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Update on Ilum Open World PvP issues


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On my server there was a tight community of level 50's. Both sides. We all know each other regardless of faction, and the WZ's have been fun for the last 2 weeks or so, familiar names, etc...Community was starting to form. Now one side will have an extreme advantage in a couple weeks time due to their new titles and we all know how much fun that is going to be...
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I'll believe it when I see the thread of 200k+ views and 230+ pages of Emperials who are mad that their exploited valor got rolled back.


Until then, I'll continue with my skeptical view that nothing of any real significance will be done, just like what happened with the credit exploiters, level 13 gold farmers (who still persist), etc.


As opposed to a 230 page thread where the majority of upset posters still don't have the facts straight and every page has people "cancelling" over things they read?

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What's rubbish, is that you refuse to accept that we had a decent fight just because you didn't.


Proof? Because I'm sure fight was decent to the slaying faction on other servers too, but not that much on others. And so what if you had a decent fight, you think this is somekind of troll attack?


And you know what, it looks like there was 1 server in the world that was having fair fight in Illum. Maybe this is an indicator of the games future?

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read the last quote of the devs post please. ty

where it says

"I just wanted to be clear and let you all know that we’re definitely aware of individuals who took extreme advantage of this situation and we will be carefully evaluating and taking action as necessary. "


I stand by the point that if that action is not to rollback then I have no interest in playing

I will resub if they implement a proper a fix

I also feel that if it can be done in the game then it is not the players fault for figuring it out and doing it but the fault of those that made it.

I am a Valor rank 50 republic(i grind as hard as I can but do not have as much time to play as many others). I do not enjoy being on the overpopulated side if repub was overpop I would re-roll to empire immediately that is just how I am(I do not expect people to do the same as it is a personal preference).

I will continue to watch the situation and the fix over the next few days and if the situation is handled in a intelligent manner I will resub until then I will not.

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They must do it, whether its difficult or long. They should have done further testing before releasing the patch then, it wasn't our fault to deal with this.... They need to handle it and rollback and believe me the majority are us. Edited by wolfforce
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I think the funniest part part is that the problem with the extreme amounts af farming has only been amplified after the patch.


Battlemaster Commendations - I opened four champ bags today and got another helmet and another pair of gloves, still no main hand to my frustration; especially because I am a sentinel. BUT in that same situation, if somebody farmed to 60 valro with this exploit, they would have gotten 2 BM commendations, which is enough for ANY PIECE OF ARMOR.


If you reach 60 legitimately you deserve to choose which piece you want, but now with the extreme farming; this was just icing on the cake.


50 bracket - the way it is now; people who are leveling legitimately can hope they get some useful gear insted of their 7th helmet from a champ bag. So that MAYBE they can put up a fight against the farmers, who now get to choose which gear they get, so they can get the gear they want/need faster and do more damage! Therefore you will only face 50's who now have ridiculous gear.


In the meantime, whatever side got farmed will now frequently lose due to the large gear gap. MAKING IT HARDER to level up our valor legitimately due to frequent losses against oppenents who will outgear us.

Edited by Toochbag
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Do a search for Rollback in this thread BW, if you care to address the item that is about to kill your game.


Devs broke it. Players just played it. Stop looking to sweep this under the carpet or find a scapegoat. Fix your mess.

Edited by Kailean
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Yep, I expect nothing less from you folks. By all means please do. Just like you "took action" against people who got to level 50 on day 1 of early access by joining warzones that ended prematurely. Oh wait... you didn't do **** about that either.


Congrats on all the new Battlemasters. Now that the Empire has 200:1 battlemasters compared to Republic, it is going to be even better for the game balance. Every day BioWare disappoints more and more..


Because no one got to level 50 on day 1 of early access but feel free to read something on the internet and fly wildly off handle.


Btw, even Republic that were spawn camped were getting good valor... of course you won't believe that because it doesn't indicate that you were the target of some massive atrocity.

