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Which one will be better, which one will have better pvp, pve and what one will have better end game content, state/explain, than back up your theory .


my personal beliefs are as followed.





endgame content - SW:TOR



as to my belief i find that starwars will be better in the pvp aspect, as it is the republic vs the sith, and as for everything i've viewed SWTOR just looks more fun, SW has a lot of world pvp as WoW has subsided to BG's and arenas and virtually no world pvp exists, which is where all the skill is required, its easy to fight what you know is coming but when your caught completely off guard it takes real skill to counter and overcome your opposition.



I'm very split on this subject WoW has Large Continents While SW:TOR has 17 different Planets! they are two different worlds, each with ground mounts, WoW with flying Mounts but SW with Space Combat(which is sick as hell) back to the point, each has dungeons and raids of regular and heroic difficulties and Questing.

-but i have to give an edge to SW:TOR there questing has more depth, and overall pve just seems to have more love put into it, so as for me being split im going to have to go with SW:TOR


EndGame Content:

at first i picked WoW seeing as i wanted to justify my thoughts on 5years of playing, but when i thought about it things just seem to have become to easy, dumbing of the game making the endgame content completion seem to simple, plus the fact is what more are you to do in WoW, after 3 expacks i feel im repeating the same thing, Quest-Lvl-Gear-Boss

and all i think when i here SW:TOR is that there is 4000 years of Content to explore!! from our now coming up launch date! SWTOR will put the challenge Back into END GAME

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I do tend to agree with you as a launch vet on wow, its just got so easy and dull in the end. For me at least, WoW's time has come and gone, and pandas was enough to cement me NEVER going back lol. Not to mention 6 talent trees that my 2 yo could spec my toon successful.
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WoW? Isn't that the cheap EQ knockoff that for some reason became very popular?



Yeah, SWTOR blows that one away, man! Hands down! :D


Lol I remember EQ toom it came out and I was all "Whoa a MUD with graphics???? AWESOME!!" Somehow I missed the UO train....not sure how lol. I think Ive been doing this too long....hahaha

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my personal beliefs are as followed


So, we are reviewing and comparing content based on personal beliefs now? That's rich...


There is nothing to compare - WoW has boatloads more, higher quality endgame content than SWTOR and it will remain this way for a looooong time...


Thanks for a good laugh, though!



P.S. Don't bother replying really, I know I can't win against blind fanboy crowd that is about to pounce on me, so I won't bother besides stating my "personal belief".

Edited by Gaidax
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Lineage 2 had fishing earlier then WoW. Therefor WoW is a L2 clone.


Like I said, nothing to do with the actual fishing but the mindset for a developer to include things such as fishing. It's all the little things that keep WoW on top.

Edited by robisowe
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WoW has all of the advantages that come with being a seven year-old incumbent that has absolutely dominated the market segment in which it operates, in no small part through its constant deployment and incorporation of features and functionality that users have requested. Its great flaw is that it is seven years old, which is unheard of within the MMO'ing world, and it shows.


TOR is a fresh MMO capable of deploying the lessons learned from observing seven years of WoW's trials and travails and mates it to Bioware's signature panache for storytelling to create what is probably the most robust story-based experience in the MMORPG genre's history. As it is ultimately unproven, it is plagued by all of the doubts and concerns that accompany new MMO launches, regardless of their scale.


Ultimately, one is no better than the other, and there's certainly nothing wrong with playing one to the exclusion of the other. Or you may well end up rolling both, because the fulfill different niches in the MMO ecology. (As I'll be doing for a time.)

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I'll let you know in 7 years. That is when this comparison will be fair.


I started to say something similar, but then I realized something.


In all honesty, SWTOR has to compete with WOW (and other mmos) of today, not how they were when they launched.


Think of it more from the perspective of a current consumer. Being a new/fresh MMO isn't an excuse for a game to have issues when people have so many other well established options out there.


I personally think it's a really tough market to break into, because the established games have had YEARS, and some even a decade to work out bugs, add content, etc...


An mmo being released now, like SWTOR, has to hit the ground running, and instantly picking up a big playerbase, and also retain it. People nowadays have short attention spans (as evidenced by many reactions to this head start).


I for one will have some patience, as I need a fresh start. I've played 10 years of FANTASY mmo's, and am ready for more of a scifi/tech mmo. Plus I've always loved Star Wars movies. I really want this to succeed. =)


With respect to wow though, I feel like it's been dumbed down so much now, that it's a child's game now. It's original player base has gotten older, yet they've tuned and retuned the game towards younger and younger players. I think you'll start to see more and more OLDER/mature players leaving for other games.

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WoW has all of the advantages that come with being a seven year-old incumbent that has absolutely dominated the market segment in which it operates, in no small part through its constant deployment and incorporation of features and functionality that users have requested. Its great flaw is that it is seven years old, which is unheard of within the MMO'ing world, and it shows.


TOR is a fresh MMO capable of deploying the lessons learned from observing seven years of WoW's trials and travails and mates it to Bioware's signature panache for storytelling to create what is probably the most robust story-based experience in the MMORPG genre's history. As it is ultimately unproven, it is plagued by all of the doubts and concerns that accompany new MMO launches, regardless of their scale.


Ultimately, one is no better than the other, and there's certainly nothing wrong with playing one to the exclusion of the other. Or you may well end up rolling both, because the fulfill different niches in the MMO ecology. (As I'll be doing for a time.)


Well put my good man!

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