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Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Issues Discussion


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There does need to be less huttball. There should be more warzones, but that takes time. In the mean time you can have voidstar and civil war with Imperial on Imperial, just make one side loyal to the emperor and another side loyal to Malgus or something.


Erase the f*cking republic faction while you're at it. what a selfish faction the empire is

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Wow this thread is growing faster than I can read it amazing how bent people get when things don't go exactly perfect.


People make mistakes I'm not going to quit playing a game I enjoy because they made a mistake I am pretty sure they realize by now they messed up all they need to do is see how fast this thread is growing.


They will fix it give them some time and if you feel so strongly that you feel you need to quit playing because of this patch than maybe you need to find something less stressful to do with your free time and your couple bucks a month.


This isn't a whoops kind of thing - it was designed this way by morons who couldn't see what would happen on imbalanced servers (which are most) and now will cause a massive amount of people to unsub which will affect the long term prospects of this game.

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How come no one is exploiting for valor on my server ?




Was 70vs130, but looks like everyone got bored and went home. Can't imagine Imperials leaving though when they can exploit turrerts for insane amount of valor. OH WAIT! That was just some stupid rumor that isnt true!


it's 80 vs. 12 on hypserspace cannon. logged onto my imp alt to do a /who for ilum because i wasnt sure if it was real or surreal

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I'm confused. Why is it this Gabe guys fault?


Also, I'm unable to play today for the next 3 days so what are the actual numbers on Ilum valor gains?


I'm almost valor 59 currently and it took a long time to get there. I'm really hoping all the 50s won't be battlemasters when I get back.


valor rank 100 in half an hour

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We can probably expect an announcement regarding the 1.1 Patch and Ilum situation by day's end if not then tomo. A basic "We f**ked up and we know it. Here's what we're going to do to fix it" letter.


If that doesnt happen in that time frame.. BW can will probably be looking at one of the largest drop offs in subs, in MMO history.


Add that to your guiness book of world records BW



I do not expect to see BW accept any responsibility for this -- and would not be surprised to see them blame the players.


I also do not expect them to make any corrections to the damage that has been caused and will be continued to be caused.



It really is unbelievable that they allowed this to happen, especially considering how it immediately became an issue as soon as the patch went live.

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Very rarely like to throw my lot in with the horde, but the valor needs to be rolled back.

One of my mates has spent a hell of a long time grinding his way to Battlemaster the legit way, only to find 2 days later the whole world's essentially on fire and PvP/Illum has become an utter disastar zone of easy Valor and unbeatable premades.


Chaos is all this patch has brought, total and utter chaos.


Quoted for TRUTH!

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I am going to make a really long post about what is wrong with PvP because I'm obviously smart and BW really messed up.


First, I will make a comment about how imbalanced my server is. Please note how I emphasized what I think is a serious problem.


Now I dont want to see like I'm just jumping on a band wagon here so I'll use eye catching words like unsubscribe and gamebreaking. Now that I think that my post matters, I will use some colored text to really drive the point across.


Now, to finish on a strong note, I'll put up a list of fixes that will undoubtedly solve the problem. (I need to make sure to make them look organized).


1. A technical fix that I do not understand.

2. A penalty to people that live at home in their basements.

3. Something in GIANT LETTERS


Also poop

Edited by Pawlaar
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the rollback of the valor points will have no effect on level and pve progress! and why rollback, you could even the valor of all players ? make it even and everyone is happy.


if they can isolate it,..sure thing!





This thread is moving at the speed of "holy crap"



Ludicrous Speed!







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Ok I am going to chime in here being that I am already upset with the game- I loved this game till I got to 40.


I still have not gotten a response from Customer Service (no surprise there).


PVP has no right to be anywhere on a PVE server unless you do it like DAOC...period! Or Battlegrounds!


Nowhere did it say that PVP would be a requirement for this game!


What they did on Ilium I have to agree with the masses here is wrong and needs to be addressed ASAP..


And while you are it ""WHY NOT FIX IT SO IF YOU ARE ON A PVE SERVER YOU CAN NOT BE GANGED BY THE OPPISTE FACTION BECAUSE THEY WANT TO BE JERKS AND JUMP IN ON YOUR MOBS TO FLAG YOU THEN KILL YOU WHILE YOUR QUESTING AND NOT FLAGGED!!!!! Oh yea this has my blood boiling over, I have never ever but one game had this type of BS which was Rift (remember doing the rifts near opposing faction even if you are not flagged the aoe damage flagged you...) well welcome to hell.....because this is what your last levels will be like on a PVE server!


I know this has nothing to do with the Ilium issue but maybe someone will see this and fix the other issue while you’re at it…ha, ha ya right…wishful dreaming...good luck guys and I hope they fix your issue that looked like nasty business.


Are you the one that made a similar post about you and your husband getting killed on a pve server because you accidently hit their mob or tagged them last night? I'm thinking it is.


Anyway - I think you installed the wrong game. Hello Kitty is over yonder. Please un-install this game and have fun.

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Hahahaha completely pathetic in all aspects. Apparently they don't even have a saved character database, so no rollbacks. Just a bunch of people getting Battlemaster in a day. Way to go Bioware, way to completely **** the bed.
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I just spent 2 hours on Ilum along with 18 other Republic players while 80+ Imperials camped the med center and the landing zone - so anyone coming to help was instant killed, and anyone respawning was instant killed. They were focused on the turrets (valor gain or not) and are still there to my knowledge. This is not pvp and anyone who thinks that 90v19 spawn camping for 2-3 hours is pvp needs to reconsider their definition. I recorded a video but since there are so many up already I won't bother uploading it.


Fix this Bioware.

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LOL how retarded are the people that made this game? Its like the whole game from start to finish was made be a high school news broadcast team. You need a new leader for this whole project that has a grasp on simple things. This game makes my head hurt and makes me want to go back to playing other games.
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