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Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Issues Discussion


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The massacre aside, I'm very hopeful that the number of players claiming to cancel their subscriptions are as honest as they are vehement. I can't wait for the lessened server load, especially considering the depopulation comes from whiners and those who cannot abide hard work or alternatives.


I'm also glad that SWToR has as many different activities (Space Combat, PvE fights and puzzles, Flashpoints, Datacron hunts, crafting, etc) to do. One sub-set experiences problems, in this case PvP, and manifold other options still exist whilst it is being fixed.


As a Republic player and a Jedi that doesn't plan to play anything else, I'm not worried about the faction imbalance or the farmed Valor and Battlemaster items. Being a Jedi represents sacrifice, working hard for tempered power instead of easy and quick power, and being grossly outnumbered due to choice of ethics and practices. If anything, I praise Bioware for making this situation exemplify the Jedi philosophy.


For those who are getting steamrolled on Ilum: please don't take it out on Bioware; find alternative forms of entertainment and trust that their great game so far is insurance that they are interested in a great game in the future. Realize that complaints and rage do nothing to improve the situation.


For those who are taking advantage of the situation: I truly wish you wouldn't, but you pay your money to Bioware for the ability to do so. Therefore, if you choose to do so, do so in good conscience and don't take the numerous cries of my butt-hurt Republicans as representative of us all. I'll be back to Ilum when planetary politics and technology are back under control, and hope to meet you there.


For Bioware PR folks: I'm so sorry. You are doing your job, and I'm sure you understand that your clientele is comprised of flustered teenagers and homebodies who choose not to acquiesce to any change whatsoever. Even so, I truly hope you can continue to work as hard as you have been, and rest assured that at least some of us appreciate your efforts on behalf of your company and will remain patient.

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"...but we ask for your patience on this to give us time to respond with thorough developer input."


Just in time for the first billing cycle. Adjust your subscription accordingly.


Already did. Went from 3 months to 1 month to see if they're gonna fix this crap.


Valor for dieing on Ilum and this is fixed.

Republic Rules

Empire wouldn't stand a chance.


Now that could actually work. :D

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My Ilum issue? There's 8 empire and 0 repubs.


My warzone issue? I've been queued for 8 hours.



You basically took PvP away from me because I hit level 50. JUST FREAKIN YESTERDAY. Thanks a million.


This PvP system is gunna be a gimp for fresh 50s really hoping that cross realm battle groups for warzones will be implemented soon. I know it will kill the community feel of playing with people on your server, but it is better than what we are currently facing.

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To every knee-jerk reacting player out there:


Calm the **** down. Seriously. Patch 1.1 hasn't even been out for a day and you're crying worse than the kid on the floor of the candy aisle. They will fix it. These things take time. Just don't go to Ilum for the time being and calm the **** down.


My concern is that when they fix it they allow the valor levels to be kept. If that's the case then we will see dozens of imp battlemasters and pvp will be unwinnable. Rep will never catch up. even in PVE the battlemaster gear is so good that we might even see downings of nightmare EV16 tonight. I'm sure others share my concerns. THAT'S why I will not calm the **** down.

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Is it too much to include Server Transfers? :)


There are some funny quotes in this thread:



Execute Order 66


In all seriousness I think Bioware should reconsider their communication strategy and instead of announcing "suprise here is a new patch" to fix stuff, they should list all of the things they are working on and when they hope to have a fix in place.


Besides the gong show that is Illum, I'm really hoping for server transfers, heck I'm personnallly willing to pay for it.


Come on Bioware, if you are going to ask for our patience, at least have the common sense to share what you are working on.

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How are people surprised there are issues? I mean, wasn't the patch originally delayed because they said there were issues they found?


Then people started complaining and whining that it was a conspiracy to wait after the one month free to force people to have to pay for more. Post after post after post.


So they listened and released it with the issues. Hopefully the lesson they'll learn is to stop listening to people on the forum when they complain about waiting for a patch. Or just stop listening to them in general.

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Is it too much to include Server Transfers? :)


There are some funny quotes in this thread:



Execute Order 66


In all seriousness I think Bioware should reconsider their communication strategy and instead of announcing "suprise here is a new patch" to fix stuff, they should list all of the things they are working on and when they hope to have a fix in place.


