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The 45 Year and Older Professional Club


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I am currently on Tomb of Freedon Nadd and was wondering if there is a guild for us, older people? It would be a blast to socialize with like minded peronalities.

That I'd like to know too!

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So...if Sith Wyrm is being offered a transfer to Corellian Run, I got to ask, is Older Republic/Empire transferring? I'm asking because my family (real life, not just legacy) is on Thana Vesh, and we've been offered Corellian Run as well.



"In my youth, I argued that algebra was useless after college. Then I became a programmer. This is proof that I, in fact, did NOT have all the answers back then, either."

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54 here, CompTIA, Microsoft, IT bootcamp instructor, and Enterprise Admin 2008R2.


Was hooked on Star Wars, when I seen A New Hope, at the drive in, in 1977, our little town did not have a walk in movie at the time, I have played games and owned a computer since the TRS 80, Level 1, and the best gaming comuter of it's time the C64. I used to burn the quarters at the video arcade. 1983 the Star Wars arcade game, where you made the run on the death star, I funded Geoge Lucas's projects I spent so much on that game..LOL

Think I have played every Star wars game ever released, I enjoy my time here in TOR.

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So...if Sith Wyrm is being offered a transfer to Corellian Run, I got to ask, is Older Republic/Empire transferring? I'm asking because my family (real life, not just legacy) is on Thana Vesh, and we've been offered Corellian Run as well.



"In my youth, I argued that algebra was useless after college. Then I became a programmer. This is proof that I, in fact, did NOT have all the answers back then, either."


Older Republic and Older Empire will indeed be moving to Corellian Run. We are in the process of setting up our guilds there as I write this. I am looking forward to gaming with even more 'seasoned' gamers! If you want to join us, just click the link in my signature and it will take you to our guild forum site. We should have an older channel set up in game. If you type /cjoin Older and hit enter, we will be able to chat. It may take a week or two to fully transfer over, however.

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Im 45 and i work at a sheet metal fabrication shop.....i know, no IT job there but ive been at my work for 20 years 2 months ago and i make very good money doing it. I have a 24 year old daughter and i have 2 beautiful grandkids. Ive been married and divorced twice from the same house.....lol, yea i got to keep all my stuff twice....how many people can say that lol.


My guild on dreshdea cantina got burned out and we all quit. I just resubbed so it seems i cannot let TOR go as i thought i could. Now im in alt-making-hell. :p

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I'm "only" 44 and am a senior professional at Fortune 10 company. I've been gaming since Pong and been a Star Wars fan since I saw the original in theaters at age 9. My love of both gaming and Star Wars is shared with my 12 year old son and we love playing SWTOR together (and Diablo III, and Xbox360)


Sadly, the first guild we were in died off and the guild we are currently in, while there are a lot of good folks, is a little more hardcore (both in terms of gameplay and language) than suits us. My boy is not your typical "Timmy" -- he's quite mature for his age, is great at following instructions on raids, and has an extensive knowledge of both SWTOR and the Star Wars Universe. However, I just don't feel that our guild's demographic is a good fit for him (and thus for me as well).


We might look at the server transfer as an opportunity to find a new guild. So if anyone is aware of an Imperial guild on The Harbinger that would be a good fit for a father / son team, let me know.

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. So if anyone is aware of an Imperial guild on The Harbinger that would be a good fit for a father / son team, let me know.


53, IT pro, female, and guild leader of Dragon Snacks, an imperial guild in the process of moving to The Harbinger from Jekk'Jekk Tarr. Casual raid guild with enforced PG-13 public chat channels. Supervised kids are welcome.

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For those who've come to, Corellian Run, Ludicrous speed is a guild of mature folks that we are, as of today, in the process of rebuilding. We are laid back raiders that do it for the fun times with friends. Still raiding but are looking for more people.


If you are looking.




And welcome to the server. ;p

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While I am not not at 40 yet (only a short time more). I do play with several over 50 year old in my Guild. Personally I just completed my Master's Degree so I can relate to the Original Poster that it is surprising the age variance, but also it does show the depth of star wars legacy.


Personally I am a IT Global Security Consulting Architect within a Fortune 50 company (you can figure out which one). But even at 38 I can relate to the entire discussion. Oh I play Jedi more than most items but do have an Imp here and there too.

