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Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Issues Discussion


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how are people getting 1k valor per min? i dont understand on my server we are kiilling turrets and getting no valor what is this?


You have to control Ilum to get the turret valor.


Sorry, gotta get back in. If everyone else is going to be a BM by the end of today, I'm certainly not going to miss out.

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lolololololololol. I don't see the word WOOPS in your post. Look at my signature video for the "potential" problem.


I like how he used the word "Potential" in the title.


Today it's completely acceptable to treat your customers like idiots as long as everyone in the company is willing to neither confirm or deny any such issue, problem or error or that any such issue, problem or error was, has and may have reported either in the past, today, tomorrow or ever.


Even if it was proven that said issue, problem or error was in fact real and reproducible they would just reply.


"You're holding it wrong."

Edited by Localhost
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I was defending SWTOR since day 1. Always kept telling people that "Bioware will make this right", "give them time" and I really believed that and wanted to stay in this game. But this *** that happened today is just an abomination. If this will not be addressed FAST (as hard as it may be, I guess rollback is the only option even if it means rolling back ALL character data to pre-patch state, you did a backup of characters database when applying patch, right?) I am going to unsub to go play EvE or smth until Diablo 3 release. And I also have friends on Teamspeak who contemplate to quit over this. FIX this NOW or this day will be marked as SWTOR's NGE. I still have hopes in you Bioware but if you leave today's mess without intervetion it will be sadly gone.
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Being a game tester for both EA and SCEA, it is amazing how they didn't catch this. Who the hell do they have on their testing team, a bunch of chimps flinging poo at each other!?


To the Devs, who the hell is the idiot who though this would even be a good idea in the first place? You're about as smart as a small rock, much like the ones us Jedi Consulars "flick" at the Imperials.


LohL @ "potential"

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So, to all the cry babies out there complaining that they have not fixed this yet.


How long have the servers been up with this patch? It takes time to isolate the parts of the patch that is causing this and then implement a fix. Patience is a virtue, a virtue that most of you do not have.

Also, until this is fixed, just don't play PvP on Ilum. Problem solved until an actual fix is implemented by bioware.

I agree there should be a rollback due to the huge exploits that are being done. But, many are calling for a faction balance. Bioware is not responsible for people wanting to play Empire. Get over it. It's the same thing that originally happened in World of Warcraft. There was a huge faction issue but it eventually fixed itself with server transfers and what not.

The game is not even a month old and this is Bioware's first MMO. You have to give it time so that problems can come to light and then be fixed. If you remember, this same thing happened back in WoW.


I, for one, am sticking with this game for a while. Something as minor as this when you look at the big picture is not enough to cancel a subscription. All the crybabies and whiners can go back to WoW and prepare for their world of pandacraft and go out and catch all the pokemon for the next expansion.


They rolled out a patch...they should have taken a backup of the Code Base and the underlying DB.


Bring down the servers, Restore. 4 hours later, game as it was when the servers went down. Patch goes back to testing...done.

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Even if they fix this it shows a complete lack of foresight and proves that they dont listen to the player base.


Agreed. Even if they fix it, this speaks BOUND of Bioware as a company. They are simply unable to continue developing this game if this is the conduct they show, and if they think they can continue totally ignoring player input on PTRs.

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Yes YES give it time, soon we will lose all the negative impatient people. I say leave ilum in a bit longer before you fix it. Its weeding out the people we dont want!


Seriously though... give them a bit to fix it. There's no big red button that they can press to magically fix everything and wipe your *** at the same time.


Yes - It sucks. Big time. Yes - its a fail fix. Yes - we will see a fix.


FFS - its like no one ever experienced a bug/faulty patch before... its almost like no game ever gave out arena gear for free before and waited a week to address it... oh wait...


Cancel your account if it makes you feel better but posting on the forums and saying you canceled your account doesn't do anything except show people that you are still attached to the game.

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People people people, you are going about this with the wrong mind set. They have actually done everyone a FAVOR. See they made such a massive mistake 2 days before the 20th of January. The day that nearly every single players subscriptions comes out of their accounts. So, take the hint and unsub, perhaps when they don't see any money from their players they will actually decide to communicate with us and get things fixed.
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Would be funny if their software was incapable of partial rollbacks, like only valor or something. Imagine having the extremely fun choice between rolling back everything and pissing off every player but fix the problem or having to swallow the pill and pretend its a feature and promise a change for patch 1.4 if players really really don't like it.
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I just want to chime in and say that if valor is not rolled back, I will be unsubscribing and campaigning for my friends to do the same. That's not an idle threat from a spoiled 15 year old.


I ground valor to rank 59 over the past few weeks despite a full time job. If people are getting rank 60 in an afternoon of afking while I work, it trivializes the whole thing.


I enjoy the game and don't want to stop playing but I know that every dollar I spend is a vote for something. If you ignore this and don't resolve it correctly, I will not spend money to encourage you in that behavior.


I don't complain on the forums and I don't threaten to quit, but a rollback is totally necessary to keep reasonable players who have been working towards their pvp rank. Please do what's right or lose subscribers.

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This is game breaking... They knew there were more imps than republic players on pvp servers. Now the Imps are farming the rep base and people can't get out and they are getting crazy valor. Then they will all be lvl 60+ valor and be getting that gear that they will then have the gear advantage over republic in warzones...


This is a catastrophic failure and whomever designed this and let it go live should be fired. If they don't fix this correctly, major subscription loss incoming.


And rolling back valor will piss off those who earned it legit. so yeah, gl!

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Baron Deathmark: These are the rules of Ilum: Two factions. One favored, the other screwed. Name calling, spawn camping, and valor exploitation ARE encouraged!


Baron Deathmark: This has to be the WORST defense in Republic history!




As a Rupublic player, Ilum right now it simply hardly playable. Most people here aren't even talking about the *LAG* issues when two groups confront each other or a node is overturned.



* Roll back valor gains today

* Add meaningful incentive for the underdog factions, NOT incentives for the zerg factions


Up until now I had high hopes and was happy with this game. I might now resubscribe tomorrow if I will be playing against battlemasters in every WZ. That is simply not fair, nor fun.

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Honestly, although it can be a bumpy ride seeing patches roll out and issues introduced as others are fixed ..


What disappoints me more than anything about this game, is the community is absolutely awful. The player base is the most whiny bunch i've ever seen, going forward with a mob mentality, expecting unrealistic things and finding issues with all sides of every issue.


The community is being (by and large) unconstructive in criticisms, unhelpful in reports, and generally acting like 4 year olds all the time.


I truly enjoy this game. I recognize there are areas for improvement, and expect them to be corrected, but I also recognize that the war room for this game is probably covered in white boards with a million different issues to resolve, and developers going mad trying to figure out which are the most important, while 900 other children whine about their issue as it clearly is the most important, and so on.


Do any of you have any idea how complex these issues are or how long they take to fix? Stop demanding immediate resolution but also the quality of months of development. Stop whining incessantly and completing each of your sentences with '/ragequit', like 4 year old who crosses their arms and pouts.


My goodness. You all have talked so much about the potential for Star Wars + BioWare, but I was most excited by the community ... and am just growing more and more displeased with it.


Step back, take a breath, and let's be constructive, helpful, and human to the humans we are talking to with this issue. Let's be realistic, reasonable, and try to see a result instead of making unbelievable demands and saying them in critical, rude or defammatory ways.


SWTOR Community: Grow up.


SWTOR Devs: There are many of us who are quite aware of how hard you work, and will continue to do what we can to aid you in polishing this game even more. Thank you.

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