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Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Issues Discussion


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They could perhaps use powerful NPC soldiers to even the balances out for either side, if one side outnumbers the other. As in, for example, if there is 10 Republics and 20 Imp's then give the Pub's 10 additional NPC soldiers. I think I've seen a game or two that used a similar tactic to decent effect . . .


It would be cool to have some super soldiers to come down and clear the way to fix things up a bit.

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OMG I cant even move in Ilum! and IT IS NOT MY PC! Im not going 2 get into my pc stats...but they are WAY above whats required for SWTOR.


I turned graffics 2 low and turned ALL name plates off

I even went as far as hiding the UI (ALT+Z)


And STILL my loading screen pops up every 5 seconds and Ive seen movies from the 1900 with better FPS

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Unlimited valorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!


"I am the bone of my faction.

Sith is my body, and Empire is my blood.

I have killed over a thousand turrets.

Unknown to death.

Nor known to life.

Have withstood Ilum to create many gankings.

Yet, those noobs will never hold anything.

So as I pray, "Unlimited Valor Works."

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I am not happy with the changes the world PVP


It supports zerging, the mass fights of World PVP, which while they can be cool don't work anymore. And I can't even snipe points for my Dailies because it's now kille x players and loot the corpse.


Zerging would be fine (if the sides were balanced which -is- the case on my server) but the game doesn't run well, my computer is no slouch, but it's unplayable.

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Ok, think about it in a business sense. They don't have "proof", they have screenshots and some data floating around. There is no way they would shut down servers on a maybe. There is probably red tape to go through to get anything major OK'd. This means having data most likely in a predetermined format. They probably have some issue escalation process, which involves some form that has to be filled out with data they've collected and sorted etc, about what the problem is. Then they have a meeting about it. Then they go through the data and see what the best course of action is that would least likely impact $ but also provide a sense of "we're listening and care.


They can't NOT care. They want to have jobs, no one wants something they work on to fail. They'll try their best, maybe it will be enough for some people, maybe it won't be enough for others.


Am I happy about the current state? (not just the PVP issues) Not really. Did I change my sub to 1 month- yes. Will I wait to see how they handle this- yes. Will I continue to give them another chance- yes.


I like the game in general, but if I have to unsub for a bit until I'm comfortable coming back so be it. Or maybe I'll be fine with what they do and people will be like "oh we didn't actually get valor really fast".


I do feel like how they handle this is key, that's why they won't be making some rash decision or some poorly put together official response. I'm waiting, somewhat impatiently, and hope for the best!


Quoted for sanity

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This is disheartening to say the least. I'm wary to ever call for a rollback but in this case I'd say it's necessary.



Oh and 169 pages in a couple of hours? Damn! This thread is burning up.

Edited by Benfynyn
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I wonder why people have to post "Fail". It's a waste of time, go play something else. Be constructive in your advice instead of posting statements. It's like 4chan took this over or rage filled hormonal imbalanced WoW nerds are taking up arms because they view this game as a future threat.


If you're going to say something negative, **** of this discussion.

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I mean come on,no proof? Are we to belive that they don't have accounts where they can go test the realms? I grinded out battlemaster, have gone 1 and 20 for battlemaster bags. Now all the people using ilum can outgear the people who actually tried. I swear the devs here should be fired. I will just cancel my sub and get ready for secret world.
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you guys don't seem to have a real great grip on World PvP @ Bioware. I would happily consult for your company for a free sub and the cost of my game back.




That is my credentials. I successfully predicted this before it happened. About 1000000 or so others did too (what is the playerbase now? just insert that number) but I made a thread with like 30 responses so I think I get moved to the top of the line.


I would definitely look at retaining some new game designers though because this tells me you guys aren't just behind Blizzard, but you just flat out do not know what you are doing at some level. This was just a really poor decision.

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Rollback valor now or a lot us that legitimately grinded battlemaster will be leaving.


I agree, and i am actually thinking about it.



Those of us who worked none stop for our valor rank and prestige just to have people waltz in and reach us like it was nothing difficult at all? This is such a slap in the face to all those who actually tried.


Bioware has already said its an exploit. My solution, find those who are still doing it KNOWING its an exploit, and give them the banhammer, then reset all the valor earned today. Simple and fair. You want to exploit when you know it is an exploit it should be bannable.

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This has effectively ruined any chance of daily or weekly ilum pvp quest rewards for melee.


1. We are vastly outnumbered by ranged dps I cant even get a 2 swings off on my jedi knight sentinel before I am dead.


2. We have 0 chance of getting the daily or weekly quest now that kills are required. This will only further the rerolling of jk sentinel into anything that is NOT AS HORRIBLE as we are in the pvp game aspect. ie anything is better, we have no use and no dual spec doesnt allow us to use a raid pve spec and a pvp spec, but both are horrible dps overall anyway.


3. We had no fixes in the patch, oh I notice some nonsense about not targeting holo dancers with force leap. Yeah, thanks for listening to everyone that complained about the one thing people could misuse in huttball. Where is our dps output buff, hell you even buffed a sith sorc ability to do more damage, great they didnt nuke me fast enough before so i could get a few swings in before they healed and ***** me.


4. You have ruined my chances of advancing in pvp by getting gear from dailies and ilum weekly.


5. You have shown your disdain for the Jedi Knight sentinels and ignored any requests for balance in pvp for us. You see tons of people calling out for nerfs on operatives/scoundrels, sage/sorc, and bounty hunter/troopers. The only thing anyone had to say about the Jedi Knight is force leap targetted holo dancers. The reason nobody is complaining about us is we suck and they dont want their easy kills to go away.


6. We are so lacking in effectiveness. We have one cc break and its a minute timer, that is nothing when almost every other class has multiple cc/snare/root/stun/mez, one break doesnt go very far when you have overwhelming opposition using multiple cc. Oh yes we can spec force camo into a snare or root break but thats it, not helping when your stunned or mezzed. Our only real cc is force stasis, its 3 seconds and has to be channeled, so its easy to interupt, and we cant do anything to them while thats ticking. Many of the other classes have full 5 sec stuns so during that 5 seconds they can just roll up and down us.


7. Thanks for your love of empire, you have shown us that you want them to be so much stronger not only in numbers but now they have a clear path to max valor by farming our turrets. Its hard to get our idk how many kills you thought we should get, when there are 40 sith outside our base nuking turrets and anyone dumb enough to come into range.


8 You have ruined melee pvp, I know i have said it several times now, but I figured after a month of being ignored enough is enough. Going to level a smuggler now i guess the last month was a waste of my life. Thanks

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