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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Update on Ilum Open World PvP issues


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No Rollback means unsbubing for many. Stopping doing PvP alltogether for even more.


We encourage players to avoid Ilum until our patch is deployed. As a temporary measure we will be disabling taxi services which would normally take players into the Open World PvP area. However, players will still be able to taxi out of the area.


The damage is done, the reaction way to late and way to little.

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I really do not understand folks who are calling unsubscribing an overreaction.

Is it really that unheard of to not pay for a service that has severely disappointed me? Suing, now that would be an overreaction, but not giving them any more money?


If you were in a restaurant, ordered some food and a group of people would keep stealing the meals from the waiter, thus keeping you hungry and the restaurant's management would do nothin about it.

Would you

a, say it is not the restaurant's fault, pay your bill and leave hungry

b, simply leave?


Those who do not realise why this is such a problem need to consider the ramifications of this valor farming:

1, Unbalanced PvP content, every new 50 will go through hell and those having the gear will not even have the skill to back the gear up, so the warzone will be filled with battlemaster who don't even know how to complete objectives.

2, Unbalanced PvE content, this equip is more than enough to allow people to farm places that were previously too hard, thus hastening the process of acquiring the best PvE gear as well. A new 50 will never get into any PvE group, since they will be severely undergeared.

3, The "achievement" of gaining 60 valor has been destroyed.


There are more to be found, but this wall of text is too much as it is.


Btw, Imperial Sorc lvl 50 here, I did my daily on Illum yesterday, valor rose from lvl 43 to 45+ during the 20-30 minutes I spent there and we were not even farming the Republic spawn, simply killing Republicans while having all the points captured. Each kill equaled to 20 + 180 valor.

I left after that.



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It seems like most are angry that world pvp offers more valor than the queue. If you want to earn more valor, quit queueing all the time, finish your class quest and come to ilum. You think huttball doesn't have people exploiting? Not to mention the voidstar imbalance in favor of the republic.


World pvp should get more valor imo.

So, you think it's ok in a MMO to get to cap in a certain important timesink (ranked gear, mind you) in 2 hours?

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Can we continuously spam this dammed quote so that the people who are /ragequitting can stop overreacting?


I'm right there with you people and agree that if there's no action or rollback done against the players who abused the exploit I will unsub, but unlike many of you, I still have faith in Bioware's capacity to be a good developer and take action.


I will unsub if action isn't taken, but I'll wait and see. I have faith. You should as well.


Well, maybe you are special and while you wait your game time isn't running out. If they want me to be patient and wait, they should stop charging me for the time they are making me wait. They also need to tell me exactly what they are going to do or are doing to fix the issue, not a "we are looking into it" post 9h later asking me to be patient.


I want to know exactly how they are addressing this problem and also how they are going to compensate everyone for this time we have been asking for a solution and they laughed at us saying "avoid Ilum, tho it's working as intended. Just avoid it because... we did everything right but you shouldn't be there".


We lost faith in BW when they LIED to us many times. When they rushed the release to meet EA demands. When they delayed a patch due to issues with the Ilum PvP and still released it with this game-breaking exploit (even they recognize it was an exploit). When they screwed up big time every week. What else do you need?

Trust is something you must earn, something valuable and fragile. They didn't earn it, we still trusted them and they crushed that trust many times already. The time for patience and nice words is over. It's time for them to do their work or give us our money back.

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You think huttball doesn't have people exploiting? Not to mention the voidstar imbalance in favor of the republic.


What Voidstar imbalance? Void is probably the most even PvP map.


Huttball is a mirrored map so I dont really know what you're talking about on Huttball either.


Civil War faces all turrets toward Republic when starting so Sith cap and get instant points whereas Rep has to wait for the turret to turn to get points. That is an imbalance.


The reason we're mad is because the larger faction gets better gear and a ridiculous rate of valor farming. Thus breaking WZ's as a result.

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Canceling account on the 24th if you don't roll back the titles exploited today. FFS this is even posted under the "exploits" section on ownedcore.com ...


Good, Go... Glad to see someone who goes to sites like that unsubbing. Saved the bother of an eventual ban.

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"The time for patience and nice words is over."


