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Anyone rank 100 yet?


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Rumors of ridiculous Valor have been greatly exaggerated.


RUMOR: Destroying turrets gives insane valor!!!


FACT: It does not. And even if it did, spawncamping the Republic in their base means that the Republic doesn't even get a chance to flip their turrets back so that the Empire can blow them up again.



RUMOR: Imps are getting 8K Valor a minute by farming Repubs!


FACT: It's about 150 per kill. It's EXTREMELY difficult to tag Repubs right now, because you're competing with about 100 other people for the tag. If you don't get a hit on them, you don't get credit. I was averaging about 5 kills a minute when I was there this morning - that's about 600 per minute, which frankly isn't far off from what you get in warzones. A successful warzone is about half a valor rank at rank 30.


Long story short, I switched to warzones because standing in a 10FPS zone camping isn't really my idea of fun. I'm sure it sucks for Republic players, and it looks like we're all farming Valor at an insane rate, but we're really not. I figure I can either get 1 valor rank an hour doing warzones, or do the same thing as part of a laggy zergfest. I got about half a valor rank doing an hour of Illum on a heavy pop server this morning...not worth it.


Farming a player spawn point is called griefing. It's been bannable in other mmo's. Intentionally not allowing a player to leave a pvp zone is called griefing.


Many people are not aware that warzone queuing is required to safely exit in the case of camped respawn points.


Thus making participation in spawn point camping in such a manner intentional griefing. Now I frankly don't care. However, the pretense that this is somehow acceptable behavior out of players is odd.


Do what you want. Its just a game, but don't pretend what you are doing is not exploiting a mechanic so you can spam 9 right click aoe and just repeat for instant XP is not griefing players and exploiting.


I don't care, but if bioware bans/suspends participants don't come here and qq whine.

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Yes, 9000 valor every 15 mins is VERY similar to the 1k per 15 mins you get from warzones. I'm actually surprised you are capable of speaking the English language given the display of your intelligence.


It's nowhere near 9000 valor every 15 minutes. If it were, I'd have gotten a couple valor ranks in the hour I was on Illum at the Republic base. The truth is it was a lot closer to 2K, which means my kill tag estimate was lower than I remembered. Troll elsewhere.

Edited by raelimar
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Farming a player spawn point is called griefing. It's been bannable in other mmo's. Intentionally not allowing a player to leave a pvp zone is called griefing.


Many people are not aware that warzone queuing is required to safely exit in the case of camped respawn points.


Thus making participation in spawn point camping in such a manner intentional griefing. Now I frankly don't care. However, the pretense that this is somehow acceptable behavior out of players is odd.


Do what you want. Its just a game, but don't pretend what you are doing is not exploiting a mechanic so you can spam 9 right click aoe and just repeat for instant XP is not griefing players and exploiting.


I don't care, but if bioware bans/suspends participants don't come here and qq whine.


I don't know a single MMO that's banned a player for spawncamping. It's part of the game mechanics - if you lose horribly, that's the end result. I've been on the giving and receiving end many times, it's just the nature of PvP. I've never once heard it considered an exploit. Hell, I've never even heard of anyone reporting someone for corpse-camping. I imagine the GM would laugh and wonder why you rolled on a PvP server.


Now, is this a poorly thought-through mechanic (due to the bonus valor) that makes things miserable for the Republic? Yeah. But banning people? Yeah, no, not gonna happen. They'll probably put in guards/insta-kill turrets in the bases next patch...that's it. This kind of thing happened ALL THE TIME in Warhammer Online.

Edited by raelimar
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I don't care, but if bioware bans/suspends participants don't come here and qq whine.


Lol, if they banned all the empire doing this right now the republic would end up having more 50s than them on servers with 3-1 ratios overall.

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So valor gains are exagerated? Havent seen a single pic of 71+, pre patch the highest rank on swiftsure the most populated server was 70 unlocking the war hero tag, if i see anyone but him above 70 im going to rage.


Further note i see people complaining that people will get bm quickly thus having the best gear forget that getting the gear is still a daily grind that will take even longer than the old system, im just glad i was able to pull 7/9 battle master gear before this patch hit

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So valor gains are exagerated? Havent seen a single pic of 71+, pre patch the highest rank on swiftsure the most populated server was 70 unlocking the war hero tag, if i see anyone but him above 70 im going to rage.


