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Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Issues Discussion


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Thank you to those of you that have been posting constructively in this thread.


We will have a response shortly.



Sorry but these Answer was about 6hours for now.

Whats your defination of shortly? will it become the all known "soon" ?


I mean sorry i like this Game , i told everymone i will give you time , and i will, but dont start with Community Interaction like Activision-Blizzard. This will kill all faith we have in you.

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I started to read this thread but then I realized 90% of it was just "QQQQQQQ" with no constructive points so I stopped reading and posted this. :)


Get back your valor farming quickly!

Before they change it and all your friends become l33t and you not

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It is not only bad in Ilum for republic.


A lot of people don't know about the camping so what is happening is once they figure out they have to queue a warzone and exit to get out of the ilum mess they do so.

Which is making the warzones also a numbers problem. 1 out of the 10 games I played actually had 8 people in it from start to finish. The other 9 had people pop in and then out ... never helping with any of the goals. Most of the games had maybe 5 people that actually queued to play a warzone instead of just escape from Ilum.


Please turn Ilum back to pre-patch or turn it off completely.


It is ruining the entire pvp landscape at least on my server.

Edited by Gozzar
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Before i get started here please note this is not a flame thread or qq thread im trying to be positive here and get changes made please post ways to fix this or your ideas. If you want to threaten to leave and qq go elsewhere please.



Ilum bases


As ive stated in other posts the main issues with these bases is lack of defenses.


The bases need the following things implented


1. The bases need lot more gaurds and wall turrets. I say this b/c as were seeing really now more then ever that the opposite side can sit in the other sides base.


2. The bases need to be more deeper like the main bases when u land on ilum. They need to be closed off and have 1 entrance in/out


3. Thier needs to be a base boss to kill thats 80 to 100k deep inside of the base. This boss needs to have the highest chance of getting pvp gear/champion bags and even armor pieces in themselves. I base this on how easy it is to take the bases currently. Shooting a rocket and camping the repair box is just not doing. Theres needs to be a raid to go into the base and strategically kill a base boss on top of taking the turrets. This would make for better pvp and more people organizing to fight for an objective


So heres how the base take over should be


1. use rocket launcher kill turrets

2. Fight your way inside the base (should be lots of door gaurds and droids/turrets to fight your way through.

3. Kill the base boss thats a 80-100k deep inside the base then cap the base.

4. Loot boss or chest (This boss must have the highest drop rate for champion bags/commendations and even gear itself)


4. The repair box for the turrets needs to be inside the base why this is outside? I do not know. This makes for harder and a better experience to take the turrets out. Anyone can go shoot a rocket launcher up there and camp the repair box.


5. We need to have healers be able to heal please remove -30 healing


6. We need to have more functional/more useful manable gun turrets


7. Faction imbalance im going to be honest gabe your gonna need to open rvr and other servers ability to come and go to have functional pvp on any server. This issue cannot be adressed with same faction vs same faction. Really need to get this rvr and cross server pvp going


8. Raid assist we cant do much in a raid with no raid assist. Ive complained about this issue in beta. If you want to form a community and have organized groups fighting we need a raid assist badly



These ideas imho would go a long way in ilum i know theres going to be lag and fps issues and theyve stated there working on them.


To gabe i hope you read and consider these ideas. I think this would really improve things if one side could actually defend thier base and putting a base boss would create more raiding and better fun for all.


Please post constructive ideas ill admit like a lot of people im getting very frustrated and i want this to succeed for us all both sides.

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you 50`s farmed lowbies for easy valor since game release, and lnow its whing because those after you get easy valor...hypecrate


a) it's spelled "hypocrite"


b) 50s farming lowbies was accessible to everyone, not just Empire only as is the case here


c) lowbies had a chance to fight back instead of being spawncamped


d) the rate of valor gain from "farming lowbies" is many times lower than ilum at its current post-1.1 state


please think before you post

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Rollback or Ban "All" players who Exploited knowing full well that this kind of thing doesn't just happen as a happy surprise. Once people learned of this exploit they did it knowing full well what they where doing.


