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Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Issues Discussion


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I wonder why people have to post "Fail". It's a waste of time, go play something else. Be constructive in your advice instead of posting statements. It's like 4chan took this over or rage filled hormonal imbalanced WoW nerds are taking up arms because they view this game as a future threat.


If you're going to say something negative, **** of this discussion.


This is EPIC FAIL to say the least

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For those keeping tabs, the frontpage has been updated.


If a rollback isn't in order, some sort of underdog valor bonus is definitely in order to get the poor repubs into Ilum to fight, and to assist them in gearing up a bit from the beating they took today so they can compete with all the new Battlemasters on the Imp side.


Rollback valor now or a lot us that legitimately ground battlemaster will be leaving.







What you mean killing lowbies for the last few weeks is now considered legit?

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Obviously there is a problem. Everyone is freaking out and blaming BioWare for this, which I find hilarious. You DO know that **** was in testing for more than a week, right? And you DO know that BioWare depends on US to test their updates and bring all issues, possible exploits and game breaking mechanics to light, right? The problem here, like with all the other exploits is, once people find them in testing, they keep their mouths shut about it so that if it isnt found and the exploit goes live, they profit.


So far, all the major issues that people are flipping out at BioWare for are the fault of your very own community of players/testers that choose to allow this garbage to go live rather then actually work for their credits, valor and loot. By all means, keep freaking out, but freak out at the right people. The idiots that keep silent for personal gain.


BioWare, though I know you probably won't even see this, thanks for the attempt at an excellent product with regular updates. I'm sorry the testing community can't put their own goals and greed aside long enough to help you put out a even better product.


P.S. You folks that saw this in testing, you should be ashamed of yourselves. I hope the rollback is followed by bans.

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Hey everyone, I just wanted to let you know that we are currently working on an official response to these issues and we will be posting it soon. Please understand that these issues require some time to investigate and we are making sure that we provide you all with the most updated information in our official response.


We understand that some of you may be frustrated, but we ask for your patience on this to give us time to respond with thorough developer input.


Thank you to those of you that have been posting constructively in this thread.


We will have a response shortly.




I am sure we all appreciate you keeping us in the loop, of course. However, if I didn't know better, I would think you were flaming us on?


I want to be a "constructive" member of the community, but as many have already poined out, what investigation is necessary? I legitimately do not understand what you are talking about. The comment seems more political than explanatory. What is the delay involved in resolving the issue?


The issue has been identified, and folks have even been kind enough to post youtube vids for y'all to look at as a demonstration. Is there reason to suspect the videos have been doctored? Are you not able to verify that the issue is occuring?


It seems that there is nothing to think about, and a roll-back would seem to be the only viable solution. What I really don't understand is, why are the servers still rolling live with this problem ongoing?


Again - not trying to be anything other than constructive, but I don't understand. Further constructive input became difficult once your community pointed out the issues and the obvious solutions. How much more constructive can any of us be? The post above, mentioning an investigation, seems to be an admission that BW does not believe the abundance of reports made in the forums? But how can the issue be denied? It just doesn't make sense...


Edited by DralenBrand
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I hope they have 200 GMs on hand to swoop in as indestructible Republic butt-kickers to clear the spawn camping. :rolleyes:


This just solidified my rationale for canceling my sub, combined with the lack of changes to UI response, and incredibly poor frame rates in combat with as few as 30 combatants. (560ti, 3ghz quad).


Back to Rift, the only real next gen MMO available right now. I can't tolerate kung fu pandas and pokemon.

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It's awesome that I stuck through PvP as a level 30-40 for weeks vs fully geared 50's and accept the fact that right when I hit 50 they FINALLY get the 50 bracket up (should have happened WEEKS ago). But beyond not even being able to complete my PvP dailies in a reasonable amount of time (I generally can win maybe 10% of games in solo queue). Did no one on the dev team think about a solution for the population disparity between factions? Why has there YET to be a balance? From the start it has always been the side with more people winning and now it's gotten insane. Should limit the population on Ilum to have somewhat matching sides atleast. No roll back? I'm gone. My friends laughed when I told them to play SW:TOR. Said a singleplayer game maker can't make a proper MMO. I should have listened to them. Edited by Paralassa
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They are working on a offical response hahaha?


yes something along the lines of:


Its not our fault, its the players fault, you with your ****** computers which have fps issues, yes you, stop farming spawn points for republic kills, all play nice on those pvp areas please.....




Patch 1.1 was an unprecedented event in SWTOR, we are seeing more world pvp than ever before, pvp zones are packed with more player kills than ever...


(dont mention that its 300 empire facerolling 20 republic for 4 hours straight....)

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Very rarely like to throw my lot in with the horde, but the valor needs to be rolled back.

One of my mates has spent a hell of a long time grinding his way to Battlemaster the legit way, only to find 2 days later the whole world's essentially on fire and PvP/Illum has become an utter disastar zone of easy Valor and unbeatable premades.


Chaos is all this patch has brought, total and utter chaos.


Nothing like earning what you did the hard way, only to find someone did it ez mode. I remember a few times that happening in EQ2....reason i left....But isn't the former EQ2 pvp dev James Ohlen here? Coincidence? I think not. :D

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Obviously there is a problem. Everyone is freaking out and blaming BioWare for this, which I find hilarious. You DO know that **** was in testing for more than a week, right? And you DO know that BioWare depends on US to test their updates and bring all issues, possible exploits and game breaking mechanics to light, right? The problem here, like with all the other exploits is, once people find them in testing, they keep their mouths shut about it so that if it isnt found and the exploit goes live, they profit.


So far, all the major issues that people are flipping out at BioWare for are the fault of your very own community of players/testers that choose to allow this garbage to go live rather then actually work for their credits, valor and loot. By all means, keep freaking out, but freak out at the right people. The idiots that keep silent for personal gain.


BioWare, though I know you probably won't even see this, thanks for the attempt at an excellent product with regular updates. I'm sorry the testing community can't put their own goals and greed aside long enough to help you put out a even better product.


P.S. You folks that saw this in testing, you should be ashamed of yourselves. I hope the rollback is followed by bans.


Patch 1.1 was avilable for testing for about one week.


It's not possible to copy a level 50 character to the PTS.


Would you grind a toon that will be deleted to 50 for the sake of testing Ilum?


OK, fine, but will 200 people do the same?


It's not the customer's fault, nimrod. This is all on BioWare.

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Need to allow respawn outside of base when it is being raided because people are getting camped left and right.


Also need to remove valor from turrets.


That fixes any kind of exploit or griefing and everything else is as intended.

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I hate to say it, but it looks like they should have done something along the lines of baradin hold in wow. Every few hours have a battle with x amount of players, same amount on each side, when one side gets another person allow the other side to get more people. Whoever wins gets a few hours to do some dailies.


I didn't like it too much, but that was much better than what we got in this game.

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