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Marauders are OP, I am serious,


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Carnage is fail. Low survivability and garbage for PVP. I tried it and died the same amount in pve... In pve all I would do was piss off my opponents, then die. PVP there is nothing we can do that allows us to burst in carnage like we can in either rage or annihilation, and even though crit a lot lower than OPs or Sorcerors.


You're wrong.


Also, how does one piss off an NPC?

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Cloak of Pain is good enough. Saber Ward doesn't need a buff 50%/25% reduction is plenty.


Quick question on Cloak of Pain, while we're on the subject. I find players make it fall off quite often. As in, they don't hit me for 6 seconds while I'm CCd, and it goes bye-bye.


Saber Ward is 3 min CD. Which is an ETERNITY in PvP.


And what do you do when BOTH of those are on cooldown? Which is quite often, I'm sorry to say? Run around in Medium armor and hope to god nobody stares at you too hard or you'll burst into flames and die?

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What about those times when you are trying to take down a healer and since the Marauder's dps is crap he can just sit there healing while you look like an idiot trying to do damage.


Respec Annihilation. Silence every 6 seconds + brain power = sorted.

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Respec Annihilation. Silence every 6 seconds + brain power = sorted.


Not when it locks them out of only the 1 ability and every healer has at least 3 different heals at their disposal. They also each have an instant cast which, after being interrupted, most use to stall.



If you've seriously never had this problem then you're not targeting healers enough.

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I think the class is a joke. I just died 2 times, to a level 41 elite, as a level 47. The class fails so much on the aspect with feeling epic/heroic.

And the fact that you have to use force cloak, to get rid of some aggro, so your companion takes the heat, shows it. You kind of have to "hide, to go stab then in the back" while they are focues on your companion, just shows it. They cant survive with having to hide during the fight, to get the upper hand again. That dosnt make one feel like a proberler warrior, but more of a weak coward, that have to resort to dirty tricks to survive

Edited by ibervang
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Forgive my candor, but you're out of your mind.


I walk into an on-level quest area, wearing on-level blue+ gear, using an on-level companion wearing on-level gear. I will die at least 4-5 times per mission. Since repairs cost around 1200 per death and I'm burning first aid kits to stay up, I am spending around 10000+ per mission. On the mission, I might make 4000 credits. So obviously I'm completely bankrupt.


I play my Inquisitor or Bounty Hunter, and everything is a cake walk. I don't have a Juggernaut, but from what I hear, they are fine. Marauders are completely broken, there is no question.

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Forgive my candor, but you're out of your mind.


I walk into an on-level quest area, wearing on-level blue+ gear, using an on-level companion wearing on-level gear. I will die at least 4-5 times per mission. Since repairs cost around 1200 per death and I'm burning first aid kits to stay up, I am spending around 10000+ per mission. On the mission, I might make 4000 credits. So obviously I'm completely bankrupt.


I play my Inquisitor or Bounty Hunter, and everything is a cake walk. I don't have a Juggernaut, but from what I hear, they are fine. Marauders are completely broken, there is no question.


no my dear sir, you just suck at playing a marauder, no question. if i even try a little i can easily do mobs at +2 level with -2 level gear. i advise you to look VERY critically to how you use your rotation and cooldowns.

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no my dear sir, you just suck at playing a marauder, no question. if i even try a little i can easily do mobs at +2 level with -2 level gear. i advise you to look VERY critically to how you use your rotation and cooldowns.


What he said. Either that or you're using the wrong companion for your play style. When I first got Jaesa I maxed her gear and still got violated regularly. We couldn't even tag team a single on-level elite. I switched back to Quinn and I'm taking out gold and silver on-level elites simultaneously and +1 level solo golds.


My assassin can wipe the floor with 5 or 6 weaks and normals, but a silver and two normals or one gold gives me serious trouble. And that's with Mr. Big & Nasty tanking for me.