Banning all the players who partook would probably even the sides too. 2 Birds one stone :p


In my opinion a rollback would preferable although the 3 or 4 valor ranks i lose for legitimately playing pvp today would suck i would just take it on the chin like everyone else who doesn't want explioters to have a massive advantage.


In future, don't give valor for anything but player kills and warzone completion. And don't allow a "forced" spawn area to be camped constantly allowing tons of kills if players wont log out. The new pvp quest for illum was a total failure anyway its worse then the old pvp quest atleast that was doable with the huge side inbalance.


Anyway just my two bits worth. Thank you for reading



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you 50`s farmed lowbies for easy valor since game release, and lnow its whing because those after you get easy valor...hypecrate


People PvP'd on their way UP to 50...so they earned their Valor like anyone else. How can anyone post something so stupid. =/

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I keep reading this thread for two reasons.


1. I am really angry with Ilum.


2. I am stunned at how absolutely silent BW is. It's fascinating in grotesque sort of way.


I'm with you, everyone who's been farmed knows its a problem, but its the lack of a response thats really annoying people.

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What do you expect?


Actually, this is a great example of what I was talking about earlier. When Faction Imbalance is allowed to get so out of control, such as Empire players massively outnumbering Republic players, this kind of thing stops happening. Some Republic players reroll Empire for easier pvp and grouping because of higher numbers, some Republic players realize they're massively gimped in PvP and stop participating, and others just quit out of frustration.


As such, I propose drastic balancing measures be taken. Ideas:


1. Institute caps on character creation on imbalanced servers. If the imbalance reached 2:1, prevent any more characters from being made for the higher-populated faction on that server until the balance improves. To prevent the Imperials from making a bunch of level 1 Republic characters to manipulate the balance, base the balance on the number of level 50 characters on that server.


2. Merge high-Republic servers (like those exist) with less balanced servers.


3. Move players or entire guilds from one server to another.


4. Provide more positive endorsement and advertising for Republic. Why endorse the Empire with a Darth Malgus statue in the CE, with no Shatele Shan option for Republic players. That was pretty messed up and shows obvious bias.


I think that beside the statue all Empire classes should as of now have force lightning, it's unfair to the rest of them to not be able to scream unlimited poweaaaah, Sidious style


Joke aside, i have to say again that you are COMPLETELY right.


This thread is just eating posts....

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My guild has about 12 active members always on, all we did was PvP 80% of the time. 3 members who had just gotten Valor to 60 in the last week or so have just cancelled their subs. Im at Valor 55 and i am imperial, i refuse to do anything on Ilum because of what it is today.

We out number the republic 4-1 on my PvE server, but everyone got their missions done (both sides) and seen a bit of action if you were at the right time and place. Now its a zerg fest and i am grouped up with people i would rather have nothing to do with just to get a quest done.

I should be able to log and get most of my dailies done in a hour or so by myself. If you want to put me in a 8-16 man ops group when i enter the battlefield so be it. But i for sure don't want to be ganking people to a unfair advantage just so i can beat them even harder next time. I dont think the last system was broken it just needed more incentive to pvp there. It's a big map it would be nice to have a reason to spread out more then travel in a straight line from one end to the other.

So now my guild has less people that i enjoyed PvPing with, and what people are left just want to PvE now. I will give it one month if i don't see i decent fix im out. Which is really sad because i have been watching this game since 2007.

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Hey everyone, I just wanted to let you know that we are currently working on an official response to these issues and we will be posting it soon. Please understand that these issues require some time to investigate and we are making sure that we provide you all with the most updated information in our official response.


We understand that some of you may be frustrated, but we ask for your patience on this to give us time to respond with thorough developer input.


Thank you to those of you that have been posting constructively in this thread.


We will have a response shortly.


Taking your time there...

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This is the worst patch I have ever seen in my life why would this idea get past anyone's brain? You are promoting faction vs faction combat on servers that are 8-1 Empire vs Republic.


This issue is making me remove my subscription till there is a full rollback of valor as there are now posts about how to grind from valor 1-60 in approximately 20 hours of AFK macro by the Republic turrets. I earned 60 valor by grinding and now people I am fighting got it in a day of AFK?