Agreed. I managed to unsub just in time to not get charged on the 19th:).


Bioware made all Empire players look like exploiters.


I've been called one all night.


I was playing the games broken content.


A company that brands me an exploiter...or anyone else who were killing people in a PvP zone over and over on a system they knew would be broken because of faction imbalance won't get my money.


From my guild numbers I'm sure a lot of serious PvP'rs feel the same.


I play Empire by the way.

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Dear BioWare,


First of all. Thank you for creating this incredible game for us to enjoy!


If im not mistaken this is your first MMO ever and I must say that you have done well so far, but this patch unfortunately was a big mistake. But everyone makes mistakes sometimes. Only thing that matters is how you fix it.


Well here is my few points why people want rollback on valor.


One of the main reasons is that many players got literally stuck in ilum because they couln't get out of there, since once they press the release button, you would be instantly hit with many AoE attacks and die again. So these poor players have lost hours of play time from the abuse of the othersides players that by all means should have thought that this isn't the way its supposed to work since they can't even leave the zone. Well ofcourse this is the "gimme" generation that dosen't really care as long as they get something out of it, in this case loads of valor to get the battlemaster rank.


And lets face it, most of those people who abused other players were on Empire side. The inbalance beetween these two factions is already really bad and this would only give the abusing empire players more advantage against the republic players.


And the other main reason is the players who have actually worked hard for their battlemaster rank. I got the battlemaster rank about a week ago before this patch and I spent 2.5 weeks average of 12-16h a day just doing warzones to get battlemaster rank and now some people have gotten battlemaster rank within a day (For forum trolls, yes im currently jobless nolife so dont bother pointing that out.) Even if people have had only half of the valor needed for battlemaster rank in one day is unfair. I think you know this and I hope you will do something about it. It was a good idea for encouraging world PvP, but it backfired. So in my book there is only 2 options, take away the valor gain from people who abused the system or give some sort of compensation to the old battlemasters and from these options the first one is more suitable.


And before anyone starts saying that stop the QQ, imagine you in the same position, you have worked on something really hard and next thing you know, some new guy shows up and gets the same thing you worked hard with minimal effort. Yeah, you would be frustrated as well.



So BioWare, I hope you will find the best solution for this matter and keep up the good work. Remember everybody makes mistakes , thats why computers have the "delete" button :)



With best regards, Zrakkie.

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Bioware made all Empire players look like exploiters.


I've been called one all night.


I was playing the games broken content.


A company that brands me an exploiter...or anyone else who were killing people in a PvP zone over and over on a system they knew would be broken because of faction imbalance won't get my money.


From my guild numbers I'm sure a lot of serious PvP'rs feel the same.


I play Empire by the way.


Really, company that brands you exploiter for exploiting wont get your money. Oh well, bb.

Edited by GrandMike
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What about the valor gains? You going to leave those in? Now all of these people who had the day off, exploiting the spawn camp since the servers went up, gaining multiple valor levels, if not tens of multiple will be rewarded for their efforts while the rest of us suffer.


I'm glad efforts are being made in a hurry but a rush job is what got us here in the first place. This is a fruitless change that did nothing but reward exploiters, just like the initial early access wave. A roll back was the only fix I could possibly see, be it valor only or even server.


How is being spawn camped Biowares fault? You kept reviving, and they kept kill you. That is 100% the players fault. Everyone knew there would be faction imbalance on Ilum when this happened. Yet you still went there. Once again, this is 100% Players fault, and valor exploit was a mere rumor. Not to mention republic weren't being Spawn camped on all servers. On my Server we were outnumbered 2:1 yet we pushed the Imperials around.

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I will tell you why they won't roll back. 60+% of the player are PVE player. I would wager a bet that they might be able to roll back per server basis, and that is not even ab guaranty, but more likely they are not able to roll back only *some* player among the whole, but would need to roll back every single of them. Therefore rather than making angry the majority of player, they will probably run on their database and logs scripts to catch whoever gained valor too quickly, and send either warning or temporair ban for exploitation. That certainly how I would handle it if I know it was a minority of player which exploited. Just my two cent as developper.
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Bioware made all Empire players look like exploiters.