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no my dear sir, you just suck at playing a marauder, no question. if i even try a little i can easily do mobs at +2 level with -2 level gear. i advise you to look VERY critically to how you use your rotation and cooldowns.
Nope; he is right. The marauder is broken. You only shine in special circumstances. Having the right companion for that encounter, forced to have recourse to kitting- as a melee class, to deal with one precise boss are counter examples of a well made balance.

For people who have proper gear, read proper guides, and still have difficulties with the marauder, telling them L2P is an insult.

Secondly compare the troubles a Marauder encounter vs one mob with the difficulty encountered by other classes.

Thirdly, your L2P statements have zero weight without video to back them up.


And don't tell me to play something else. I love my marauder. But I can admit it is broken.

Edited by Ethern
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Nope; he is right. The marauder is broken. You only shine in special circumstances. Having the right companion for that encounter, forced to have recourse to kitting- as a melee class, to deal with one precise boss are counter examples of a well made balance.

For people who have proper gear, read proper guides, and still have difficulties with the marauder, telling them L2P is an insult.

Secondly compare the troubles a Marauder encounter vs one mob with the difficulty encountered by other classes.

Thirdly, your L2P statements have zero weight without video to back them up.


And don't tell me to play something else. I love my marauder. But I can admit it is broken.


don't tell me what I can do with a class. what you and i can do with the class is apparently VERY different. the only point where i've had trouble is when i skipped quests and was fighting mobs 2 levels above me, and that even made me look at my rotation and find a better way to fight. the fact remains that I CAN easily pve. maybe you're having trouble with it, but as you can see, i am not the only person who doesn't feel that our class is 'broken'. even though i am playing the spec that everyone says 'sucks', i constantly cannot find myself in the arguments people make for this class being bad. why would you even want to argue the class is bad? oh right, so you can get buffs and faceroll everyone else. let me tell you, learn to play is not an insult. people seeing it as an insult is an error on their end not on mine. i'm simply saying that i, personally, am having no trouble at all. PvE is a cakewalk, my quinn can solo the mobs if i only agro them (yes, i tested this), and i'm free to experiment with my rotation in any way, constantly. in PvP i am in top 3 damage consistently and most huttball matches score multiple times because of our awesome mobility.


my point is, we can exchange stories about how easy this is for me or how hard this is for you, but at the end of the day it changes nothing. i'm still having an easy time and you are still having a hard time. it might be hard to understand, but i'm actually trying to be supportive and helpful by saying i'm having no trouble, since this should be proof that our class CAN work, and incentive for people who find it hard to try harder.


PS.the funny thing is, you are trying to bully me away from this dicussion while you are the one who find it necessary. ever heard of the rule of the vocal minority? basically, the people who find they are having trouble playing this class have more reason to discuss it that the people who are having no trouble, since, well, they are having no trouble. so while it might seem like a 50/50 split among people who think we are fine (other classes being op notwithstanding) , and people who think we are crap, it might just be all the 'bad' marauders being here, and the majority of the 'good' ones are in game.


PPS.i also find it interesting you expect me to have proof for every statement i make, even if i'm just saying 'hey guys, for me everything's going allright', but your statement that our class is utterly broken requires no proof at all.

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don't tell me what I can do with a class. what you and i can do with the class is apparently VERY different. the only point where i've had trouble is when i skipped quests and was fighting mobs 2 levels above me, and that even made me look at my rotation and find a better way to fight. the fact remains that I CAN easily pve. maybe you're having trouble with it, but as you can see, i am not the only person who doesn't feel that our class is 'broken'. even though i am playing the spec that everyone says 'sucks', i constantly cannot find myself in the arguments people make for this class being bad. why would you even want to argue the class is bad? oh right, so you can get buffs and faceroll everyone else. let me tell you, learn to play is not an insult. people seeing it as an insult is an error on their end not on mine. i'm simply saying that i, personally, am having no trouble at all. PvE is a cakewalk, my quinn can solo the mobs if i only agro them (yes, i tested this), and i'm free to experiment with my rotation in any way, constantly. in PvP i am in top 3 damage consistently and most huttball matches score multiple times because of our awesome mobility.


my point is, we can exchange stories about how easy this is for me or how hard this is for you, but at the end of the day it changes nothing. i'm still having an easy time and you are still having a hard time. it might be hard to understand, but i'm actually trying to be supportive and helpful by saying i'm having no trouble, since this should be proof that our class CAN work, and incentive for people who find it hard to try harder.