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Honestly I have mixed feelings about the roll-back. I mean if some people want to exploit this then fine but I won't let it ruin the game for me. It may take me awhile still to get to 60 valor but I won't quit over it. It is just a game...not your life. If you can't put on your big girl panties then so be it.
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Amazing how you just ignored everything I wrote about random loading screens during gameplay whenever a player spawns near you (affecting the majority, acknowledged by BW), decreased FPS performance (affecting the majority, acknowledged by BW), increased ability stuttering, that proudly announced UI "fix" that made things worse and everything. I never even mentioned the valor "exploit" as I couldn't care less.


Can you please explain once more how "You do not destroy the work of a majority to reset a minority" when many bugs introduced with the 1.1 Patch are affecting the majority? Perhaps try reading other threads and stay updated on the issues for a change?


Read what i added in ETA. I am speaking as a developper perspective. A rollback involve much much more than taking back some piece of code. It involved DB cleanup, structure cleanup, assets clean up, game client repatching, and potentially they might not even be able to really rollback, but have to fall forward with a new patch reverting functionality (and no it is not the same things).


Even with a policy to have every change being tested for rollback you often encounter big issues.


the fact that their patches take SO LONG to play on their machine is also for me an hint that this ain't as simple structure as you would expect.


Without having a close look at their DB and structure I can#t really make anything BUT guesses, but as having worked with big DB used in real time in "big iron", there is one word I learned to dread , one word which can make developper and DB maintainer go shakes in a corner : that word is rollback.

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As opposed to a 230 page thread where the majority of upset posters still don't have the facts straight and every page has people "cancelling" over things they read?
What facts aren't straight?


Screenshots, youtube videos, and live streams aren't good enough from you? Testimonials from folks self-admitting that they did it and somewhat feel ashamed about it? The testimonials in hundreds, if not thousands of new threads posted yesterday (which were quickly deleted and locked) from folks who were literally stuck in a, "permanent" death loop at the spawn point inside the Republic base because of the overtly aggressive and intentional spawn camping?


Or do you not believe the dev post at the beginning of this thread acknowledging that Ilum's changes had "unintentional" side effects, bugs, and caused seriously inflated valor gains?


Alrighty then...

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I think the funniest part part is that the problem with the extreme amounts af farming has only been amplified after the patch.


Battlemaster Commendations - I opened four champ bags today and got another helmet and another pair of gloves, still no main hand to my frustration; especially because I am a sentinel. BUT in that same situation, if somebody farmed to 60 valro with this exploit, they would have gotten 2 BM commendations, which is enough for ANY PIECE OF ARMOR.


50 bracket - So that people who are leveling legitimately can hope they get some useful gear insted of their 7th helmet from a champ bag. So that MAYBE they can put up a fight against the farmers, who now get to choose which gear they get, so they can get the gear they want/need faster and do more damage! If you reach 60 legitimately you deserve to choose which piece you want, but now with the extreme farming; this was just icing on the cake.


In the meantime, whatever side got farmed will now frequently lose due to the large gear gap. MAKING IT HARDER to level up our valor legitimately due to frequent losses against oppenents who will outgear us.


This was my experience last night. We have always been Roflstomped by the Imps on my server. But last night was rediculous, Every Imp outgeared us to an extreme. We had no chance, we were spawncamped in every WZ I did last night (18 WZ's, 1 win(in Huttball)), that has never happened before. We could not even hurt them, in all of the WZ's but 2 we had 0 kills. It is really going to suck having to gear up getting farmed and 10-15 comms every game.

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Utter utter rubbish you are just protecting the valour you won unfairly, but he no worries the Dev's at BW are so thick nothing will happen till they start losing the subs then it will be to late!


And what for the people at accomplished something outside ilum pvp ? or people finally got the gear they grinded for the last 3 weeks... That would all be gone just because someone got 4 or 5 valor ranks. You cannot just rollback a server just because a few people used unintended game mechanics! its not a bug, its not an exploit, its UNINTENDED GAME MECHANICS. They cant do anything about it, and people like you just have to deal with it.

And stop talking about losing subs! How many times we have to say that we dont give a damn thing about it.


This game is just 1 month old! 1 MONTH! Give them time to figure some things out and solve the problems. Its not like any other MMO never made a mistake like this.

Edited by WayOfNubz
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I understand how a rollback functions as I've carried out several in the past. Tbh, I don't even think BW has the tools necessary to carry out one, lol. That says it all.


