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No rollback... say goodbye to a chunk of your player base BW


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I'm thinking about canceling right now... and I'm not even 50 or in Ilum.


This game was already pretty iffy for me with the bad ability lag and multitude of bugs. This patch was supposed to fix issues not make things 100x worse...



This is just really pathetic. Why pay for something that's not fun and this broken ?

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Regarding Valor gains, with the 1.1 update, players now receive a base reward of 20 Valor per unique enemy player defeated in a short time, and this base reward is modified by the number of objectives that the player’s faction owns. The gains are rate limited per player killed, encouraging players to attack unique players, not to pursue vendettas. The Valor gains players can see over time will vary greatly depending on the activity level in the zone. This is expected.


To dispel a couple of rumors that have been seen today – there is no Valor gain from destroying turrets within enemy bases, and none from killing NPCs.


We encourage players to avoid Ilum until our patch is deployed. As a temporary measure we will be disabling taxi services which would normally take players into the Open World PvP area. However, players will still be able to taxi out of the area.


We will continue to monitor Ilum across all servers and will make further changes to gameplay if required. We welcome your feedback here on the Forums, but please ensure your feedback is constructive and specific. Feedback based on rumor does not help us isolate potential issues.

Gabe Amatangelo

Principal Lead PvP, Flashpoints and Operations Design

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They are doing something about it though. And the ******s trolling the pvp thread complaining about massive valor gain off of turrets were full of it. You are complaining because of some huge valor gains which simply didn't happen.
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I cannot believe they aren't doing a rollback.


They just pissed away so many peoples hard work and effort for nothing. Ontop of that they have screwed an entire faction and prematurely inflated gear.


Unreal. Absolutely unreal.

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They are doing something about it though. And the ******s trolling the pvp thread complaining about massive valor gain off of turrets were full of it. You are complaining because of some huge valor gains which simply didn't happen.


Simply didn't happen? Yes they did happen. People gained up to a dozen ranks just today. How is that not huge? I'm sitting on my level 12 Sorc right now. People are still laughing about this.

Edited by pawestman
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They need to rollback people who farmed lowbies in Warzones first


Those calling for rollbacks have no idea what happened.


Players were killing players and getting the proper amount of valor for it.


I wish I could believe those of you claiming you unsubbed were not lying but I know most of you will still be here in a week complaing about something else.


Half the people calling for rollbacks leveled to 50 on super Warzone experience and then farmed lowbies to rank 60. The irony is pathetically sad

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They need to rollback people who farmed lowbies in Warzones first


Those calling for rollbacks have no idea what happened.


Players were killing players and getting the proper amount of valor for it.


I wish I could believe those of you claiming you unsubbed were not lying but I know most of you will still be here in a week complaing about something else.


Half the people calling for rollbacks leveled to 50 on super Warzone experience and then farmed lowbies to rank 60. The irony is pathetically sad


I'm sure you are ecstatic you get to keep your exploited valor.

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