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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Hotbar destroyed for me, now game unplayable


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I kind of like it. My main class (Juggernaut) has a lot of abilities that are resource dependent and it was hard to tell if they were available to fire before the GDC was up. I admit the grey standard cooldown is a little hard to read on some of the longer cooldowns but overall I think it's an improvement. I can queue Rage dependent abilities during the GCD because I know they are available to fire.
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Why was coding time wasted on making this change?


Change it back please.


Whoever is making these decisions needs to be fired.


I kind of like it. My main class (Juggernaut) has a lot of abilities that are resource dependent and it was hard to tell if they were available to fire before the GDC was up. I admit the grey standard cooldown is a little hard to read on some of the longer cooldowns but overall I think it's an improvement. I can queue Rage dependent abilities during the GCD because I know they are available to fire.


Make it an option for people like this.

Edited by BeeblesTV
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I kind of like it. My main class (Juggernaut) has a lot of abilities that are resource dependent and it was hard to tell if they were available to fire before the GDC was up. I admit the grey standard cooldown is a little hard to read on some of the longer cooldowns but overall I think it's an improvement. I can queue Rage dependent abilities during the GCD because I know they are available to fire.


Please elaborate... Just how does a colored icon, depicting not usable, make it better for you? I wish to understand and elaborate everyones needs to the dev's and how to help you/me.. But in all regards, this makes little sense to me.... Anything that is colored should be usuable.

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I kind of like it. My main class (Juggernaut) has a lot of abilities that are resource dependent and it was hard to tell if they were available to fire before the GDC was up. I admit the grey standard cooldown is a little hard to read on some of the longer cooldowns but overall I think it's an improvement. I can queue Rage dependent abilities during the GCD because I know they are available to fire.


I can think of several ways to handle your problem with GCD other than breaking UI like that (counter, colour tint, flashing etc.). Anyway they should have at least make it optional.

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Yeah, seriosuly its bad. I got home from work.. I got into a PvP match.. it took me only 5 seconds of play to notice the big mistake of a change, and I hit alt-f4 faster than Bruce Jenner in the 70's.. I have not booted since, and will not ever again if not fixed.. Unfortunately I have now went out and bought Choplifter HD, hopefully it will get me past a week of time when they anounce this is fixed...


lol. you need to learn how to compromise and learn a new way. logging out .5 secondsa fter getting in pvp..think before you do something.

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Thanks for ruining the game for me.... Hotbar is bass ackwards in design.. Shows in full color while in cooldown, instead of "greyed out" with a stupid line moving in it before its ready.... As a warrior who has been trained to see color, this game is now unplayable. In PvP, constantly we monitor the hotbar for color so I know its ready, only to cast nothing because it is not.... Do the people changing this **** even play games?


I have now logged off and simply can't return until fixed back to normal or the way it was... Its a game breaker and one that can't be trained around.


Its a 100% game breaker for me.. Hopefully, I can cancel my subscription in time because I simply can't play at all like this.. Not trying to whine like a nine year old.. I am simply stating the fact, that this is so incredibly bad and mentally unplayable.. I simply am forced to quit...


Is this a bug? Please tell me its a bug


Completely agree!!!!! this was a horrible design change they made. and WHYYYY! why would they do this.

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Hah, yeah. I don't know how they managed to destroy the UI even more, but they did it. It's really irritating while pvping, I hope they either revert the change or switch it to something else (I would personally prefer a countdown timer on the buttons, like OmniCC).
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Please elaborate... Just how does a colored icon, depicting not usable, make it better for you? I wish to understand and elaborate everyones needs to the dev's and how to help you/me.. But in all regards, this makes little sense to me.... Anything that is colored should be usuable.


Because before all abilities were grey during the GCD and I had to either wait until the GCD finished to see if I could fire an ability that cost Rage or count how much Rage I had on my resource bar. Now if I have the Rage all the abilities that are available are illuminated even during the GCD so I know if I can queue them next. If I don't have the Rage they are darkened. It's an improvement for a class that has to build resource to spend it.


I don't have to wait for the GCD to end to see what ability I can use next.

Edited by MorgonKara
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lol. you need to learn how to compromise and learn a new way. logging out .5 secondsa fter getting in pvp..think before you do something.


Starting your sentence with 'lol' indicates something...


And I see you don't pvp or understand the OP, so why post? It's a big problem when you think you have an ability ready, but in reality it's not. This is REALLY annoying in pve, when 1 minute + CDs are "up", but there's still like 5-10 seconds on it.


Whoops, I died.

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Read the extended patch notes, will you?


And he is not saying he is better than you. He is saying that 4 second tapping of a key when ability is still on cooldown is a waste of precious seconds for competitive players.


If you are not competitive this issue may not be affecting you. For me - it's a gamebreaker


lol what you guys realy mean competitive?! i play just fine and pvp just fine. sure i want this fixed off course, but its not the end of the world, nor this is game breaker.

I just killed 2 world bosses in a an operation group of 20 ppl in HOth and quesh and it wasnt gamebreaker for me, and amazingly no one in chat show concern about this. It is an issue yes but certainly it isnt gamebreaker. maybe ppl just need to adapt to games a litle instead of the games adapting to the gamer... just for a change. Im just saying.

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The way i see it is, this patch was mostly a test, this patch just put down the foundation and they will adjust and fix bugs as needed, for example, expect to see some kind of change to address the valor farming that has been going on, it is completely unacceptable and everyone knows it, whether people like it or not something will be done about it, even if it means rolling it back.
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It is not that hard to see, sure i would like the change back, but to say the game is 100% unplayable because of it.. now ur just being a laydown larry..



not being able to properly see cooldowns is a huge issue , this will be a game breaker for many

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Anyone else lol everytime they see someone refer to themselves as a "competitive gamer"?


I cringe whenever I see the phrase. I picture unbathed, black sweat stained t-shirt, sweat shorts, and barbque pork rinds everywhere.

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It's not a bug. It's an intended (STUPIDLY) design change. It's in the patch notes.


Also: It's unplayable for competitive gamers, like myself and the OP.

Anyone who thinks this is not a big deal is not someone who maximizes their gameplay. Simple as that.


instead, its someone who plays to have fun.

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