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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Update on Ilum Open World PvP issues


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Whats worse is the fact that the already overpowered ranged classes absolutely destroyed everyone because they stayed out of range from the turrets while the melee classes just had to stand there, doing nothing.


I spent the best part of 2 hours standing there, saying to everyone to move back and let them come out but if there's a system to abuse, peeps are gonna abuse it.


One guy on my ops group did his weekly 150 kills in 20 mins.

In 2 hours, i got 4 kills with my underpowered marauder.



I agree, SWTOR's pvp is just a joke for melee :mad:

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Only reason Ilum is lagging on low/high end computers is due to the fact that BW was extremely cheap in their decision of which Game engine to build the game on.


I still can't believe that a major company like BW, backed up with the fundings of EA went ahead and built their game on a FREE game engine...It's mind boggling. I know how the HeroEngine works, and let me tell you, it's filled with bugs and issues, but hey its free, right..


Me, you and random Joe can register on heroengine.com and get access to the same engine this game was built on. It's pathethic in so many ways and on so levels that it's just sad


HeroEngine was purchased for $100,000.

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tell me one good reason to do a rollback when you can just ban the people who exploited. its 2011, people should know that if you exploit in a multiplayer game you have to be ready to take the consequences.


Too much people participated. Entire guilds. At least on my server.

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legit battlemaster here


i love your game, i really do

but i have to unsubscribe if you do not rollback the servers till weekend


it would be sad for me to unsub to your game :( but what has to be done has to be done....


Solidarity for all legit BM

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When I was seduced to this game I was told that the developers handling the PvP implementation had been recruited from Warhammer Online ...


... this made me excited about playing this game, since in my mind Warhammer Online has one of the the best thought out open world PvP ideas that have ever been implemented:....


I too was excited at the prospect of good open world pvp or RVR. Warhammer had a disastrous launch, but a year later they really had it worked out. I am really surprised at how unsophisticated the pvp system in this game is considering the...what, $106 mil budget.

2 other things Nithril didn't mention I think they need to adopt from WAR are:


- AAO buff (increased Valor gains when outnumbered in a local area)


- Valor divided by the number of contributors (40 people getting full reward from slaughtering one guy as you do from a 1v1 duel is terrible)

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If we dont get an rollback on valor atleast please tell me how my experience in WZ gonna be good ?

becouse now will have many imperials well geared and none republic geared inside warezone.


Legit battlemaster here.

Edited by Dreifh
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tell me one good reason to do a rollback when you can just ban the people who exploited. its 2011, people should know that if you exploit in a multiplayer game you have to be ready to take the consequences.


The exploit came from not thinking things through properly. So if people take advantage of stuff when people in General are advertising it, then folks will exploit.


As a Republic healer I myself couldn't exploit it. I had to throw random grenades into the crowd and hope for the best rather than keep my ops group up as both were impossible due to the amount of lag.


I am however concerned about the number of 'community' members calling for a team to be fired when they're obviously listening to the community, trying to cater to all your little 'demands' and lets face it, they're not requests, they're childish ransom notes posted on a forum.


"Ohhhh do this or /cancel" - "You should be fired or /cancel"


Grow up... If WoW ruined one thing about MMO's it was creating this community of trolls who make developing friendships and social guilds online very difficult.


As a healer I've levelled through WZ's and I'm trying so so hard to get my champion gear and while you epeen babies go on about all this, we've been ignored when it comes to medals and being associated with the kills on Ilum in this new patch. You know what though? I don't really care... so I have to work a little harder to get teh dailies done; the community on my server is great, folks are happy to see me running round the fleet and I'm always happy to end up in a warzone with them because I know I'll be thanked and I know who won't run away from me when I heal them.


Grow up, enjoy the game... put your concerns down in a way that doesn't sound like a baby whose just lots his rattle and move on. This forum is full of whiney little posts about the same thing and its just ... well I'm glad I'm not on your server :)


Thanks for the great Warzones, in some of the whiney posts are are things that need to be addressed but I'm sure you're on the case :)

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The game isn't even worth resubbing to. 2001 graphics and awful PVP for $80? I'd rather piss it away in a bar with some friends.