Besides the gong show that is Illum, I'm really hoping for server transfers, heck I'm personnallly willing to pay for it.


Come on Bioware, if you are going to ask for our patience, at least have the common sense to share what you are working on.

Order 66 reference /golfclap

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You sure about that? Cause when I was on earlier Cyphen your folks and all the other 95 Imperials were camping our med bay and landing zone and we had about 9 people there dying without pause so we just stayed dead. Yes they screwed up but I can understand how some folks would be pretty upset about being camped for 1.5 hours until a warzone popped and they could afk and get back to the fleet lol.


We are at your base, but few minutes there was a huge fight for like 10 minutes Emp vs Rep with around the numbers iv stated. But once again Empire is now dominating ....

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Nop, just because you have less #, that is not motivated to go to Illum, rather sit around space staion does not mean you need to get double the valor, war commendation then other side. That is all



They could give ruplics 10x the valor per kill, 0 x 10 still ='s 0

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You have GOT to be kidding me... i got a warning for using the size 7 red text saying that rephrasing a statement isnt an update....


Bioware, this isnt the time/thread to start giving out warnings/infractions for talking about things you goofed up on.


I'm not mad, but really? Pick a different thread to target. Not one you guys even created for the purpose of venting / feedback.


There's a reason they disabled the search function today. They've been closing threads left and right and the community manager Stephen Reid has gone AWOL from his normal @Rockjaw account and made one post over 4 hours ago on his @SWTOR alias referring people complaining to this thread. Guess a 4 day weekend wasn't enough getaway time for him.

Edited by Zorvan
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The massacre aside, I'm very hopeful that the number of players claiming to cancel their subscriptions are as honest as they are vehement. I can't wait for the lessened server load, especially considering the depopulation comes from whiners and those who cannot abide hard work or alternatives.


I'm also glad that SWToR has as many different activities (Space Combat, PvE fights and puzzles, Flashpoints, Datacron hunts, crafting, etc) to do. One sub-set experiences problems, in this case PvP, and manifold other options still exist whilst it is being fixed.


As a Republic player and a Jedi that doesn't plan to play anything else, I'm not worried about the faction imbalance or the farmed Valor and Battlemaster items. Being a Jedi represents sacrifice, working hard for tempered power instead of easy and quick power, and being grossly outnumbered due to choice of ethics and practices. If anything, I praise Bioware for making this situation exemplify the Jedi philosophy.


For those who are getting steamrolled on Ilum: please don't take it out on Bioware; find alternative forms of entertainment and trust that their great game so far is insurance that they are interested in a great game in the future. Realize that complaints and rage do nothing to improve the situation.


For those who are taking advantage of the situation: I truly wish you wouldn't, but you pay your money to Bioware for the ability to do so. Therefore, if you choose to do so, do so in good conscience and don't take the numerous cries of my butt-hurt Republicans as representative of us all. I'll be back to Ilum when planetary politics and technology are back under control, and hope to meet you there.


For Bioware PR folks: I'm so sorry. You are doing your job, and I'm sure you understand that your clientele is comprised of flustered teenagers and homebodies who choose not to acquiesce to any change whatsoever. Even so, I truly hope you can continue to work as hard as you have been, and rest assured that at least some of us appreciate your efforts on behalf of your company and will remain patient.


You are my hero. Everything you said is true, and although I play Empire, I agree with you 100%.

I play for the social side of the game. It's a great game and can overcome many obstacles if it needs to, they will fix this issue, I believe in them for myself and for their understanding on how enraged players are.

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Just went on and canceled my sub, when i did so, it asked my nicely to tell them why, chose the pvp for obvius reasons... the funny thing is that a nice droid came up with an anwser "if you find pvp boring, it might be an idea to reroll a new class for better pvp experience", that should should fix that to "WE ARE SORRY FOR 1.1, WE WILL FIX ASAP, PLEASE RESUB"


Slighty more on topic -


I really think the next move from bioware is gonna decide wether or not atleast 25% or maybe even more (concidering that alot of people arent 50 yet, and cansee the disaster going on) are gonna resub to the game, or its just gonna be another ghosttown, free to play within a year mmo.. best of luck bioware!


cant wait for gw2

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