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Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Issues Discussion


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Yeah I have to say if there is no rollback my days in SWTOR are finished. The PVP in this game was not only my fav thing, but one of the only things that seemed to worked correctly. Now its just bonked. Aside from Illium, all the valor the imps have farmed has already imballanced warzones to the point of why bother? Hell why not just get the imps instant valor 60, and a free set of gear to go with it.


I been grinding away at valor since I hit 50 2 weeks ago, and felt I was making good progress, now though. Why bother?


So 1.1 turned me into one of them "do this or I quit" guys. Very sad day indeed.




you sir are a gentleman and a scholar -- all my upvotes go to you ;)

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Sorry for the snide comment BioWare.




Please roll back Valor, now, while you still can. There is literally no other option that is viable or will truly solve this enormous problem. What's the point in PvPing when the opposite faction takes 1 day to get into full Battlemaster gear? That's not my idea of fun.


Please, while you can, rollback.

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Someone explain to me how I can land at the Republic Landing point, be ganked by 50 imperials and get back out.


Needless to say my sub got cancelled 5 minutes ago. I don't mind an unfair fight, but to allow spawn camping and reward Empire for it?


queue for wz or run behind the turrets and use a fleet ticket

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So what exactly would they rollback?


The entire game? The Valor ranks?


In any case, I am not happy at all with any form of rollback. It's Bioware's fault, let them sort out every single person who did this and take THEIR Valor and give them a ban.


Now I feel like I will be playing tonight for nothing.

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I find it very sad what is happening.

I have been devoting most of my free time to get more valor in this game. To get a title and new gear. I fought in Waroznes where it took me two days to finish a Daily quest just to get some valor points and now I find that people playing for Imperial side got past me within hours.

Effectively you have thrown away days of my effort and you certainly took my enthusiasm.

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SO without reading 100 pages of posts, has Bioware considered addressing republic/sith population imbalance?


On the Grand Master Zym server

At the moment there are 15 republic in Illum and well over 200 sith.

Meaning that I can not even move without dying!


How is this supposed to be a "fix"?

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Hey everyone, I just wanted to let you know that we are currently working on an official response to these issues and we will be posting it soon. Please understand that these issues require some time to investigate and we are making sure that we provide you all with the most updated information in our official response.


We understand that some of you may be frustrated, but we ask for your patience on this to give us time to respond with thorough developer input.


Thank you to those of you that have been posting constructively in this thread.


We will have a response shortly.



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^^^agreed, i think the developer know that they done screwed up.


I think people have seen too many issues ignored. I think its great that people are making such a big deal about it. The more people that show they are upset the better the chance is that they actually fix it.


If this thread was only 20 pages right now Im sure they would just ignore the issue.

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My feelings exactly. My server is one sided as well. Its hard enough fighting the imps that are geared already. It will be impossible completely when their all geared. This will be game over for me and I will be requesting a refund. All I do is PVP. At this rate I dont see the light and the end of the tunnel as bioware is turtleing and not telling us anything at all. Well it was nice knowing you until 1.1 TOR. Imp's have fun playing by yourselves.
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I got a warning for calling Bioware for incompetent.



Well Bioware. I still think you are one incompetent company for not seeing this coming despite all the threads that was created with people stating their concern, before 1.1 went live.....


And to people who keep saying its OUR fault cause we did not test this on the test server.

Well the patch was there for 1 week and there is no /level 50 or /character copy to the test server and I doubt ANYONE would powerlevel to 50 on a test server to try something out and later have their character deleted and then level again when a new patch is out on the test server


This same thing happened in the Beta, which is why there are sooo many bugs in endgame content. Virtually NO ONE was on the endgame or near endgame planets and when they did test high level content briefly, they created random lvl 40 toons for players rather then endgame toons for players to test the content with.


It is clear that this game was rushed to market. My guess is that the devs lied to the management about the readiness of the product...


Oh well, Star Wars franchise games have always been hit or miss...

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You mean that post from an hour and twenty minutes ago?


No, we saw it.


It wasn't a response. It was a response teaser.


We're still waiting for the response. An hour and twenty minutes later.


You were expecting it sooner? What, so you know so much about game development that you expect an intra-departmental decision to be made in less than an hour and a half? I take it you've been a team lead, then, and believe consensus between other leads should be obtained any faster? Heaven forbid the hundreds of employees at BioWare and EA coordinate on your time frame.



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hi folks,


we're currently investigating potential issues related to the ilum open world pvp area post 1.1. We understand that this is a topic of much discussion and we ask that you please direct all discussions to this thread.


As always, we ask that the community keep the following things on mind when responding:

  • no insults, name calling, or personal attacks
  • please stay on topic.
  • if someone violates the rules of conduct, please flag it instead of replying to it.


we will update as soon as we have more information.


update #1


hey everyone, i just wanted to let you know that we are currently working on an official response to these issues (we used the term "potential" during our initial investigating, and have now removed the wording on the title of this thread) and we will be posting it soon. Please understand that these issues require some time to investigate and we are making sure that we provide you all with the most updated information in our official response.


We understand that some of you may be frustrated, but we ask for your patience on this to give us time to respond with thorough developer input.


Thank you to those of you that have been posting constructively in this thread.


We will have a response shortly.


you need to reset valor prior to this patch. You completely screwed us.


Please fix ilum and revert it to the way it was before. Then think about making it better cause you just completely destroyed ilum all together.


Anyone remember swg nge :p

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So, I have been reviewing these posts for a while & something has come to mind in reflecting on BW's response to us....




ROLL THIS PATCH BACK....then just throw it out

Edited by Orinthal
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Only solution they soon got left is to give free Battlemaster and bump Valor Rank to 100 for all current and future created characters.


And then make a valor rank of 200 available so people would have something to do in the coming months:D

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Due to me being at work (shift working) at this time I am unable to farm republic for valor so BW please compensate me by giving me free rank 100 valor and full battlemaster set.







P.S. I am trolling ofcourse. The situation is ridicoulous. I am at the empire side but still don't want some overgeared and overfarmed characters on my side rolling with high end gear because they have exploited the faction imbalance and BW stupidity.

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Sorry for the snide comment BioWare.




Please roll back Valor, now, while you still can. There is literally no other option that is viable or will truly solve this enormous problem. What's the point in PvPing when the opposite faction takes 1 day to get into full Battlemaster gear? That's not my idea of fun.


Please, while you can, rollback.




Rollback valor or I'll delete everything associated to SWTOR from my computer and burn my security key. I live for PvP, and PvP only. Today with patch 1.1 I lost the will to play. I can't be online knowing that me, a level 44, will have to compete against 400 full battlemasters in 1 week.


Rollback the valor. And for gods sake hire some new devs and fire the old ones. A problem of this size should have never come past them.

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You were expecting it sooner? What, so you know so much about game development that you expect an intra-departmental decision to be made in less than an hour and a half? I take it you've been a team lead, then, and believe consensus between other leads should be obtained any faster? Heaven forbid the hundreds of employees at BioWare and EA coordinate on your time frame.




They're the ones who said "shortly" not me.

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