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Hotbar destroyed for me, now game unplayable


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After a month of playing, Have you not developed a rotation for your moves yet?


There is no class that has a solidified rotation. Procs, varying CD's, etc


Tanks especially, I know this cause I am one. Juggs are hard off as it is, being that we have the lowest threat of all tanks. Now we stand there not doing anything while spamming an ability that appears to be off CD, but you can't tell unless you mouse-over for the tooltip, meanwhile someone is bashing your healer and you couldn't see it because you had to move your line-of-sight to your cast bar instead of letting peripheral vision do the work for you.


Bad design.

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After a month of playing, Have you not developed a rotation for your moves yet?


Yes I have and that rotation includes situational use of abilities that may or may not be on cooldown which until yesterday I could judge with a glimpse of an eye while currently I need to glance at my hotbars.

Edited by vandana_
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I thought you all super elite PvPers were the same people that hotkey everything and rag on clickers for even LOOKING at the hotbar.


What are you doing even looking? I thought you guys were 100% laser focused on the screen and being all zen like aware of your surroundings?

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I thought you all super elite PvPers were the same people that hotkey everything and rag on clickers for even LOOKING at the hotbar.


What are you doing even looking? I thought you guys were 100% laser focused on the screen and being all zen like aware of your surroundings?


What are you trying to achieve here? 3rd place

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I cringe whenever I see the phrase. I picture unbathed, black sweat stained t-shirt, sweat shorts, and barbque pork rinds everywhere.


Of course you do, you have to bring everyone down just below your level... so, i guess you have cheetos by you..

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As with the many others, this new actionbar change is really unbearably awful, there's just no other way to put it. While I have seen replies of people who say it's not that bad, that's fair, it certainly is subjective, UI changes almost always are as everyone has different preferences, but I see no reason to not offer the old version as an option then, to allow people to choose between the two.


Bioware has stated they understand people wish to customize their UI and here's an opportunity to give us that option. If it's not feasible in the immediate future, my #1 request would be that things on cooldown are still greyed out, as many have stated, having a 2-3min CD ability with sub 20sec left on it and having it lit up with the CD line barely visible is really misleading / confusing, especially in competitive play where you really need to judge these things at a glance.


I really hope this can be responded to / handled soon, it's not a complete showstopper, but it is pretty damaging to my enjoyment (and many others' enjoyment) of the game, especially in PvP.

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2 place at most useless post yet!


LOL, yes, I have macro's for my rail gun specc'd Bounty Hunter.. That relies on rail shot proccing on chance based on other attacks random success rate....


Next month, Bioware might introduce the macros for a DLC upgrade and you can even play automagically while away.. .just check your mobile phone for how you did every night

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"The cooldown indicator on hotbars no longer causes all ability icons to appear grayed out (unusable). Now, when an ability is on cooldown, it will not be grayed out if its activation conditions (like resource costs or range) are met."


I never post on the forums, but that is what is asked of us if we would like to give feedback. Other's here have made mostly the same valid points that I came to myself when I say this new implementation in game really negatively influences my game experience.


I play a Sentinel, and like almost any class, have abilities that have 8-12 sec CDs, not to mention 1 or more min CDs. On the longer CD abilities, it is EXTREMELY difficult to tell if they are off CD or not. The bar is so tiny at the bottom, you need to be staring at it, trying to see, or placing your mouse over it to use. This basically turns me into a clicker, as mousing over is likely the best way to actually tell how long my CD has left.


Maybe for some classes it is not that bad. But consider this, the cover that slides down for abilities is Blue. Most of my abilities as a Sentinel, have blue backgrounds and/or are blue themselves. This Color of the screen alone adds to the difficulty is seeing how long my Cooldowns have.


This presents problems everywhere in my gameplay. In pvp, having 10 or less seconds left on Rebuke, you cannot see the bar, this gets has you clicking your hotkey during a tough pvp fight and getting you nowhere.


In PVE, I'm trying to Zealous strike, with 1-2 seconds left on CD, I cant see that thing in the bottom, because again, its blue, and its so small. Why is that an issue? On fights where every seconds matters due to enrages, you are trying to maximize your dps. Clicking abilities 1-2 seconds before they come off CD because you are trying to ensure you are maximizing dps, is a huge dps loss, and it hurts everyone in your group/raid.


People have posted some really great suggestions on how to fix this in this thread. The ones I most agree with are:


-Change it back.

-Make this an optional change in our preferences.


I hope this thread gets some attention and more people post on it if they feel the same way to that the developers take a serious look at it. This forces one to stare at hotkeys as opposed to glancing for greyed out abilities, which could result in hurting people's situational awareness, dps, and overall enjoyment in maximizing your classes dps/playability.


Thank for you reading and considering a change for this, I for one feel strongly about it.

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It's a game. If it's super important for you to be l33t at it go outside once in a while.


Lol this post emphasizes why no rewards should be given to losers, ever... What a concept.. to be a failure from start

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You people seem to have a MASSIVE problem telling the difference between a useless post and a post that does not support your position.


What is your view on the new cooldown visuals then? Cause in your post I could only see a sarcastic response to some very valid points raised here.

Edited by vandana_
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If you're a good player and pvping you shouldnt even be looking at your cds....


but then again i can tell by your post you most likely aren't


Yes, because my kick is part of my rotation, and I always use it in every fight.


This isn't a complaint levied at not being a good PvP'er. It's a complaint levied at hampered tools.


I don't understand what the issue with the previous way was. It didn't show you if you had the resources to use the skill, this much is true, but it did show you when you could use it. And from what I've inferred from part of the community, and the patch notes... this is what it was changed for.


Now, your argument that baited out the 'baddies' as you would so eloquently put it I believe, is kind of without merit. You would assume that all situational abilities either don't exist, or that all good players that have an infallible clock in their head that tells them exactly when it's been two minutes since they pressed '5', or 'E', or their third mouse button.


Beyond that, it's kind of common sense. It's much easier to see a button when it's all one tone, rather than trying to follow a line in the last few crucial seconds you might be wanting to spam it. And I'm looking at you, 'Kick'. And that holds true for any part of the game, PvE to PvP.


Is the game playable? Yep. Was it easier to manage cooldowns for those of us who do occasionally prove we are but mere mortals and look at our bars every once in while (gasp! Maybe even click with our mouses!) before this change? Definitely.


TL;DR - Do you really need to prove you are better than someone by making a one to two sentence insult to a forum post?

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What is your view on the new cooldown visuals then? Cause in your post I could only see a sarcastic response to some very valid points raised here.




The new change is nothing more than that. It is a change, and a graphical change. It is also a minor change.


It is also completely irrelevant to those that did not live and breathe by it. It does not make you competitive and elite, and frankly I am sick and tired of the double standard that if a non-elite finds something hard, then it becomes "lern2play" or "you would know that if you weren't a baddie", or some equivalent crap... but when an elitist is having a hard time, its immediately the developer's fault because an elitist could never possibly be responsible for his own self.


They changed something. Adapt already.

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it's stuff like this change that make me wonder, do the devs even play the game? i mean surely they would have tried this out before even considering it for test server. this is awful.




Indeed. That also makes me wonder what are the test servers for.

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I was about to make a thread about this. and rage.


God, it's horrible. I'm usually not really a whiner, maybe I just have to get used to it. But my abilities really just seem to be off cooldown. I just keep pressing skills and "on cooldown". Without me realizing it's on cooldown, it's just me thinking the game is being in-responsive so I keep trying. But nope.


Please revert this bioware.. Or add an option to enable/disable it.

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