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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Issues Discussion


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Its in their best intrests to rollback -if this is actually true-


Lots of people such as myselft will be done with the game in a matter of weeks. Once I hit valor 60 and farm all the gear I need, the end is close.


They have to keep the carrot farther away. Right now its poking me in the eye




That's not a carrot.

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awww Ilum actually has world PvP now.


Go sit in warzones all day if you don't like no rules pvp.


The only thing keeping me subd right now is knowing how mad you Imperials will be tomorrow when all your unearned valor is removed.

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We can probably expect an announcement regarding the 1.1 Patch and Ilum situation by day's end if not then tomo. A basic "We f**ked up and we know it. Here's what we're going to do to fix it" letter.


If that doesnt happen in that time frame.. BW can will probably be looking at one of the largest drop offs in subs, in MMO history.


Add that to your guiness book of world records BW


Hah, that is rather true, they claim records for subs but the drop from players and subscriptions might just give them a new record!

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The best thing todo is to remake ilum as it was.. Cant even be there on my server. All imps are in the republic base farming them as they spawn with massive aoe to even get a hit on them before they die. And the fps between 4-10 on a high end computer.
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This "PATCH" has completely ruined an already screwed up Ilum. Imperials are OP on almost every server I have heard of and outnumber the republic at least 3,4,5 to 1. I cannot believe they couldnt see this coming. I can imagine reading some interview tomorrow saying "no, no the faction imbalances are where we thought they would be, its only like 5%" ! OH PLEASE!!!! YOU FORCE PvP'ers to go to Ilum to complete dailies, but Republic are just falling further and further behind as people re-roll and Imps just keep farming. PLEASE BIOWARE!!! PLEASE FIX ILUM!!! we were all so excited for this brilliant idea, but what it has turned out to be is horrible. Fix it, or take away those dailies.
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What is Bioware doing, they are doing an mmorpg. PVP is not the centerpoint of the game, it is a detailed side component. Its going to wait in line ALWAYS with all the other components of the game that have to be addressed, improved and supported. Space combat, questing, pvp, mechanics, graphics, content, balance, flashpoints they all get a piece of the pie. Fine, if you can't take that go back to a true pvp game. Why make it unpleasant for yourself?


PvP is not the center point of the game, but generally speaking, you can break it down into one of two things PvE or PvP. The player is either facing challenges laid before them by the developers, or by another player. If they're so busy fixing other things, why have "mirror" classes been anything but? The bug fixes to date have been necessary, but entirely minor in the face of many of the major glaring issues the game still faces. "Mirror" matches favor Imperials. There is gross imbalance in viability of certain endgame classes and specs. Response delay seems to more heavily impact Republic players than Imperial players because of how animations suss out.


NONE of these things have been addressed. Looking at the dev tracker, none of these things have even been admitted to. WHAT precisely are they so busy fixing? The /dance bug? Yeah, okay, congrats, I guess.


Bioware is being extremely responsive with bug fixes and customer service and has been doing a ridiculously over the top job of trying to put in new content its first month of going live when almost every other game out there used the first few months just to stabilize the servers so you can play it. Are they yours or my bugfixes? Maybe not, or maybe not yet but I think you'll get a lot more with honey then vinegar there. Although BW people are probably all severely sleep deprived.


Excuse me, but I have to know: The EXACT problem Ilum is facing. And I mean the EXACT problem, not one sort of like it, not a hypothetical one, not an extrapolation based on a limited data pool but the EXACT situation it is in right now was pointed out DOZENS of times when the patch was on the test server. In what capacity is this being responsive to bug fixes? If a patch fundamentally breaks your game on the test server, it's okay, because that's what the test server is for. To take that testing data, ignore it, and then (this is where they lose me) pipeline it onto the live servers thus ruining the ACTUAL game when your testers sent you all sorts of red flags is the exact opposite of being responsive to bug fixes. It's being obstuse and pushing content out because you want to say you did something, as opposed to addressing the heart of the issue.


The fact that they've already responded to the complaints should be lauded. You dont want to pay them money, just take it and go.

People who are seriously complaining that it took them a whole week of grinding something to get a title or armor or anything really that is now being exploited?


Again, the heart of BioWare's failure here resides in the many warning signs. Much akin to the Titanic, impending disaster was avoidable simply by heeding any of the many warning signs. Instead, a broken patch that exacerbated existing problems was pushed onto the live game despite significant warning from the playerbase. That's not responding to complaints, that's ignoring them.


