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Everything posted by Surfiehbk

  1. There is faction favoritism. Look at the Jedi Knight Battlemaster armor and then compare it to the Sith Warrior. Bioware put more time into the Sith than they did on the Jedi. It's a fact. 99% of the players wanted Bioware to redesign the Jedi Knight Battlemaster gear but Bioware ignored them. This is just one example but there are dozens of instances just like this and it's no wonder why the Imperials outnumber the Republic.
  2. Mirror abilities favor the Imerials. The Sith armor is also better looking than the Jedi armor. So if Bioware wants more people to roll Republic, then they need to start by redesigning the Jedi Knight Battlemaster armor because that's the ugliest armor in the history of MMOS. It is universally despised. Bioware already kind of ignored the thread on Jedi Knight armor saying that it's subjective but when something is universally hated, it's no longer subjective. That is if Bioware cares about faction balance that is...
  3. No one can logically argue against your since that's the way the game should be balanced. Melee should have more burst and dps than ranged classes. Or put a minimum range on all of a range classes abilities.
  4. You're an idiot. Having to be in melee range means that a Sentinel should do more DPS and have more burst than range dps classes. But that's not the case. And in Ilum, if you're melee, you're screwed since everyone forms two huge groups and if you want to engage as a melee you will be killed in seconds. It's just range taking shots at eachother.
  5. Surfiehbk

    Ilum Changes

    That's intended to further advantage range since this is a ranged based game to begin with. AOE ranged classes are the ones who will get all of the valor. If you're melee, reroll or cancel your sub like I did.
  6. The Devs knew that there would be a faction imbalance. In fact they even facilitated the imbalance. There are a lot of reasons for why this imbalance exists, but the most important is the coolness factor. The Sith look cooler than the Republic. Jedi Knights are the backbone of the Stars Wars universe, and they should look cool. But Bioware went and gave them the ugliest armor (Battlemaster) ever created while giving the Sith Warriors awesome looking armor. Bioware claimed that the Jedi Knight armor looking bad was subjective, but that’s completely false since 99% of the players thought the Jedi Knight armor looked horrible. That turns something that is subjective into something that is objective. The Sith also have cooler abilities. Not only do their abilities look better, they are actually better than the Republic counterparts. Why would you roll a Jedi Consular to throw rocks at someone when you could roll a Sith Inquistor and shoot lightning while having an advantage since the lightning version is instant cast?
  7. The Devs did know that there would be a faction imbalance. In fact they even facilitated the imbalance. There are a lot of reasons for why this imbalance exists, but the most important is the coolness factor. The Sith look cooler than the Republic. Jedi Knights are the backbone of the Stars Wars universe, and they should look cool. But Bioware went and gave them the ugliest armor (Battlemaster) ever created while giving the Sith Warriors awesome looking armor. Bioware claimed that the Jedi Knight armor looking bad was subjective, but that’s completely false since 99% of the players thought the Jedi Knight armor looked horrible. That turns something that is subjective into something that is objective. The Sith also have cooler abilities. Not only do their abilities look better, they are actually better than the Republic counterparts. Why would you roll a Jedi Consular to throw rocks at someone when you could roll a Sith Inquistor and shoot lightning while having an advantage since the lightning version is instant cast?
  8. Bioware wanted more Imps than Repubs. Did you look at the level 50 Jedi Knight armor and compare it to their sith counterparts???
  9. What did you expect? Did you play any of Bioware's previous games? Even though they were single play, range was always better than melee in Bioware games. Dragon Age, mages were overpowered. Dragon Age, magers and rangers overpowered. SWTOR, range overpowered, melee underpowered.
  10. Plessy v Ferguson. Of course, that's the exact doctrine that Bioware used to balance this game. Ranged >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Melee Imperial >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Republic Good job Bioware.
  11. Actually it is Bioware's fault. In almost every case where mirrored abilities don't match, it favors the the Empire. On top of being better due to imbalanced abilities, they made the Imperials cooler.
  12. Canceled. Bad faction balance. Bad class balance. Bad game.
  13. You're an idiot. I unsubbed. There are so many games out there to play nowadays. Bioware isn't getting anymore money from me.
  14. I canceled my subscription. Bioware will never get another dollar from me. From BG2 to this crap.
  15. The Jedi Knight is possibly the worst designed class in the history of MMOs. Even EQ had better classes. There are so many problems that have been fully documented in this thread. If these concerns aren't addressed, then there is no way that I am going to resubscribe at the end of the month.
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