PS.the funny thing is, you are trying to bully me away from this dicussion while you are the one who find it necessary. ever heard of the rule of the vocal minority? basically, the people who find they are having trouble playing this class have more reason to discuss it that the people who are having no trouble, since, well, they are having no trouble. so while it might seem like a 50/50 split among people who think we are fine (other classes being op notwithstanding) , and people who think we are crap, it might just be all the 'bad' marauders being here, and the majority of the 'good' ones are in game.


PPS.i also find it interesting you expect me to have proof for every statement i make, even if i'm just saying 'hey guys, for me everything's going allright', but your statement that our class is utterly broken requires no proof at all.

You read too much in my post. I quoted you, but I was addressing all in general who have a mere "L2P" attitude.

Indeed our points diverge much on the subject.

And then allow me to be more precise.


I use the term "broken", when it is observed that marauders are forced to have recourse to "non intended" strategies to overcome encounters designed for a melee class.

Eg; many threads in the SW forums asking for help in defeating:

- Lord Draagh

- Darth Baras

- Avatar of Sel Makor

- etc.

When you read them, you cannot conclude that the majority of marauders and SW in general are bad and you cannot conclude either that only a few individuals are bad. For one people reporting they have zero problem, you often have many reporting that their companion and them are properly geared, blow all the CD's and still face failure.

The result change from ACs to specs.

For the second Draagh fight (on Corellia) you may have zero problem with X spec+ X precise companion, but the rest is screwed.


That's what I mean by "broken". Only in special circumstances some people report to have no difficulties. For all the others cases, there is something obviously not working as intended, because it boils down to observing subpar results. And that's the reason why telling a L2P has no effects.

If one players who know 2P has still difficulties, then the obvious conclusions has to be drawn.

Trying harder as you suggested won't change anything?


Proof? The threads I mentioned, and many other complaints threads. While some may indeed reveal a L2P issue, I won't believe that every single complainer is a noob, and that their difficulties are the sole fruit of their imagination or incompetence.


Finally do I want that the marauder be buffed so that I can faceroll the content? Why not? If this is the only Bioware can handle a proper balance.

Bounty hunters faceroll the content, so why we should not have that right as well?



tl;dr - "L2P" is often wrong, counterproductive and add nothing to the table if the class or AC's mechanics are by nature flawed.

Edited by Ethern
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Ok, wow, this post has kind of run away. I started it saying that for all the problems everyone seems to have with the Marauders I find that they are actually OP then everyone makes them out to be. Although we don’t have the stealth or vanish of rouges from WoW, we are for all intensive purposes the single highest sustained DPS on a 1v1 target. I gave everyone my impressions of the trees in case anyone was having trouble deciding what spec that wanted to play. There is definitely a place depending on your play style for them all; I just prefer carnage for several reasons listed in my opening post. I will say reading through the forums I saw someone mention that gore -> slam can be powerful and holy hell, they were right. Pop my trinket and I can crit almost as hard as when I was rage spec. Since I don’t have to wait for force choke or crush for the ticks and gore is on a 6 sec CD I can do some damage while waiting for gore -> ravage to come back up which I have heard people slam on as well, but still remains very powerful to me and quite usable in pvp due to the root.

My statement was for pve and pvp and my impressions of carnage, obliviously, anni and rage can deal damage too. I ran Eternity Vault this weekend and could literally solo destroy the mind traps making sure I kept gore and ravage in reserve for them. I just think that carnage is more than a one trick pony compared to the other specs. I ran a ton of pvp this weekend as well and will reiterate; the only class to consistently beat us out in damage were smugglers/operators. I saw someone else mention that we don’t have a ranged interrupt, obliviously, however this brings up one of our strongest assets, almost all classes are dependent on casting times for a lot of their heals/damage of noteworthiness. Sure they have instants but it will use up their heat/force and cool downs fast if they play like that, tracer missile takes forever to get off and even as carnage I have 4 interrupts. Force jump, disruption and intimidating roar and force choke. We however only have 2 channeled abilities that even if you interrupt cannot prevent the damage that was done before you got around to it. Most of our dps can be mitigated, but not prevented.

