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Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Issues Discussion


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This is true, it's refreshing to see some normal people who haven't succumbed to the drama and hysteria here.


Part of the issue is that the nature of how the issue is address might not fix all the larger repercussions. Fixing the zone is all great but it doesn't mean anything when there's a major valor imbalance that persists after wards.

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The massacre aside, I'm very hopeful that the number of players claiming to cancel their subscriptions are as honest as they are vehement. I can't wait for the lessened server load, especially considering the depopulation comes from whiners and those who cannot abide hard work or alternatives.


I'm also glad that SWToR has as many different activities (Space Combat, PvE fights and puzzles, Flashpoints, Datacron hunts, crafting, etc) to do. One sub-set experiences problems, in this case PvP, and manifold other options still exist whilst it is being fixed.


As a Republic player and a Jedi that doesn't plan to play anything else, I'm not worried about the faction imbalance or the farmed Valor and Battlemaster items. Being a Jedi represents sacrifice, working hard for tempered power instead of easy and quick power, and being grossly outnumbered due to choice of ethics and practices. If anything, I praise Bioware for making this situation exemplify the Jedi philosophy.


For those who are getting steamrolled on Ilum: please don't take it out on Bioware; find alternative forms of entertainment and trust that their great game so far is insurance that they are interested in a great game in the future. Realize that complaints and rage do nothing to improve the situation.


For those who are taking advantage of the situation: I truly wish you wouldn't, but you pay your money to Bioware for the ability to do so. Therefore, if you choose to do so, do so in good conscience and don't take the numerous cries of my butt-hurt Republicans as representative of us all. I'll be back to Ilum when planetary politics and technology are back under control, and hope to meet you there.


For Bioware PR folks: I'm so sorry. You are doing your job, and I'm sure you understand that your clientele is comprised of flustered teenagers and homebodies who choose not to acquiesce to any change whatsoever. Even so, I truly hope you can continue to work as hard as you have been, and rest assured that at least some of us appreciate your efforts on behalf of your company and will remain patient.


PvP gets a quarter of each factions home base, half of the endgame gear, and probably a third of overall endgame play time. It is not insignificant. Just because something doesn't affect you does not mean it is not a problem. And have fun finding Operation groups when you lose a significant portion of your endgame players.

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The pvp community will survive, the only damage being ones pride.



1.1 will kill what little community TOR had


IF 1.1 was an exploit and just a few exploiters were benefiting from it they could repair it, this is 100 server systems wide with thousands of exploiters, there only fix is going to be a roll back, for if they do not put things back to the point they were before 1.1, this will kill TOR, as surly as an arrow to the knee

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This PvP system is gunna be a gimp for fresh 50s really hoping that cross realm battle groups for warzones will be implemented soon. I know it will kill the community feel of playing with people on your server, but it is better than what we are currently facing.


That would fix anything since factions are unbalanced in every server. It would just make it suck a little less for some servers, and suck a little more for others. Queue times in wow STILL SUCKED after cross realm queues until the populations balanced out when they have horde blood elves.

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shus it obaro they knew this stuff from the moment they even thought of this damn patch.



Yeah, they knew about it and told us that they were going to not give out the patch and hold off. Then people started gathering their pitchforks and torches and they gave in. So we technically got what we asked for. A patch that they said had issues.

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The massacre aside, I'm very hopeful that the number of players claiming to cancel their subscriptions are as honest as they are vehement. I can't wait for the lessened server load, especially considering the depopulation comes from whiners and those who cannot abide hard work or alternatives.

Hard work (at least for an MMO) is getting to Valor 60 using Warzones. It takes a while and it includes a LOT of PvP. This patch is destroying all of that by giving it out to anyone who happened to pick Imperial first. You don't even need to be 50 to do it!

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My concern is that when they fix it they allow the valor levels to be kept. If that's the case then we will see dozens of imp battlemasters and pvp will be unwinnable. Rep will never catch up. even in PVE the battlemaster gear is so good that we might even see downings of nightmare EV16 tonight. I'm sure others share my concerns. THAT'S why I will not calm the **** down.


Columi gear has better stats and better stat priority than battlemaster gear for pve, I think you'll be fine.

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