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Everything posted by Meskel

  1. Won 5 in a row yesterday before hitting 30 on my sage.
  2. Commando/Mercenary is a "win more" class at the moment. Take any other class and add your damage/burst and you win more by assisting. If you heal with any other healer your cross/AoE heals can make your team immortal. If you are outnumbered you will be focused and destroyed even with your wet paper bag DCDs. Playing defensively forces you to run away from objectives and teammates leaving them further outnumbered. Besides if you run away a shadow/assassin will just pick you off since you won't even have that wet paper bag. Let's all play defensively and abandon objectives to the opponents.
  3. A healer should keep people alive. I know that stupid can rarely be out healed and some players will just die. Any good healer will have more healing done than damage taken. Those that don't are just poor tanks without guard/taunt/dcds. A good tank enables a good healer to keep most everyone in range alive, allowing the tank/Dps play the objectives better (or win the TDM if a match degenerates to that point). A great healer/tank team are immortal and make opponents rage quit
  4. From a purely PVP perspective: A seer sage when piloted by a skilled player can change the outcome of the battle, but they are the most easily countered healer. Just put a target on their head. Stun, and if one other player switches target the threat is removed. Full 31 point seer is not viable without good tanks and peels. 21 point hybrid adds more defensive abilities but its still not enough without support. It is NOT recommended to pvp queue solo as a sage healer. You NEED good support. A good healer trying to keep decent/bad players alive will have very little impact on the outcome of a match. That lead me to try DPS. The balance tree and the damage over time mechanic is simply too slow for the current burst heavy environment. There is a distinct lack of both initial burst capability and finishing power. Because it takes longer to kill an opponent than other classes, it is more likely the opponent will win unless you have a healer or tank countering their damage. The balance/tk hybrid adds a small amount of survivability and burst in exchange for less mobility and sustained damage. This trade off also does not seem effective. I have not yet had the opportunity to try out a full Tk build.
  5. Question for the developers on transfers: When will we be able to consolidate our legacy? I chose to leave a 50 on a dead server waiting for this planned service to go live.
  6. Do not take backlash/kinetic collapse, especially if you bubble others! What this does is turns melee opponents into unstoppable death machines by filling their resolve bar. Save your ranged stun for use on ranged Dps when you are unable to Los. Save your knockback for when you have more than one opponent in melee range. Do not waste gcds when moving. Shield teammates, slow the melee chasing you or the opponents healer, interrupt, throw a rock/shock at low health targets. Remove benevolence from your bar. It's too little, too expensive, and too late. Cast deliverance to keep your team topped off. That way someone will not drop because you got interrupted. Come to the realization that you can not "save" a target with heals alone. CC, shield and hope they pop a medpack so you can land a meaningful heal. Know when to Dps. 2v1 with enemy reinforcements inc is the best example here. Burn that target and CC/kite to keep the odds even. That's about all the help I can provide. This is coming from a bm geared sage heal hybrid that averages 75k dmg, 300k heals, and 200k damage taken in war zones and does not run with a reliable tank.
  7. First off I'm fine with the turret play style. Here is what I would change: 1. Force Wave - make this activation instant and increase the knockback distance to be consistent with similar abilities. 2. Force Armor - make this ability scale with gear. This was great at lower gear levels but has fallen far behind in the current state of the game. 3. Benevolence - make this ability a true emergency heal. Double the healing done and double the force cost. Currently it's just too little too late.
  8. Meskel

    How to "fix" PVP

    Point made; however, why are there so many threads that cry nerf this, that, or the other class? Obviously the majority of the vocal players agree there are PVP balance issues.
  9. Meskel

    How to "fix" PVP

    So people shouldn't make a genuine effort to provide quality suggestions and feedback? Have you ever played a game where top geared PVE players just come in to PVP and stomp people due to nothing more than a statistical gear advantage? This reason is exactly why there is a separate PVP stat and separate PVP gear.
  10. Meskel

    How to "fix" PVP

    One would hope that EA/Bio understand that players do not enjoy being repeatedly killed in a stun without the ability to so anything...See the initial round of operative/scoundrel changes.
  11. Meskel

