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Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Issues Discussion


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On top of the fixes, I for one would like to know that somewhere, someone or some persons will be held accountable for letting this patch go live at its current state. 1.1 has caused a lot of backlash from the community, and I feel like the community needs something other than just a fix from BW to restore their good faith.
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How are the servers still up? Are they really content with the way their patch turned out? Bioware is shooting themselves in the foot something fierce. Not to mention locking this thread earlier. Wow. I had high hopes for this game. Dashed in a single night.
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- Rollback valor


- Everyone crying get your mom come down to her basement where you dwell, change your diaper get her credit card and go back to sub up for wow.


- Thank you bioware for free content and yes there is a bug but all games have bugs, so your smart non - childish customers will support you and be patient.

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LAG is atrocious. PVP has always been broken in this game but Bioware has made it worse a lot worse.


How is it possible to take your unbalanced and broken pvp and install longer que for warzones if your level 50 your waiting over 30 minutes for a que if your lucky.


If your low level; you aint gettin in a warzone at all.


Ilum is the worst experience I have ever seen at all in my gaming life. I have been gaming online for 15 years.


I do believe that Bioware needs to fix this NOW! Not later this is going to break the community if you do not fix this now.


Please QUIT COPYING WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


As a low level, I got into 10 warzones this morning, that's severely off peak hours on my server. The wait wasn't much longer than usual, either.


But I agree about Ilum if reports are true.

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Will be interesting what their response is:


Oooops! Sorry...we will go fix it right now...




Works as Intended...learn to grind Valor afk newbs.. unless you happen to be one of those rare Republic players or on a server with two mega-republic zerg guilds. Then go back toy our Warzones.



I am usually in here defending SWTOr cuz I like this game, but I find it hard to believe they couldn't see this coming, especially after reading posts in the Public Test server forums.


But I'm mostly just mad because anyone that played, much less designed, Warhammer Online open world PvP can pretend to not understand what a huge faction imbalance does with this type of content. You have to do something about it, not just let players do what they will and hope for the best. IMO you have to control it at the sight on the PvP.


The simple fact is apparent they ask for feed back and thing yet they never pay attention to it if they did half of this crap would have been fixed in beta pre launch.

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People just need to be happy and optimistic about the fact that there is an official response stating they are going to investigate and fix any issues that need to be fixed. The fact that they are putting out a statement THE DAY the patch comes out shows a lot about who BW is and that they do care about their customer's crying....whining...I mean concerns. :cool:
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Just played Ilum during lunch, on Death Wind Corridor.


It was awesome.


I believe most of the objectives were under imperial control at the time, but there was a giant hoard of republics coming through who just kept wiping us.


Seemed pretty evenly matched to me, and it was a whole lot of fun.


Only problem I have with it is that my fps was at like, 6, and I eventually crashed to desktop. Usually, my computer runs with everything on high at around 80fps - so I guess when I go to Ilum, I'll need to lower my graphics settings.


But yea. It's totally not the situation these forums would lead you to believe.

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Whatever Bioware is going to do they ABSOLUTELY have to do it fast before this gets further out of hand. They need to hurry up "crafting" their statement and actually state what they are going to do.


Rollback? No rollback? Either way, someone from that company has to come forward and say something about what they are going to do to fix this.

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But they do have the ability to contact those people.


Oh, I'm sure THAT would be productive. And then everyone would be complaining that there is too much communication going on and not enough working on a fix. On top of that, do you really think that when we're at this level on the Rage-o-meter, BW would waste any time in telling us how this is going to be fixed? The mods pestering them would just get the mods fired for wasting time inquiring about a statement of which we've already been told is in the pipeline to be released.

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