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Older Republic and Older Empire will indeed be moving to Corellian Run. We are in the process of setting up our guilds there as I write this. I am looking forward to gaming with even more 'seasoned' gamers! If you want to join us, just click the link in my signature and it will take you to our guild forum site. We should have an older channel set up in game. If you type /cjoin Older and hit enter, we will be able to chat. It may take a week or two to fully transfer over, however.


Just saw these threads (the 40+ and 45+ threads) this morning...

I'll be 41 this year and find the "children" in game very unmotivating to play around.. So I usually solo or group with my son when he decides to play..

So by the quote would be better to re-roll on Corellian Run? I dont mind starting over if it means playing with adults.


Good luck and have fun!

"The Force will be with you, always."

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Just saw these threads (the 40+ and 45+ threads) this morning...

I'll be 41 this year and find the "children" in game very unmotivating to play around.. So I usually solo or group with my son when he decides to play..

So by the quote would be better to re-roll on Corellian Run? I dont mind starting over if it means playing with adults.


There are several guilds out there on different servers that have certain expectations for age, or at the very least mature behavior, that would probably increase your enjoyment of the game significantly if you are looking for more group oriented play with like-minded people.


I would highly suggest taking a look at Scorpienne's awesome Are you Looking for a Guild thread. I sympathize with your experience entirely, and enjoy the game so much more with my guild mates.

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There are several guilds out there on different servers that have certain expectations for age, or at the very least mature behavior, that would probably increase your enjoyment of the game significantly if you are looking for more group oriented play with like-minded people.


I would highly suggest taking a look at Scorpienne's awesome Are you Looking for a Guild thread. I sympathize with your experience entirely, and enjoy the game so much more with my guild mates.

Aside from the Older Republic and Older Empire guilds, no guilds really cater to the "geriatic" ;)


On a sidenote: displaying mature behaviour is not the same as being a seasoned gamer. At my age, I live a very different life compared to a so-called mature graduate and have very little in common with them. I think most of us oldies in this thread are looking for like-minded more than anything.

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48 here - own my own company and log on to be squashed regularly as a Republic Trooper and Jedi Knight. Great thread - nice to know that some Star Wars originals are around me who stood in line for the premier of New Hope.


Being 9 when ANH released, I would say some of us waited in line for weeks....well to be exact we nagged at our parents to finally take us. I was the about the perfect age infact.....at 9 yrs old I didnt catch flack for collecting the awesome action figures.


I have an Associates Degree in Electronics. Before I went on Disability in 02, I had about 1.5 yrs left to go on my Bachelor of Computer Science that I was working on intermittently/part time while working as an Electronic Tech.

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I would just like to say thank you. I am pretty much a kid.


26 years old and married a gamer wife.


Both of us are worried that as we age we are no longer in the "demographic" and games will no longer be designed for us. Its nice to see that people nearly twice our age are still able to enjoy video games.

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I'm on the bottom edge of the requirement (will be 45 in August) but if there are any of you like-minded folk on The Bastion--be you a new transplant or a native--consider The Incredibles as a community. We have a diverse player base across two titles (SWTOR and WoW) and were recently featured on torwars.com in Galaxy of Guilds! Read the article, as it sums up who we are. Give us a shot, and run with us! You can contact myself, Idrin or Laohastwoguns for more information.


Semper Increds!

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I'm 50+, can't see the screen so well and I think my reflexes are half that of most of the people I play with (that's the excuse I have for sucking so much). I have to stop every few hours to let the carpal-tunnel pain settle down but other than that....


This is a great game, better for those of us that saw the Movie the 1st time in 1977!

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44 and serial entrepreneur type, play only with my wife, we are moving server and looking for a guild, we have not yet played in a guild at this point in SWTOR at lease...


any suggestion, we are lay-back and play for fun EST most of the time :-)

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I don't want to sound like an ***, but why?


I'm 21 and I feel like people around my age are in the "prime" so to speak, for playing this game or other video games. Since most kids are playing games they can't even purchase without a parent. I still find it very cool that older folks can find fun in video games, but a lot of you could be my parents and I would be embarrassed if my parents were playing this game with me. Maybe that's just me or the lifestyle I have. I just wonder if there should be a time to stop playing video games.


I go to college, have a part time job and now, I'm finding myslef barely even getting around to this game. When I was 12, I used to be a huge MMO and colsole gamer, but now that I'm getting older, I'm finding most these games to be quite silly. I love Star Wars, but I can't seem myslef playing this type of game when I'm 40 and have kids.


So again, I'm just wondering why? I don't want to be an ***, I just want to know what causes you to play games like this when you're over 30 or 40 or whatever.

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