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Bioware, are you TRYING to completely alienate the PvP community?


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TL;DR -> Bioware, fix your **** game before you lose every PvPer you have


Bioware, what are you doing? You need to fix the stupid bugs in this game BEFORE you add in more stuff that BREAKS the game.


This 1.1 update is a joke. You have ruined this game from a PvP standpoint. As the developer, you should have access to faction balance numbers. The fact you went ahead with this anyways says you do not give a damn about your player base. Fix this now. I am an imperial player, and this is not PvP. Its a non-stop gank fest.


Fix the stupid Warzone bugs. When I get a queue, I shouldnt be kicked to character selection. When I win a warzone, I should get credit for the win on my weekly/daily. These should be top priority PvP bugs that need fixing. Instead, you implement the dumbest PvP system the world has ever seen.


This random load screen thing needs to go as well. Test your **** before you patch it into the game for real.


The new skill transparency on the toolbar is also dumb. Skills with long cooldowns appear to be ready for use with < 10s left. Missing one global because youre trying to activate a skill that isnt even ready yet can get you killed in PvP. Give us the option to use the greyed out skill boxes, or this new dumber version. Options are good. Taking things away randomly and replacing them with crap is bad.


Fix the animation disparity. That should be a HUGE priority, as the Imperials have massive advantages all over the place. This is not excusable.


Bioware, youre clearly ignoring your player base and implementing whatever you feel like doing. Keep this up, and this game will crash and burn faster than you realize. Casual players are incredibly fickle, and simple changes can alienate them from the game. Seeing as thats the vast majority of your player base, good luck keeping up with this line of "content".

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As a disappointed pvp'er I'll be looking towards the horizon, to the game with quotes like:


...where our goal is to create the best MMO PvP experience

we wanted to organize the PvP formats more clearly and simply

we wanted to create the highest-quality PvP possible

Our goal is to allow new players to try PvP with our hot join servers while making sure that the most elite PvPers will be able to find a challenge

At the end of the day, XXX is a social MMO, and structured PvP is as much a part of that as anything else.

We want you to stop preparing to have fun and start having it!


Might be creating high hopes, but reading their ideas they sure respect their pvp base far more than this game ever will.

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As a disappointed pvp'er I'll be looking towards the horizon, to the game with quotes like:









Might be creating high hopes, but reading their ideas they sure respect their pvp base far more than this game ever will.


problem is, those are all things that im sure the bioware devs have said too. if there is one thing ive noticed as a recurring theme across all MMOs, its that developers do not learn from the mistakes others have made in the industry

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Your opinion does not represent mine and guess what.. Im part of the PvP community.


TL:DR - You sir are an idiot, despite the huge explosion of QQ the patch today fixed the GLARING problems in the pvp game that people have been complaining about since launch.


bad troll is bad

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TL;DR -> Bioware, fix your **** game before you lose every PvPer you have


Bioware, what are you doing? You need to fix the stupid bugs in this game BEFORE you add in more stuff that BREAKS the game.


This 1.1 update is a joke. You have ruined this game from a PvP standpoint. As the developer, you should have access to faction balance numbers. The fact you went ahead with this anyways says you do not give a damn about your player base. Fix this now. I am an imperial player, and this is not PvP. Its a non-stop gank fest.


Fix the stupid Warzone bugs. When I get a queue, I shouldnt be kicked to character selection. When I win a warzone, I should get credit for the win on my weekly/daily. These should be top priority PvP bugs that need fixing. Instead, you implement the dumbest PvP system the world has ever seen.


This random load screen thing needs to go as well. Test your **** before you patch it into the game for real.


The new skill transparency on the toolbar is also dumb. Skills with long cooldowns appear to be ready for use with < 10s left. Missing one global because youre trying to activate a skill that isnt even ready yet can get you killed in PvP. Give us the option to use the greyed out skill boxes, or this new dumber version. Options are good. Taking things away randomly and replacing them with crap is bad.


Fix the animation disparity. That should be a HUGE priority, as the Imperials have massive advantages all over the place. This is not excusable.


Bioware, youre clearly ignoring your player base and implementing whatever you feel like doing. Keep this up, and this game will crash and burn faster than you realize. Casual players are incredibly fickle, and simple changes can alienate them from the game. Seeing as thats the vast majority of your player base, good luck keeping up with this line of "content".


I support everything you have said here, and MMO developers need to listen to your last few sentences!!!

