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  1. Well this is sadly the gimme generation, it is easier to cry out for nerfs rather than learning how to beat certain classes, even tho this is not a solo game where your supposed to beat someone in 1v1. I for one have found the PvP in Swtor very balanced in the end. It is also sad that about 5-7% of the whole swtor community is reading PvP forums, other 93-95% are enjoying the game.
  2. Erm... the vendors are still found in faction capitals , but the gear will cost wz commendations if i remember correctly (But to my understanding, they are purchasable before reaching lvl50 so you can buy them in advance.)
  3. Dear BioWare, First of all. Thank you for creating this incredible game for us to enjoy! If im not mistaken this is your first MMO ever and I must say that you have done well so far, but this patch unfortunately was a big mistake. But everyone makes mistakes sometimes. Only thing that matters is how you fix it. Well here is my few points why people want rollback on valor. One of the main reasons is that many players got literally stuck in ilum because they couln't get out of there, since once they press the release button, you would be instantly hit with many AoE attacks and die again. So these poor players have lost hours of play time from the abuse of the othersides players that by all means should have thought that this isn't the way its supposed to work since they can't even leave the zone. Well ofcourse this is the "gimme" generation that dosen't really care as long as they get something out of it, in this case loads of valor to get the battlemaster rank. And lets face it, most of those people who abused other players were on Empire side. The inbalance beetween these two factions is already really bad and this would only give the abusing empire players more advantage against the republic players. And the other main reason is the players who have actually worked hard for their battlemaster rank. I got the battlemaster rank about a week ago before this patch and I spent 2.5 weeks average of 12-16h a day just doing warzones to get battlemaster rank and now some people have gotten battlemaster rank within a day (For forum trolls, yes im currently jobless nolife so dont bother pointing that out.) Even if people have had only half of the valor needed for battlemaster rank in one day is unfair. I think you know this and I hope you will do something about it. It was a good idea for encouraging world PvP, but it backfired. So in my book there is only 2 options, take away the valor gain from people who abused the system or give some sort of compensation to the old battlemasters and from these options the first one is more suitable. And before anyone starts saying that stop the QQ, imagine you in the same position, you have worked on something really hard and next thing you know, some new guy shows up and gets the same thing you worked hard with minimal effort. Yeah, you would be frustrated as well. So BioWare, I hope you will find the best solution for this matter and keep up the good work. Remember everybody makes mistakes , thats why computers have the "delete" button With best regards, Zrakkie.
  4. There is actually blue lvl50 pvp gear that you can buy from the capital cities. All tho not many people know about it.
  5. Yeah as I pointed out, huttball favors ranged classes more than melee.
  6. Hello there, im currently on rank 56 and soon hiting 57 in valor and I thought I would point out a few things about PvP. First of all, Champion Bags: Ok, these little bags have been a huge topic lately, mainly becouse of bad luck with RNG. Well as I said im soon rank 57 and I currently have 7 pieces of champion gear and 3 centurion pieces, so in otherwords atleast my gear progress has been working nicely according to titles. I admit that it's frustrating to see lower ranking people with better gear than you, which would be easily fixed by setting rank req for the centurion and champion gear (like the titles, rank 40 for centurion gear and rank 50 for champion.) Also I know its frustrating to get the same piece again that you already have (mainly relics, bracers, belt, implants.) but if you manage to get same, lets say helmet and you have enought commendations to buy centurion chest, well the solution is simple, buy the chest and take out the mods of the helmet and put them on the chest piece, but as said that only works with the actual set pieces. If you keep at it you will eventually have your full PvP gear whether it is champion or centurion gear, the stat change beetween those two isn't that big with champion mods. Expertise: I dont really understand why people complain about this stat. Granted that people with full PvP gear does alot better in PvP than those who dont have it, but that is the reward the hardworking PvP'ers get. Now that the new wz bracket for 50's is coming up, new 50's will have hard time in wz becouse of us "old" 50's who have been gearing up quite sometime now. Since you wanted