    How to "fix" PVP

    Sarcasm noted. Please read the entire post before commenting.
  12. Meskel

    How to "fix" PVP

    I agree there, but there has to be a defined starting point, and TTK is the most logical place to start. Once that is standardized, a sense of balance can be developed. Without that, its just a wash of haphazard class changes in the hope of getting lucky.
  13. Meskel

    How to "fix" PVP

    This assumption ignores a healers ability to CC/Los/run away. 1v1 a healer should be able to stalemate a single DPS. Anything more than that and healers would be able to have enough free globals to Dps down the Dps while countering their damage with heals. Also in that scenario hybrids would dominate.
  14. Meskel

    How to "fix" PVP

    Bump for more feedback
  15. Meskel

    Commando Medic

    What you lack is mobile self heals. Coordinate with your team to cross heal or protect you better. Keep in mind that your bomb buffs all heals. It's worth it to use.
  16. Meskel

    How to "fix" PVP

    Adding 5-10k hp will just make execute type abilities less worthwhile. Justthink about how much better that would make operative/scoundrel heals sub 30%.
  17. Meskel

    How to "fix" PVP

    Because the reduction in TTK with multiple sustained Dps classes is additive where burst classes would be multiplicative.
  18. Meskel

    How to "fix" PVP

    1. Determine an appropriate amount of time it should take for any given class to kill another 1v1 (TTK). In my opinion TTK is too short. Ranked war zones at this time are about coordinated target swaps. 2+ Dps classes can drop a stunned (if chained) target before the resolve bar fills. That damage can not be effectively mitigated, prevented, or healed through. It is not fun watch teammates explode like that, or be the victim yourself. 2. Balance DPS classes around the TTK determined above. Some classes have more burst and others more sustained damage output. TTK Should be approximately the same for either of these types of Dps. 3. Healers should then be balanced to be capable of healing as much damage as one balanced Dps class can dish out when left unmolested. The current short TTK greatly diminishes the ability of healers to impact the outcome of an encounter. One healer left alone should be able to negate one Dps. 1 Dps should make a healer ineffective at healing their team and 2 Dps should be able to drop an unprotected healer every time. 4. Tanks are utility in pvp and should be balanced as such. Tanks should excel at protecting key teammates through CC, guard, and Taunt. If TTK is increased, then the static mitigation provided by guard should be decreased. For example 2 Dps should be able to make good use of their CC and interrupts to take out a tank/healer team and 3 Dps should own them. 5. Hybrids will have to be carefully adjusted so that thier primary roles do not become unbalanced.
  19. The only thing ruining pvp is that time to kill is too short. The longer it takes for players to drop, the more skill plays into the game. Stun then mash max burst rotation is no skill at all.
  20. This ^ is exactly why teams need to stack heals. A solo Dps should not be able to face roll a healer that does no damage. CC and focus fire is the only way to take anyone out in multi healers out. It is not a heals are op problem. You describe a teamwork problem.
  21. It's very easily duplicated. Experience high server latencies. Simply get knocked down just before/as you die, then rapidly release back to the spawn. The server says you are knocked down and the client moves you to the spawn. The server thinks you are up and the Client thinks you are down and prohibits movement while waiting for the server to allow movement. Workaround is to wait 3-5 seconds before attempting to release to give the server time to catch up.
  22. PLEASE address time to kill in PVP. You have already been stated that this is too low.
  23. "we made the decision to strictly limit the initial phase of the Character Transfer Service to only allow transfers from selected groups of origin servers (where you're moving a character from) to selected individual destination servers" Yet another half-assed attempt at a fix. Just merge the damn servers. "We understand that some of you may be looking to consolidate characters from a variety of origin servers onto one server...With the restrictions of this initial service, that may not be possible." This has NO IMPACT on server population just another poor excuse for customer service. "we are committed to making improvements to the Character Transfer Service over time to provide players with a great gameplay experience." So this is the business model then? Hint at releasing things that the population desires and provide no defined concise implementation schedule then partially/haphazardly throw things together at the last minute and hope more people do not unsubscribe... Good Luck with that.
  24. On the topic of server transfers: I have characters on three different servers and would like to move all of them to the server where I am most active (the fatman). Are there any restrictions on planned for destination servers?
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