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Your opinion does not represent mine and guess what.. Im part of the PvP community.


TL:DR - You sir are an idiot, despite the huge explosion of QQ the patch today fixed the GLARING problems in the pvp game that people have been complaining about since launch.


bad troll is bad


I take a wild guess that you are imp... :rolleyes:

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Wow BW...even the Imp's are starting to get worried! This is BAAADDDDDD....


No one likes non existant PvP.


I play mainly Imp as well... I want good hard PvP... not what is going on now.


On the up side... my low level alts have been getting some attention. Outside of the damn load screen popping up all the time, I'm having fun. ;) lol

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TL;DR -> Bioware, fix your **** game before you lose every PvPer you have


Bioware, what are you doing? You need to fix the stupid bugs in this game BEFORE you add in more stuff that BREAKS the game.


This 1.1 update is a joke. You have ruined this game from a PvP standpoint. As the developer, you should have access to faction balance numbers. The fact you went ahead with this anyways says you do not give a damn about your player base. Fix this now. I am an imperial player, and this is not PvP. Its a non-stop gank fest.


Fix the stupid Warzone bugs. When I get a queue, I shouldnt be kicked to character selection. When I win a warzone, I should get credit for the win on my weekly/daily. These should be top priority PvP bugs that need fixing. Instead, you implement the dumbest PvP system the world has ever seen.


This random load screen thing needs to go as well. Test your **** before you patch it into the game for real.


The new skill transparency on the toolbar is also dumb. Skills with long cooldowns appear to be ready for use with < 10s left. Missing one global because youre trying to activate a skill that isnt even ready yet can get you killed in PvP. Give us the option to use the greyed out skill boxes, or this new dumber version. Options are good. Taking things away randomly and replacing them with crap is bad.


Fix the animation disparity. That should be a HUGE priority, as the Imperials have massive advantages all over the place. This is not excusable.


Bioware, youre clearly ignoring your player base and implementing whatever you feel like doing. Keep this up, and this game will crash and burn faster than you realize. Casual players are incredibly fickle, and simple changes can alienate them from the game. Seeing as thats the vast majority of your player base, good luck keeping up with this line of "content".



This makes no sense, You my annoying lil' drama starter need to realize that this game is not only occupied by non-stop PvPers, because there are PvE people, RP People, etc aswell, PvP People aren't superior by any means just because you get to hit another player.


This is a fairly ridicolous excuse, Strangely enough I haven't encountered any of the issues you just listed and I'm an Imperial Player aswell, along with a PvPer, stop complaining and enjoy the damn game and be patient, the game is still in early development, oh and casual players aren't incredible fickle, I know a fair deal of casual players and they aren't fickle.

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TL;DR -> Bioware, fix your **** game before you lose every PvPer you have


Bioware, what are you doing? You need to fix the stupid bugs in this game BEFORE you add in more stuff that BREAKS the game.

Very True


The fact you went ahead with this anyways says you do not give a damn about your player base. I think the fact that they are making changes show they care


Fix the stupid Warzone bugs. When I get a queue, I shouldnt be kicked to character selection.

Please fix this




The new skill transparency on the toolbar is also dumb. Skills with long cooldowns appear to be ready for use with < 10s left. Missing one global because youre trying to activate a skill that isnt even ready yet can get you killed in PvP. Give us the option to use the greyed out skill boxes, or this new dumber version. Options are good. Taking things away randomly and replacing them with crap is bad.

Annoying change please let us have a choice


Casual players are incredibly fickle, and simple changes can alienate them from the game.

I think Casual players are not the fickle ones as they have less invested in a GAME and could care less as long as they can have some fun in their short time



Wrote my thaughts on the post in green. I agree with lots of it, but I don't like the whole claim that casuals are fickle and that they will lose their PvP player base for this, they will lose the PvP player base to GW2 most likely lol

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I take a wild guess that you are imp... :rolleyes:


You would have guessed wrong. Dont head to a casino anytime soon kay?


I play republic on Vornskyr


In any case my point is that the patch today was mostly good and just needs some minor tweaking. It was not the end of the pvp game, the whole thing isnt crashing down around our heads. More population in open world pvp zones was what EVERYONE was crying for when they hit 50. Zerging is always part of open world pvp and there are only a few minor fixes that can make the current patch supah awesome.


Simply put, I'm tired of the QQ today and the doomsayers and end of world criers... seriously, if you dont like the game, dont sub and leave the rest of us alone eh?