I've been called one all night.


I was playing the games broken content.


A company that brands me an exploiter...or anyone else who were killing people in a PvP zone over and over on a system they knew would be broken because of faction imbalance won't get my money.


From my guild numbers I'm sure a lot of serious PvP'rs feel the same.


I play Empire by the way.


Just out of curiosity, don't take that as an attack, it certainly not is, neither do I know what you did last night, nor I pretend to.


But were you among the bazillon people AOEing the med center or jumping on republic in their base ? If yes, then you might consider that this was very obviously not an intended feature of the game, and calling you exploiter if you camped those place might not be too far off, especially considering if you got ungodly amount of valor gain.


Not saying that it is what you did, just that you might consider why it was told.

That said, if you were not there, it was a fully unwarranted accusation to do.

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So I hit 50 last night, my first*. I had to head to Ilium to grab my 'Darth' title (silly Sorc bug). I had no real interest in jumping into a spawn gank fest but it seems from the dev response that *this* was a mistake on my part and I should have done just that so I could get my rank up alongside everyone else.


That's what I'm meant to take from this right?


*so yeah a rollback would really really piss me off.

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Hey here's some constructive feedback.


I could have fixed Ilum Open World PvP for you two weeks ago by implementing the same "fixes" your employees are preparing to implement after this *disaster* and I would've done it for free.


Pay me half of whatever Mr. Amatangelo makes and I'll fix the rest of what's wrong with PvP in this game. No, actually, pay me a third of what he makes and then I'll do it. Who says I can't be reasonable.



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How is being spawn camped Biowares fault? You kept reviving, and they kept kill you. That is 100% the players fault. Everyone knew there would be faction imbalance on Ilum when this happened. Yet you still went there. Once again, this is 100% Players fault, and valor exploit was a mere rumor. Not to mention republic weren't being Spawn camped on all servers. On my Server we were outnumbered 2:1 yet we pushed the Imperials around.


You miss an important point : once you get there , even unware of the situation shortly after the shard were reopnned, then you will be STUCK. You cannot revive and go away , as all method of travel take at least 6 seconds to kick in without fight, even quick travel.

There are enough video on youtube showing this.


So your choice s as a player were : 1) die and wait patientely all imperials go away or 2) log in an alt.


Neither are valid choice , sorry. This was clearly an exploitation and the camping player fault , although I only tgive them 50% of fault, the other 50% I give Bioware. Those zone , med center, should have been no-go (phased out) or insta death for imps.

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Just out of curiosity, don't take that as an attack, it certainly not is, neither do I know what you did last night, nor I pretend to.


But were you among the bazillon people AOEing the med center or jumping on republic in their base ? If yes, then you might consider that this was very obviously not an intended feature of the game, and calling you exploiter if you camped those place might not be too far off, especially considering if you got ungodly amount of valor gain.


Not saying that it is what you did, just that you might consider why it was told.

That said, if you were not there, it was a fully unwarranted accusation to do.


Nope I worked as a game tester before.


I went to the zone saw how broke it was and left. Being a game tester for three years I can see broken content, not that it takes being a game tester to see how bad today was going to be.


That still doesn't make the fact my guild members didn't any better. It certainly doesn't make calling them exploiters for being in a PvP zone and killing members of the other faction a smart move by Bioware either.

Edited by mrjoemama
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if i think right then exploiting is that thing happened at respads. Ilum wasnt ment to be reskilling grounds.

I got it right, did 30 kills at open area (outside of turrets zone) and left to play warzones.. all that 'valor is omagat here' was shocking me and i didnt think that sheat was right.

i enjoy warzones and dont enjoy stupid slideshow farming for unfairly gained valor.

now im looking for bw announcement of rollback implemented and that 'yay they caught me' responses :D

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Good to see they are stopping people entering bases. Dont see how reducing the ilum cap is going to make much of a difference. Even with 50 people on screen its a giant lagfest. They will need to reduce the requirement for the daily quest aswell. For those that dont have much on the opposing faction and even for those that are completey outnumbered, good luck getting(or looking for) 30 kills ( when 50% of the kills dont even register in the game for the quest).
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