You have NO concept of investing real time for something yet. A week is nothing. You either have the attention spans of mayflies, are young or perhaps an attention disorder or something because grinding anything for a week only would probably get you laughed out of any game experience where people work for something, heck real world too. If you're just young or have a disorder all I can say is, you haven't perspective yet. You'll get it some day and you'll look embarrassed before yelling at the kids to get off the lawn. When you work on something for a year or heck I'll give you months to get that rare title or piece of equipment, or a car then you'll have something to get pissy over or better yet to be proud of.


But the issue here is three quarters of the player base can now grind out in three hours what took players two weeks. Neither of those timeframes is particularly extensive, but let's put it in a math scenario that's easier to understand. Let's assume someone that grinded it out played 8 hours a day for 14 days. An Imperial starting FROM SCRATCH fresh to 50 can now do less than 3% of the work that other player did, and end up with the SAME REWARDS. Imagine if someone at your workplace showed up 9-10 days a year, and got paid the same amount of money you did. You'd be livid!


Add to that the fact that Republic players don't have a response for this. They have no option that allows them the same rewards, and in addition: PvP is now less competitive than ever. Republic players, already prone to being outnumbered and losing a lot are now also outgeared by the Imperial horde so competitive balance falls further to shambles. And your response is "Well neither timeframe is really a big deal". It is though! What took two weeks for a Republic player, now might take four to six because it is MUCH harder to win, whether on Ilum or in Warzones. Dividing that further, the ******e at work making the same as you is now showing up a scant 3 to 5 days a year compared to your full 365! It's not about how long necessarily, but how unjust it is.


If for example, you were in the middle of that grind (say on day 7) it may come to a screeching halt as a PvP player less skilled than you farms out Valor 100 in a matter of hours, begins joining Warzones, and starts throwing you around like a ragdoll. Now not only will you not finish your grind as quickly, the effort and advantage you built up is wasted.


Am I going to qq because I go to a gym for a week every day and don't have a body like a champion body builder? yeah that makes sense. Now people like instant gratification, I get that, we're a consumeristic materialistic, self-centered society and we pay money to have other people entertain us. But we're still sharing the sand box and the sandbox is complicated. And quite frankly the sand box is BETTER if we all work together to make it more fun. If we all entertain each other we'll definitely be getting our monies worth.


This analogy doesn't work because money only goes one way in this relationship. I have no responsibility to BioWare to make sure their employees are happy, or that their feelings aren't hurt. If I had done what has been done here at my job (propose a change, test a change, see that the change is terrible, and then implement the change anyway), I would be fired without remorse or kind words. Why are you in such a rush to hold them to a different standard?


Invest some real time in something additionally worthwhile, try roleplaying, or writing, or trying all the questing options or do something else while BW cleans up their mess. I'm not arguing they dont' make messes, its going to be inevitable. Mmropgs always have one foot in the beta box.


Sheesh, less stress is just going to help the situation. Collect data and send that in, or take a break and get an arrow in your knee.



We collected data. We sent it in. The patch went live anyway. People as paying customers deserve to enjoy the game in whatever manner they see fit, and maybe they don't want to quest or roll an alt (especially a Republic alt, as all of the PvE imbalances favor Imperials), or slog through more crap. Maybe they just want to enjoy what they've already put work into.

Edited by ErrantMercenary
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To be a fly on the wall would be priceless. That look on their face when they realize the eager masses from a month ago now all think they are idiots. HE HEHEHEHE

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Hi folks,


We're currently investigating potential issues related to the Ilum open world PVP area post 1.1.




Look at the video. How old is the patch and this is what is happening??




Bioware you have some serious Quality control issues going on here.



Can you Please tell us that you are investigating how this could have made it to release that it wont happen again?
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I'm confused. Why is it this Gabe guys fault?


Also, I'm unable to play today for the next 3 days so what are the actual numbers on Ilum valor gains?


I'm almost valor 59 currently and it took a long time to get there. I'm really hoping all the 50s won't be battlemasters when I get back.

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NGE killed SWG (CU just stuck a dagger in its side).


If SWTOR keeps 1.1, it will kill the game just like NGE.



Thats the reference.


It won't kill the game though. It's nothing they can't rememedy.


The PVP forums during during hours when most people are working do not represent the entire SWTOR community.


Most people could care less what's happening on ilum.


P.S. I have no argument against this being a gigantic blunder. It's not game destroying though. Maybe for some people, but not for everyone.

Edited by TheHexxus
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