to enjoy low lvl PvP without 50's well thats the price your going to pay, so when you get to lvl50 that lvl number ain't going to help you anymore in PvP. So why not remove the stat? For simple reasons, there are people who enjoy PvP, but dont care so much about PvE and there are people that enjoy PvE and dont care for PvP that much. So in otherwords, PvP gear is rewarded for those who want to PvP even tho they will be in unfair situation against the old PvP'ers, but those old PvP'ers have also worked for their gear like maniacs, it haven't been given to them on a silverplate. Same as the PvE gear is rewarded for those who work for it in PvE. So you have 3 options, either do PvP or PvE or do them both, nothing forbids you to do both, actually you get more of the game if you do both. Balance of PvP: So I have PvP'ed a while now and I have countered many players with diffirent gear and skill lvl but I will now focus only to those skilled and geared player that I have met. DPS classes: In my honest opinion, every dps class has its charms and weaknesses. I have never done a 1vs1 battle against a player whatever their class has been if they just have skills and full PvP gear without the other surviving with about 5-10% hp left. That is really balanced in my book. Sure stealthers have high burst, but they are squishy as tomatoes if you get them while they are not in stealth. Force users and other ranged are favored in huttball with all the lvl's of platforms and they deal alot of damage if left alone in any warzone. DPS clases are ment to do alot of damage to kill people, thats a fact and warzones are not solo games, if a stealther gets you while your alone, well thats your fault, they kill you easily, thats their strongpoint, if your in a group when they attack, they are toast unless your team is not that supportive. Same as ranged deals alot of damage if you just let them nuke in peace. Healers: Well here is a funny spec people play with. Some say that they are OP and some say they need buffs, but I only agree to one thing, give them more medals for healing. As for healers in general, as a dps I can't kill a healer without using damage cd's, stun and interrupt, it's impossible to kill a good geared and skilled healer without them and sometimes even that is not enought, just the way it should be. Killable but not easy, ofc 2 geared dps wont have trouble to bring them down if they get to nuke in peace. As here comes the point again that this is not a solo game, healers are the ones that keep people alive, not kill them, so if you get nuked down as a healer its becouse no one is protecting you or your team just got anhinlated by the other team. You are not supposed to be immortal alone, you are supposed to be immortal with your team's support. Tanks: All I hear about tanks is that "I can't kill them" and "I am a tank, but I cant kill anything alone". Well that's the point ain't it? You have high protection against damage that allows you to take massive amount of pounding before you die, but in exchange you do hardly any damage. So in 1vs1 you will loose 95% of the time to a DPS class with any sort of heal. Tanks are ment to play the main part at the warzone objectives as a ball carrier or a protector of an door/cannon post with that damage taking ability to interrupt the enemy team from capturing the point before reinforcements arrive. Warzones in General: As for me, I like the warzones, even tho it's huttball about 90% of the time. Alderan depends even more on your team and Voidstar is just awesome, but I must admit that they should remove the DoT's from braking the capture/bomb planting cast. Premades: So you get a premade against you and you get owned? Well make your own, if you dont have many PvP friends, now is the time to make them since PvP is currently only filled with people from the same server. there is bound to be people you can group up with. Conclusion: In the end PvP is balanced, but the balance is found only among those who have the PvP gear. 1-49lvl's will have their own bracket free of 50's, but they will be back again to whine about the old 50's kicking their a** once they reach lvl50. This will propably change when the geared people start to do rated wz's but getting many rated wz groups might take sometime. PvP is a teamplay game, not a solo game. Gearing might need to take some looking at. Those who PvE, do PvE unless you want to get good PvP gear with the same hard work as you put into your PvE gear same as PvP'ers need to work for their PvE gear if they want to do it. Some people just have more time to play than others, we need to live with it even tho it might seem unfair advantage. Good teamwork wins in PvP and the bad loses. People will always find something to whine about, so I dont even know why I even bothered to write this post. And now my lovely forum trolls. Flame away!
  7. I'm currently lvl39 and what I noticed was that leveling slows down quite abit after you reach 32-35.
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