mission and Big Z? Hands down, the best dark side moment in Star Wars.


Yeee-ah... you can't kill him... You can Force Choke him, he passes out and gets back up and there's a little speech moment but essentially Quinn is still alive. I suspect that even with the clear warning there are people who will still complain about it if they picked to kill a companion. It would have been nice to have that option, like many of us have said before but sometimes, just sometimes you have to pander to the lowest common denominator. That and I'm fairly certain that BW got tired of dealing with the CSR tickets from people begging to get their healer companion or other companion back.


Oh man.. getting Big Z to kill Mission... BEST SCENE EVAR! :D

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I wish they would put the option back, as long as we also have the option to keep him and continue the romance/story. Personally I would not kill Quinn because I actually don't think Quinn deserves death, but I like the idea of players able to develop their character's story in a way that suits their personalities and playing styles. Edited by Soteirian
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