Noticed you joined jan 2012, something tells me some people here are clearly trolls, and I would like to say it wouldn't be that hard for people who want to see SWTOR fail to jump on this rage bandwagon...

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Noticed you joined jan 2012, something tells me some people here are clearly trolls, and I would like to say it wouldn't be that hard for people who want to see SWTOR fail to jump on this rage bandwagon...


<---2008 and a huge fanboy. I don't want to see SWTOR fail. Alas, SWTOR fails big time.

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Here's something I posted in another thread, let's see some answers that don't make you out to be selfish and let's not exaggerate for 5 minutes.


People who 'legitimately' got their valour got it by playing warzones and for a large part, farming people up to 40 levels below them. Okay quite a few legitimate 50 vs 50 battlesi n there, but please for the love of god don't try and deny you didn't get it by smashing lowbies in seconds for a large part of it. Should Bioware remove all the valour you got by killing a none 50? Because that's not really legitimate, I'm not sure why you class your achievement as legitimate, I mean, fair is fair no? Surely now we've got the 50 bracket warzones everybody should be reset to 0 valour so that everyone can do it 'legitimately' and nobody can get it by farming lowbies?


People like me played a lot of warzones yesterday why should we lose our valour we gained legitimately in our 50s bracket because a few servers had problems, can't you see how selfish that is?


Lastly, it didn't even happen on all servers. This is important, read this again, it only happened on a few. So here is the question, why should the whole gameworld be affected because some servers had an issue? At least only look at the ones affected. Servers who had great decent fights like mine which had a 5 hour battle with the republic without entering their base shouldn't be affected because a few other servers didn't have enough Republic on at the time to keep the Empire at bay. A few servers had 5 to 10 Republic there which I find absurd to believe that you only have 10 people on your entire server wanting to get a quick champion bag by doing a daily, but if you did, that's a problem with your server. Please accept this isn't the case on all servers and a cross server punishment for something unique to yours is not a fair solution.

Edited by Zetara
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Seriously Dev's? You didn't expect this?


Some servers are imbalanced 5:1 in favor of the Empire.


At most I saw 10 Republic in Ilum at any given time today. Yet there were three full Ops raids of Imperials camping the Republic base.


Ilum's a great idea.




Until you address the server imbalance issue, world PVP is a bad joke.


The rumors of 200 valor per minute are greatly exaggerated however. While there were certainly bursts of valor, with that many people camping and that few Republic, I was only getting about 100 valor every 5 minutes.


Oh and Devs, I sat in Tatooine for 3 hours today and not a single Mercenary chest spawned. No other players entered the area as far as I could see in that time. Its still broken.

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Noticed you joined jan 2012, something tells me some people here are clearly trolls, and I would like to say it wouldn't be that hard for people who want to see SWTOR fail to jump on this rage bandwagon...


Oh and another person using forum join date argument which is so irrelevalnt that actually makes the person using it as an actual troll.

Dude the guy you quoted might have been playing longer than you but now he saw things are not going too good so he joined forums today to express his dissapointment.

Would say it's possible? No. You would rather call other trolls because they joined forums in January...


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TO BE HONEST they have no real fix for this because


1. Even if they limit the players on Ilum it will still be uneven


2. Even if they do a X amount of Republic and X amount of Imperials they will still come into our base and kill cannons and camp


3. Adding one shot cannons/a nuke to people who enter the opposite base they will just camp outside and wait for us to walk


GG Bioware.



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Here's something I posted in another thread, let's see some answers that don't make you out to be selfish and let's not exaggerate for 5 minutes.


People who 'legitimately' got their valour got it by playing warzones and for a large part, farming people up to 40 levels below them. Okay quite a few legitimate 50 vs 50 battlesi n there, but please for the love of god don't try and deny you didn't get it by smashing lowbies in seconds for a large part of it. Should Bioware remove all the valour you got by killing a none 50? Because that's not really legitimate, I'm not sure why you class your achievement as legitimate, I mean, fair is fair no? Surely now we've got the 50 bracket warzones everybody should be reset to 0 valour so that everyone can do it 'legitimately' and nobody can get it by farming lowbies?


People like me played a lot of warzones yesterday why should we lose our valour we gained legitimately in our 50s bracket because a few servers had problems, can't you see how selfish that is?