Either way, it doesn't change the fact the game is now broken for many of us way beyond valor "exploits" that I personally don't even care about. I can't even do a WZ no more without random loading screens popping up every now and then (according to BW and their known issues thread it occurs everytime someone spawns near you although I believe there's more to it than that). The entire patch is trash and utterly ridiculous.

Edited by darthtoph
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Read what i added in ETA. I am speaking as a developper perspective. A rollback involve much much more than taking back some piece of code. It involved DB cleanup, structure cleanup, assets clean up, game client repatching, and potentially they might not even be able to really rollback, but have to fall forward with a new patch reverting functionality (and no it is not the same things).


Even with a policy to have every change being tested for rollback you often encounter big issues.


the fact that their patches take SO LONG to play on their machine is also for me an hint that this ain't as simple structure as you would expect.


Without having a close look at their DB and structure I can#t really make anything BUT guesses, but as having worked with big DB used in real time in "big iron", there is one word I learned to dread , one word which can make developper and DB maintainer go shakes in a corner : that word is rollback.


If they do like other big mmo companies has done in the past, they will roll everyone suspected of it back to 0. This way it's much easier, no backtracking just put a 0 and done with it.

And yes it has been done before.

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If they do like other big mmo companies has done in the past, they will roll everyone suspected of it back to 0. This way it's much easier, no backtracking just put a 0 and done with it.

And yes it has been done before.


Yeah, at this point its, lose all your republic players, or lose only those 50 imps that exploited.


In my opinion the IMP side could use a little trimming for server balance...



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OK, I am confident that this issue will be dealt with shortly. I support punishment for the exploiters.


I notice that lately everything, which comes from the capitalistic world seems to fail. Mankind needs new social system, where people's satisfaction is key, not money, profit margins and budgets.


I am still having a bitter taste in my mouth, because SW:TOR is still unavailable for purchase in my small, but beautiful country Bulgaria. We need to risk our money (and we do not have a lot of it) buying from suspicious vendors on the web.


Anyways, please, punish the exploiters. Or follow the capitalistic rule: more money means more than less money.

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If they do like other big mmo companies has done in the past, they will roll everyone suspected of it back to 0. This way it's much easier, no backtracking just put a 0 and done with it.

And yes it has been done before.


Yes it has been done. heck I even have done it on MUDs. But if i recall correctly they have difficulty to do server transfer, such as they are not even able to transfer chars onto the player test shard. That hint to me that the structure they MIGHT have choosen for their local DB might not make such action so simple. But then again without being a dev there i can only speak from a dev gut feeling perspective. I'll wait and see to check what the dev/CM will do.

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This was my experience last night. We have always been Roflstomped by the Imps on my server. But last night was rediculous, Every Imp outgeared us to an extreme. We had no chance, we were spawncamped in every WZ I did last night (18 WZ's, 1 win(in Huttball)), that has never happened before. We could not even hurt them, in all of the WZ's but 2 we had 0 kills. It is really going to suck having to gear up getting farmed and 10-15 comms every game.


And the reason? Anybody who farmed could get their daily/weekly donefor Ilum after farming to 60. This results in BM 2 bags. Then, they can do WZ's; the daily/weekly will also give the bags. That's 4. The lucky ones can get 3-4 tokens. This allows them to choose what they want. With 3, they buy their weapon while I level my valor legitimately and get my 7th Helmet token. I still have no main hand token.


They got their valor to tier 3 and got to choose their weapon.


Seems legit. :rolleyes:

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Seriously people... They have adressed the issue, formed a solid response and explained how they are going to fix the issue.


NO MMO since week 1 of Ultima Online has done a rollback. Get over it, stop asking it will NEVER happen.


If everyone would leave Ilum and stop going then they cant farm valor. You dont get valor from killing turrets or NPC's. If the losing faction simply leaves Ilum then they cant spawn camp you.


All the same people that were spazzing out about the early release and not getting in the full 7 days early are the same people complaining about this. My statement about these people still holds true. If they were the ones in on day one they wouldn't care less who got in after them. This is the same case, if these people were on the winning side of the spawn camping they would have taken advantage all the same.


Instead of complaing, find bugs and submit them.

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