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Update on Ilum Open World PvP issues


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They're ignoring faction imbalance because BIOWARE PLAYS EMPIRE.


They stated that 'Republic players were farming Empire players'.


Which is a flat out LIE. Never have I been lied to by a dev especially in a statement like this.


The ought to ban people who make statements like this.


They did NOT state that, they stated: "We’re aware that on some servers, either Republic or Empire groups have been capturing the Ilum control points, entering the enemy’s base and ‘camping’ the medcenters"


Either OR. Just because it didn't happen on your servers doesn't mean it didn't happen at all.

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If Ilum was designed to kill players inside the opposite faction base, why are there farmable turrets AT the spawn point?


You get our money, at least PRETEND to be honest to us here.




Correct. Why place turrets if is impossible for opforce to go there?


That's right gabe just told a miss truth.

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you gonna let them keep all the valor? omg... this is just...



Apparently BW doesn't think that is an issue.



Their solution is probably just pay them more more by subscribing more months, and work up to catch up to those people :rolleyes::rolleyes:



Quality customer service. Even in a giant mistake, BW still is arrogantly denying the obvious.

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GG everyone was fun while it lasted!! Bioware clearly is side lining the issues at hand population imbalance. WAS A FUN RIDE WHILE IT LASTED. CONGRATULATIONS ON RANK 60+ everyone!!


Gabe Amatangelo - Killed SWTOR 1/18/2012


correction tons of players farming valor killed SWTOR on 01/18/2012.


don't blame bioware for the miss use of a faulty system! in fact now its official there is a bug and all the players still farming as of now are in risk of losing there account so yea gogo imps guess we see you with a new account soon.

rules of conduct clearly state that you can't use exploits or faulty system mech..

man i really wish bioware is gonna use a big ban-hammer. we don't need players that willingly use exploit the game anyways.

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Not an acceptable response, BW.


Petition to include valor gains rollback from today:




Edit: It got to 3 pages, and moderators stepped in and locked the thread.


*stick fingers in ears* LA LA LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU LA LA LA LA LA


What a complete and utter disaster. My thread addressed the fact that, as per this official response, the ability to grind out Battlemaster status in a single day by camping the spawn point inside the bases is due to a bug, because enemies are supposed to be instantly killed there. Well, according to the terms of service, players found to be in violation of the terms of service and user agreement by deliberately abusing bugs can and will have their accounts penalized, including up to closing of their accounts.


Well, in your own words, where is the punishment? Where is the rollback of the bug-exploited valor gains?

Edited by Nangasaur
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Hello everyone; I wanted to update you on the issues we’ve been seeing today on the live servers, specifically within the Open World PvP area on Ilum. We’re aware that on some servers, either Republic or Empire groups have been capturing the Ilum control points, entering the enemy’s base and ‘camping’ the medcenters, preventing the opposite faction from leaving their base to recapture control points. This is not a fair or balanced gameplay experience and can also severely affect client performance, so we’re taking steps to address this.


Our intended design for Ilum Open World PvP is that players are instantly killed when entering the enemy’s base safe area, just like in Warzones, and that the defending faction can take taxis to other points within the zone. As of Game Update 1.1, this is not working as intended. We have found the issue preventing this from happening under server load and will be publishing an Emergency Patch to address the issue. We’re aiming to have this patch published early tomorrow morning (January 19th, 5 AM US CST).


In addition to these changes, we’ll be reducing the population cap on Ilum. This should help increase performance by requiring your client to render fewer characters on-screen at once.


Regarding Valor gains, with the 1.1 update, players now receive a base reward of 20 Valor per unique enemy player defeated in a short time, and this base reward is modified by the number of objectives that the player’s faction owns. The gains are rate limited per player killed, encouraging players to attack unique players, not to pursue vendettas. The Valor gains players can see over time will vary greatly depending on the activity level in the zone. This is expected.


To dispel a couple of rumors that have been seen today – there is no Valor gain from destroying turrets within enemy bases, and none from killing NPCs.


We encourage players to avoid Ilum until our patch is deployed. As a temporary measure we will be disabling taxi services which would normally take players into the Open World PvP area. However, players will still be able to taxi out of the area.


We will continue to monitor Ilum across all servers and will make further changes to gameplay if required. We welcome your feedback here on the Forums, but please ensure your feedback is constructive and specific. Feedback based on rumor does not help us isolate potential issues.


Since the pages are moving at too quick a pace. Now the Ilum pop cap can limit players from finishing a daily to get Champion/Battlemaster Bags, which is a main source of our PvP gear is from doing these dailys.


I think the Lead PvP designer needs to be fired. Seriously, they ignore the feedback on the PTR, release this Live, and then fall back on some horse manure answer about intended design.


Please get real, and get us a real PvP designer or watch us PvPers leave in masses.


Only 59days until my subscription is up.

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I doubt they can log info on valor. Where, when, how it was earned.


What I realy want to see happening is warzones geared more towards having FUN. Thats why I play the game. Farming the Republic base or Ilum as it is now (or even as it was intended to be) just isn't that much fun anyway.


I was having way more fun in warzones before I knew about the daily quest. Valor just earned itself, of course theres always going to be people who grind for it and thats fine too if you choose to.


I did pvp warzones while leveling my char to 50. I Like winning but I just wanted to have a good game, regardless of who won, as long as I felt I did a good job and came top 3 in damage (as an assassin) I was happy. Now it's all about getting 3/3 wins so I can open a champion bag and hopefully get gear. Same with Ilum, all I've been going there for is the daily so I can get another champion bag. Its a goal, but its not fun - more like a chore.


I'd like to see medals implemented better, and rewards based on them. Earning them just happens naturaly, and in warzones you wouldn't be punished for being put in a group with not so good players. Plus it would stop me quitting the warzone when I enter one and get put on the losing side half way through a match.


For warzones something like:

PVP [Daily] - Earn 20 medals in warzones.


For Ilum they'd just have to think up more Ilum specific medals. Defend a point, attack a point, damage, healing etc..

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I'm not someone to say I walked uphill both way in snow so you must do it too, but seriously what's the point of leaving Ilum in its current state? Why not just let everyone start at Valor 60? I mean I assume there's supposed to be a reason why we don't all start as Battlemasters.
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This ends PvP for me. Even though I am imperial I worked all day and couldn't take part in the easy valor. Now every Huttball I do will be vs. 8 players all in Battlemaster gear. No thanks.


Now I have to sit and consider whether to even resubscribe before I get charged tomorrow. Thanks, Bioware, for killing off my interest.

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In addition to these changes, we’ll be reducing the population cap on Ilum. This should help increase performance by requiring your client to render fewer characters on-screen at once.


Please say this is temporary right?


You cannot see this as a solution, can you?

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They're ignoring faction imbalance because BIOWARE PLAYS EMPIRE.


They stated that 'Republic players were farming Empire players'.


Which is a flat out LIE. Never have I been lied to by a dev especially in a statement like this.


Rumors don't help you, there are servers where Republic outnumber Empire I'm sure you'd get the opposite response.


How much you wanna bet a majority of you guys complaining are on servers where Empire dominates republic and you're republic.


If you were on the Empire side beating people you outnumber on Republic you wouldn't be posting this as an issue.



And they already said they are limiting the numbers in Illum, probably per side which would even sides out a little more. Or did everyone just ignore that part of it because they want to complain some more?


Also BEFORE they can consider a rollback, they need to fix the system they created for Illum first, making it "not farmable" is the first step.

Edited by SithtobeJedi
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