Lastly, it didn't even happen on all servers. This is important, read this again, it only happened on a few. So here is the question, why should the whole gameworld be affected because some servers had an issue? At least only look at the ones affected. Servers who had great decent fights like mine which had a 5 hour battle with the republic without entering their base shouldn't be affected because a few other servers didn't have enough Republic on at the time to keep the Empire at bay.


Nobody said that getting to 60 valor required any skill. It did however require a lot of time spent. And a lot of warzones played. It didn't even matter if you win or lose. However there's a huge difference in what is happening on Ilum. Pre 1.1 only going from rank 59 to 60 required 50-60 games. Post 1.1? Couple of hours, 1 button AoE or /afk macro in the middle of the zerg while you're watching TV or making dinner. Hmmm... i wonder which way was the legitimate and harder to get... Hmmm... Wait, don't answer that question... And yes, i know you're afraid to lose your "hard earned" 10 valor ranks from yesterday and that's why the zealous defense. Don't worry. Bioware will not rollback the valor. You may be a proud battlemaster now. Or even "elite warlord". Congratz.

Edited by Drakaris
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I highly recommend doing a server rollback. When i logged on today I was valor rank 66 which I grinded through warzones and it was a lot of hard work. I was probably in the top 5 on my server for valor rank. Today i refused to stay out in Ilum after i got my 30 kills as it was not fun and seemed overly easy to just grind valor. It feels like all the work I put in to get to 66 was just handed to people today. I heard rumors of people on some servers hitting valor rank 80. I lost interest in my main today and rerolled republic. Hope you guys can figure out a good solution to what happened today.
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Here's something I posted in another thread, let's see some answers that don't make you out to be selfish and let's not exaggerate for 5 minutes.


People who 'legitimately' got their valour got it by playing warzones and for a large part, farming people up to 40 levels below them. Okay quite a few legitimate 50 vs 50 battlesi n there, but please for the love of god don't try and deny you didn't get it by smashing lowbies in seconds for a large part of it. Should Bioware remove all the valour you got by killing a none 50? Because that's not really legitimate, I'm not sure why you class your achievement as legitimate, I mean, fair is fair no? Surely now we've got the 50 bracket warzones everybody should be reset to 0 valour so that everyone can do it 'legitimately' and nobody can get it by farming lowbies?


People like me played a lot of warzones yesterday why should we lose our valour we gained legitimately in our 50s bracket because a few servers had problems, can't you see how selfish that is?


Lastly, it didn't even happen on all servers. This is important, read this again, it only happened on a few. So here is the question, why should the whole gameworld be affected because some servers had an issue? At least only look at the ones affected. Servers who had great decent fights like mine which had a 5 hour battle with the republic without entering their base shouldn't be affected because a few other servers didn't have enough Republic on at the time to keep the Empire at bay. A few servers had 5 to 10 Republic there which I find absurd to believe that you only have 10 people on your entire server wanting to get a quick champion bag by doing a daily, but if you did, that's a problem with your server. Please accept this isn't the case on all servers and a cross server punishment for something unique to yours is not a fair solution.


And I am going to say what I said in the other thread.


The whole game wouldn't be affected! Everything you do in game is logged. They look at who used the Illum exploit to get the Valor and roll back. Is this seriously your first mmo?

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I didn't realize until today how many people are on these forums that I 100% disagree with...


This is a brilliant game, this isn't that big of a deal, really isn't, and since everyone feels the need to share "their" opinion... if you came to announce you need to unsub/cancel, or how this game needs a roll back...


Here is my opinion of you, Get over your self, NO ONE CARES! thank god I do not know any you, or will every meet you in real life...


Now I am going to log back into this awesome game and enjoy my subscription...


Bioware do us all a favor and DELETE this thread, these people are losers... fail at life, fail at being customers... everyday in Africa there are children starving to death from a lack of clean water...


Congratulations you manage to make an exploit in a video game sound like a Holocaust with your crying and whining!


Wake Up Spoiled Zombie Children, sad thing most of you are legally adults...


This thread has almost 200k views in less than 24 hours. BioWare is taking down the game today for an emergency fix. I'd say that warrants this thread some credence as being a significant issue.

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