Further note i see people complaining that people will get bm quickly thus having the best gear forget that getting the gear is still a daily grind that will take even longer than the old system, im just glad i was able to pull 7/9 battle master gear before this patch hit


Exactly this. People will not get BM in a day, or an hour, or in 5.03 seconds whichever the going rate happens to be depending on which Republic is at that moment trolling a particular thread, what they will get is the ability to open the BattleMaster bags that they don't actually have, faster but will then have to go out and get the bags anyway.


Plus the claims are ridiculously exaggerated by the Republic who have an issue with the amount of Empire players and as such exaggerate everything PVP. The issue is that there are more Empire than Republic which on some servers is leading to them getting outnumbered in their own base. If the numbers were even, the Republic would do the same back to the Empire, or have an even fight. So think of a way to fix the numbers issue or physically lock the Empire out of the Republic spawn zone like the barriers that prevent you from going into another classes mission area. That's all.

Edited by Zetara
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just dont be disappointed when you find out that all these claims of 2k valor/min are utter bulls*it ...



The rates have probably dropped off a little after word spread Republic side that the Illum flight entry points were being zeroed by the Imperials and the players likely to lag out upon entry to the instanced zone before killed for valour.

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No, you weren't. I was on Ilum this morning on Helm of Graush camping the republic spawn. You might have gotten as high as 8k per HOUR, but even that is a ridiculously high number of tagged kills.


Yes, I was. See that image I had in my last post? I was getting that x2 every time our group killed theirs, which was about every 2 and 1/2 minutes. I was out there for about 25 minutes max, and I went from 5k into valor61 to 24.7k into valor61.

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Yes, I was. See that image I had in my last post? I was getting that x2 every time our group killed theirs, which was about every 2 and 1/2 minutes. I was out there for about 25 minutes max, and I went from 5k into valor61 to 24.7k into valor61.


Actually, both camps may be right. The people getting huge valor probably had lots of Republic to farm at the time. As Republic players manage to slowly escape, give up, or get warned about Ilum the numbers to farm are dropping. So perhaps it was very high before and now has dropped.

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Yes, I was. See that image I had in my last post? I was getting that x2 every time our group killed theirs, which was about every 2 and 1/2 minutes. I was out there for about 25 minutes max, and I went from 5k into valor61 to 24.7k into valor61.


Sorry, but that's bull ****. I had the same screen which conveniently doesn't have time stamps nor does it show anything but a small portion of time.

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Rumors of ridiculous Valor have been greatly exaggerated.


RUMOR: Destroying turrets gives insane valor!!!


FACT: It does not. And even if it did, spawncamping the Republic in their base means that the Republic doesn't even get a chance to flip their turrets back so that the Empire can blow them up again.



RUMOR: Imps are getting 8K Valor a minute by farming Repubs!


FACT: It's about 150 per kill. It's EXTREMELY difficult to tag Repubs right now, because you're competing with about 100 other people for the tag. If you don't get a hit on them, you don't get credit. I was averaging about 5 kills a minute when I was there this morning - that's about 600 per minute, which frankly isn't far off from what you get in warzones. A successful warzone is about half a valor rank at rank 30.


Long story short, I switched to warzones because standing in a 10FPS zone camping isn't really my idea of fun. I'm sure it sucks for Republic players, and it looks like we're all farming Valor at an insane rate, but we're really not. I figure I can either get 1 valor rank an hour doing warzones, or do the same thing as part of a laggy zergfest. I got about half a valor rank doing an hour of Illum on a heavy pop server this morning...not worth it.



Even if it was measly 600 valor a minute... Which is the WZ that gives 600 valor per minute? I mean even with a premade full of 50s facerolling low levels I don't know which one allows that... Not counting the time we have to spend on the WZ queue.

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Even if it was measly 600 valor a minute... Which is the WZ that gives 600 valor per minute? I mean even with a premade full of 50s facerolling low levels I don't know which one allows that... Not counting the time we have to spend on the WZ queue.


The thing is, the valour is not constant. You can get 600 in one minute then nothing for 5.


It's just people who have trouble comprehending things see that one person got 600 in a minute and automatically get a calculator out and say OMG that's 864,000 valour in 24 hours if you pvp every minute of the day.


But you don't get 600 a minute every minute. You may occasionally get 600 within 60 seconds, then nothing for a bit.

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Nah, there were a lot of people there the whole time though I have no idea why unless a lot of them hadn't found out how to zone out. The only time the zone wasn't packed was I got dropped into a second instance and it took me a minute to realize what happened.
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