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Ok, wow, this post has kind of run away. I started it saying that for all the problems everyone seems to have with the Marauders I find that they are actually OP then everyone makes them out to be. Although we don’t have the stealth or vanish of rouges from WoW, we are for all intensive purposes the single highest sustained DPS on a 1v1 target. I gave everyone my impressions of the trees in case anyone was having trouble deciding what spec that wanted to play. There is definitely a place depending on your play style for them all; I just prefer carnage for several reasons listed in my opening post. I will say reading through the forums I saw someone mention that gore -> slam can be powerful and holy hell, they were right. Pop my trinket and I can crit almost as hard as when I was rage spec. Since I don’t have to wait for force choke or crush for the ticks and gore is on a 6 sec CD I can do some damage while waiting for gore -> ravage to come back up which I have heard people slam on as well, but still remains very powerful to me and quite usable in pvp due to the root.

My statement was for pve and pvp and my impressions of carnage, obliviously, anni and rage can deal damage too. I ran Eternity Vault this weekend and could literally solo destroy the mind traps making sure I kept gore and ravage in reserve for them. I just think that carnage is more than a one trick pony compared to the other specs. I ran a ton of pvp this weekend as well and will reiterate; the only class to consistently beat us out in damage were smugglers/operators. I saw someone else mention that we don’t have a ranged interrupt, obliviously, however this brings up one of our strongest assets, almost all classes are dependent on casting times for a lot of their heals/damage of noteworthiness. Sure they have instants but it will use up their heat/force and cool downs fast if they play like that, tracer missile takes forever to get off and even as carnage I have 4 interrupts. Force jump, disruption and intimidating roar and force choke. We however only have 2 channeled abilities that even if you interrupt cannot prevent the damage that was done before you got around to it. Most of our dps can be mitigated, but not prevented.

Then the title of your thread is misleading.

We don't need that some devs think it's true and decide to nerf our class next patch.

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Coming from a 50 PT in full champ gear, there's only one kind of marauder/sentinel who does enough damage to me to warrant giving them a second glance. That's whatever kind the DoT spec is.


The spec that uses that big AoE smash thing gets one nice big crit off on me then hits like a baby for a few seconds before I kill them.


The spec that ignores armor gets a few smaller crits off on me before he roots me with ravage/master strike, gets interrupted, then killed.


But whatever that DoT spec is, man. If both of us are at full health I'll still win the fight 100% of the time just because warriors/knights are paper to my Pyrotech scissors (especially sents/maras because of how insanely easy to kite they are), but if I'm attacking someone else and I see those DoTs stacking on me I will immediately ignore my primary target to deal with the marauder, because that is the only spec which does enough damage for me to consider a serious threat.


tl;dr - buff marauders/sentinels. Warriors/knights are the class I am least afraid of in PvP to the extent I often ignore them entirely, and imho they should be the class I am most afraid of.

Edited by Mhak
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It sounds like the problems were all having with the class are completely going over your head. This makes me wonder what's going through your mind when you experience them too, I bet it's pretty funny. So you get rolled and instead of thinking man I really feel lacking like maybe i need another cc or more burst dmg, you go omg marauders are so op. I see what you did there, that's crazy! Edited by rufuscure
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Marauders are not broke, they are the weakest link.


Anyone posting how oP you are, it comes down to a couple of things.


You only have 1 level 50.


You aren't aware of what other classes can pull of for less effort.


You are stroking your own ego.




Your break down of the specs shows you might want a little more time with the class. Carnage is by far the weakest link of the bunch and every one of our specs is slightly broken and needs some loving.


Relying on a 15second cd that only gives you a 6 second burst window is not real dps or remotely resembling a rotation.


I will keep enjoying owning carnage speccd marauders in my sleep though.

Edited by Haddion
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