Seriously dont make this game die because of incompetent people because right now this is the next RIFT and I'll go back to WoW soon.

Edited by Yvin
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The massacre aside, I'm very hopeful that the number of players claiming to cancel their subscriptions are as honest as they are vehement. I can't wait for the lessened server load, especially considering the depopulation comes from whiners and those who cannot abide hard work or alternatives.


I'm also glad that SWToR has as many different activities (Space Combat, PvE fights and puzzles, Flashpoints, Datacron hunts, crafting, etc) to do. One sub-set experiences problems, in this case PvP, and manifold other options still exist whilst it is being fixed.


As a Republic player and a Jedi that doesn't plan to play anything else, I'm not worried about the faction imbalance or the farmed Valor and Battlemaster items. Being a Jedi represents sacrifice, working hard for tempered power instead of easy and quick power, and being grossly outnumbered due to choice of ethics and practices. If anything, I praise Bioware for making this situation exemplify the Jedi philosophy.


For those who are getting steamrolled on Ilum: please don't take it out on Bioware; find alternative forms of entertainment and trust that their great game so far is insurance that they are interested in a great game in the future. Realize that complaints and rage do nothing to improve the situation.


For those who are taking advantage of the situation: I truly wish you wouldn't, but you pay your money to Bioware for the ability to do so. Therefore, if you choose to do so, do so in good conscience and don't take the numerous cries of my butt-hurt Republicans as representative of us all. I'll be back to Ilum when planetary politics and technology are back under control, and hope to meet you there.


For Bioware PR folks: I'm so sorry. You are doing your job, and I'm sure you understand that your clientele is comprised of flustered teenagers and homebodies who choose not to acquiesce to any change whatsoever. Even so, I truly hope you can continue to work as hard as you have been, and rest assured that at least some of us appreciate your efforts on behalf of your company and will remain patient.



You really want to be a JEDI irl more than anything huh? (I bet that you are on a RPG server)


Us PvPers don't care for the amazing quests, crafting or whatever... We want to PvP and they took that away from us.


Majority of us have been very patient with Bioware but enough is enough, They didn't listen to us in the closed beta, nor the open beta, and now this.

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Holy sweet Jesus lol.


Do you really expect BioWare's core dev team to meet, decide, implement, and deploy a fix within three hours of releasing the patch? Let me give you some insight here from a fellow game developer with a different / unaffiliated company.


It is likely that EA manages our SWTOR accounts (as they are connected to our EA master account). In addition, BioWare probably has one department managing the code repository, one department managing the game servers, another department managing the game database(s), and so on and so on.


In the end, it takes about as much time to create and deploy the patch as it takes to roll it back, especially when you consider how much coordination must take place between departments. Give BioWare some time here guys. I'm sure they are working very hard here to address our concerns...

This. All of you screaming about Valor rollbacks are a bunch of entitled internet crybabies who have clearly never worked in a large company before.
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Here's a lovely picture of the Republic spawn on Helm of Graush:





Joke game, cancelled subscription.


wow, rediculous


Theres no way in any game that either faction should be allowed to get in or even close to the other factions spawn point, it should be insta death for them to even try like the spawn points in warzones

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I keep reading this thread for two reasons.


2. I am stunned at how absolutely silent BW is. It's fascinating in grotesque sort of way.


LOL - man I feel the exact same way. I should be studying, but I can't help but refresh and see all this spiral out of control, while BW seemingly has abandoned ship.

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Also it's kinda funny. I was getting ganked by level 50's on the Imps side for valor LONG before this. I'm excited to play in warzones without level 50's......if my internet wasn't being slow and taking forever to download the patch! =s
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So where is this happening, just saying ilum as if it is universal is bs. what servers, and who on earth would be so retarded as to keep letting it happen after however many hours.


I get the feeling that this is being blown way out of proportion, just like everything these forums are full of.


Instead of writing pathetic "fix it NAO or I quitz0rz!!!111" threads, REALLY quit and show them with your wallet what you think. No one gives a damn about your threats on a forum full of vociferous whiners that claim they are going to quit when they lose a game of huttball.

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