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Quote that a guildy found on the forums: Biowares Official PVP Statement



We have an entire team dedicated to adding content and features to player vs. player. We have some of the most experienced PvP developers in the world on this team. So far very few people have seen, or know much about the stunning Open World PVP on Ilum; when you get to the high levels prepare to be blown away! In addition to that high level PVP content, expect new Warzones and new PvP features on a regular basis.



they obviously have no idea what pvp means to us PVP'ers

Edited by Desrin
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then when gw2 comes out they will all have a massive qq fest there and threaten to quit etc, saying classes are op, crying for nerfs and buffs, and ************ that there are absolutly zero pvp rewards.


Of course as long as forums are around it will happen. Having all gear scale on level, no real healer or tanks makes it easier to balance, but there will always be one class who dominates another and so forth starts the cycle of QQ.


I just say people willgo to GW2 cause if they are in it for PvP that game is made for them. I plan to go unless the PvP here keeps my attention because I like the gameplay of the classes and can see huge potential.


But I am a realist and know the majority of players are PvE in this game and I'd expect BW to cater towards the larger pool of players as well.


"We have some of the most experienced PvP developers in the world on this team"


Does anyone think a company will openly say we have the least experienced PvP Designers in the world? No.


Regardless I like this game its fun

Edited by GreenReafer
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The patch is bad enough.



What is really disappointing is the the lack of action to correct it, nor the acknowledgement that they made some errors.


I don't have a reason to defend them, but thats a dumb statement its been 1 day. Who says something is wrong? They can't fix Faction Balance and gie it time X-server pvp is bound to happen.


Forums are the worst place for them to look for issues. If it were a good place people will open even more QQ threads till they say F it, lets give them what they want and bam when you enter pvp everyone is naked with 1 attack button to use (balance)

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I agree that they desperately need to start refining the PvP system. However, you people need to realize that the game has barely been out a month. While it's not an excuse for broken features, there is still much room for improvement and I'm confident that they are working on it.


If you have that big of a problem with it, simply end your subscription for now and keep your eye on things. Once they look like they have improved to your standards, then return. Otherwise, simply stick it out and hope for hasty fixes and implementations.


In my opinion, the things that should be the biggest priority:


  • Animation Clipping - We need the animations to end before the cast time/GCD or we need them to stop the moment another skill is activated. Flawless, fluid execution is a must if you want your PvP to be taken seriously.
  • I love having a tight community that knows each other every time we enter a warzone, but if it's to the point that people can't get into warzones for hours at a time, cross-server warzones MUST be implemented.
  • Macros. We need at least some form of the ability to write our own macros. Even if they are only incredibly simple ones. When it's to the point that I have more skills (and I need to use them all) than I can physically keybind, there is a problem.
  • We need a way to track progress during a warzone. The ability to see who is doing well and who isn't adds an new depth.
  • Daily quests should register as completed when they are actually completed.


To me, the above are the most pressing issues for the PvP devs to handle. Although, there are obviously more problems that need attention as well, but these in my opinion, are the most important.

Edited by Mulletmullet
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You would have guessed wrong. Dont head to a casino anytime soon kay?


I play republic on Vornskyr


In any case my point is that the patch today was mostly good and just needs some minor tweaking. It was not the end of the pvp game, the whole thing isnt crashing down around our heads. More population in open world pvp zones was what EVERYONE was crying for when they hit 50. Zerging is always part of open world pvp and there are only a few minor fixes that can make the current patch supah awesome.


Simply put, I'm tired of the QQ today and the doomsayers and end of world criers... seriously, if you dont like the game, dont sub and leave the rest of us alone eh?


Hello i am an PvP republic player on Tomb of something something. The Biggest server in EU.


Me and my guild is from all over the place, but a lot of it's core is Warhammer players where we played Order so we are used to being zerged to death every day and we loved it.

Today we gathered some 20 or so guildmates together to try and break the siege of ilium 1 hour latter we had to give up because there where to many of them camping the spawn point. I don't mind getting zerged, but right now there is no pvp because the IMP's can farm them self to Valour rank 60 from 0 with in 4 hours.

They are rewarding the zerg and punishing the underdog and there is not enough of us at the moment to fight.


YOUR server is not the same as every one and if you look around it seems 9 out of 10 servers have a 5-1 imp advantage on a good day.

Bioware screwed up so don't defend them from being incompetent because if this is not fixed you will start to have server mergers and then the imps will come to you.

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