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Who's going to cancel if BW don't roll back Valor to pre 1.1?


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Easiest way to solve it is check the server logs of who went to Ilum that day, check how much valor they earned and what from, if they were exploiting the Valor issue, banhammer.



They would have to ban a lot of people. There are masses of Empire farming that mess right now.

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I just canceled, cuz i have 0 free days left. This patch was just last nail to coffin. With terrible performance (8-15 fps in WZs with everything lowest possible/off and 3GHz quadcore+gtx460), terrible ability delay (again mostly in pvp) and rly fail client/server sync its too much (and i know what im speaking about, lvl50 battlemaster). BW has time till D3 release.


This is the truth of it, quitting because of the valor thing is a bit silly, but many now are facing the decision to resub and the game for many is just not worth a fee.


The terrible UI is my biggest issue, but the lag, sync problems and the sheer repetitive nature of pvp has already worn thin with many.


Even pve replay value is a lot less than many thought as once you ignore redoing all the generic dullfest quests, the storylines run really fast and you can level really quickly with those, dailies and space missions.


Worse pvp than Warhammer is saying something, but SWTOR is utter fail in the pvp department at the moment and apart from that or farm repetitive instances there is little to do at 50.

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I already canceled. If they take decisive action I'll consider signing back on. But whatever the outcome, my confidence in this development team has taken a gargantuan hit today. I've gone from very enthusiastic about this game to extremely doubtful overnight.
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Canceling my subscription now; will consider resubscribing if there is a rollback.


I've been PVPing since level 10. I'm now level 46 and close to valor rank 50. Now I am getting outdone by people in just a few hours. Ridiculous.

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is this an actual serious post? you are telling bioware that you (the vast minority) will cancel if valor isn't rolled back, because another minority got valor at an accelerated pace?


people who farmed turrets (which isn't even really an exploit) spent maybe 3 hours farming what they needed to farm, everything after that is just them working towards a title faster. people who have sat here, farming valor legit for the last 8 hours are going to see every single last point gone simply because the VAST minority decided to get it done a little faster?


I can guarantee you a hell of a lot more people will quit if 8 hours is taken away from them rather than if some people that they don't know were able to get valor faster than them...


I feel I should add that I did not farm any turrets.

Edited by Danyphantom
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One thing is certain though, rollbacks are need or i'm done, all the exploiting imps will have rank 60 battlemaster gear, and reps already lose most warzones, we wont even have a chance if all the imps are geared to the teeth in full battlemaster sets :(


Why single out imps? No one told you to roll republic. If you only have 1 toon, you should definitely be in full champion by now, if not partial/full battlemaster. Cripes the game has been live for over a month. From the sound of it, you're on an unbalanced server, maybe it's time to roll on a different one.


And no, turrets do not give valor.

Edited by Mojohand
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is this an actual serious post? you are telling bioware that you (the vast minority) will cancel if valor isn't rolled back, because another minority got valor at an accelerated pace?


people who farmed turrets (which isn't even really an exploit) spent maybe 3 hours farming what they needed to farm, everything after that is just them working towards a title faster. people who have sat here, farming valor legit for the last 8 hours are going to see every single last point gone simply because the VAST minority decided to get it done a little faster?


I can guarantee you a hell of a lot more people will quit if 8 hours is taken away from them rather than if some people that they don't know were able to get valor faster than them...


I feel I should add that I did not farm any turrets.



They have to rollback, there is simply no other option available to them.


If they leave it as is there will be no republic side by next week which means all you Imps will be pretty bored on Ilum by yourselves.



Its easy to see that they have to rollback, just ask yourself this one question.


Would you play as a Republic player right now? The answer is obviously no, you can try to say you would enjoy pressing revive every 5-10 seconds but it is a lie.

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