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Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Issues Discussion


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Why not make it a backwards system lowering valor rewards based on either node control or population. I don't know if anyone has said this(lots of pages >.<) but I know for a fact thats its alot harder to encourage people to go out and save people from spawn campers when they won't get as much as the imperials will for the fight. If you make it so imperials get **** rewards while camping the flightmaster of that base then they'll leave and republic will start moving in. Republic takes some bases and imps come back wreck **** and leave.

Other than that a queue for it with minimal grouping could work try to even both sides and spread em out over the entire map. For overpopulated servers you could even have imp on imp illum maps i know you guys have already created the system for creating multiple maps.

Another thought make it so the turrets dying will spawn something really nasty, raid boss maybe could drop awesome loot, could drop terrible loot doesn't really matter just something to tip the scales so the spawn camping stops.

Maybe give the republic an out of the way gy when the republic base is destroyed sure you can't fly out of the place but at least your not in a *****torm of aoe that kills you immediately. I'm a republic guy and though i honestly have not been to illum yet(terrified to after a youtube video) I do think its a really cool concept though it might be 100% impossible to implement.

I absolutely think however that you have to be able to give a player a safe place to respawn and if necessary a way to get out of a place. Without those two things i would never ever go to illum might as well delete my character.

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I hate using large sizes but just trying to get an answer. I heard 3 people claim this


was a rumor. They tested it and got no valor. Can any one after my post please confirm if they


have really seen this valor increase?


Edited by Dragonexadon
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With all that MMOs have evolved, I don't understand how the developers could not understand what would happen with this PvP system (Ilum) on servers with large population imbalances. PvP changes that promote such imbalances should simply be a thing of the past. It shows a lack of effective forsight.


Foresight?? What it shows is a complete and utter lack of hindsight as well. There is no excuse. The DEVs/Designers* (*and I say that losely at this junture based on current evidence) have had how many years of MMOs to ponder/study/learn from?? If none of these DEVs/Designers have had any interaction from past MMOs, then THEY SHOULDN"T BE ON THE TEAM FOR SWTOR!


The stupid mistakes and problems in SWTOR now should not have happened as they are the same stupid mistakes and problems that SHOULD HAVE BEEN LEARNED FROM those other MMOs. I know people can be stuborn and want to re-invent the wheel but this is just rediculous.

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Screw Ilum, I want ability icons to be greyed out again. As it is now (mostly blue icons and the very same blue color on the CD timer) I no longer can tell if abilities are on CD or not.


This: http://img26.imageshack.us/img26/3404/n1bw.jpg


Try joining a Warzone having to pay more attention to your icons than to the actual action..

Edited by darthtoph
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Seeing the first post of the dev...and the last post of the person.


I can honestly say BW...u messed up...you can't run any MMO game what so ever, u do not answer our questions (and demands)...Goodbye! Was fun...for how long it lasted. Going back to another MMO game i guess!

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All I have to say as a LEGIT valor rank 61er, I will be unsubbing if servers aren't rolled back or these exploiters valor removed.


This is either a rumor or only for Imperials.

It doesn't work for us.

We get legacy experience, and a

blue drop but nothing else.

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You guys jumped the gun on World PvP too fast. I understand being your first ever MMO game that there will be mistakes, let alone your first ever game that has multi-player in it. Remember that it took time for WoW to get to where it is now, no one is balanced yet and it's only been out for a month. Roll back any VP earned from Ilum, as soon as possible. You're breaking the game in the worst possible time to do so, the growth stage is the most important stage of this game and you've butchered it in the first major patch update. You shouldn't of even added any content yet and just fixed bug's and balances.


I couldn't agree more, patching a game while in its growth phase, with an already lavish amount of bugs, is not very smart. The end game level 50 raider with all content cleared (me), would of patiently waited for you to fix the game already out to the public, before you decided to add new content.


Fixing all the issue's, even the big ones (ability lag, fps lag when more than 10 people in the same area) are all that need to be address before you push out new major content that will most likely have more bugs.


/facepalm, not going to lie, this game had a ton of potential, I feel as if its going down...fast.

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Screw Ilum, I want ability icons to be greyed out again. As it is now (mostly blue icons and the very same blue color on the CD timer) I no longer can tell if abilities are on CD or not.


This: http://img26.imageshack.us/img26/3404/n1bw.jpg


Try joining a Warzone having to pay more attention to your icons than the actual action..


Just by my normal rotation I pretty much know when my cool downs are done or not. I've been playing my character for long enough now to feel them out. This isn't a problem that needs fixed

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This is so not true


The test server population (WHICH HAS HAD THIS PATCH FOR ALMOST 2 WEEKS derp) has never been high enough to anticipate this kind of reaction..


who's fault it that?


Wait... it's YOUR fault crazy head.


People need to take a pill and offer more constructive criticism for the devs to read.


You want me to pay for a game and then spend my own time to test it instead of actually playing it on a real server ? Are you demented ?

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I do not think adding population cap is the answer. The map just needs to allow the zerg to be broken up.


High population for one side vs the other should give the lesser side a valor bonus that scales based on the number of each faction in the zone. Max bonus should be 400%


Nothing splits up a zerg like being farmed in reverse yo.

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1. Roll back all Valor.


2. Give underpopulated side a +1% bonus to ALL Valor (Ilum, WZs, etc.) for every 10 players the overpopulated faction has more. (If other faction has 2,000 more players, the underpopulated faction would get 200% more Valor).


3. Reduce the overpopulated faction's Valor gain by -1% per every 10 players they have over the underpopulated faction. Cap at 100% penalty. (If that faction has 2,000 more players, the over populated faction would get a 200% Valor penalty, so they would get 0 Valor).


The exact numbers may be too extreme, but I agree with the concept.

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Screw Ilum, I want ability icons to be greyed out again. As it is now (mostly blue icons and the very same blue color on the CD timer) I no longer can tell if abilities are on CD or not.

yea. so true who came upt with that idea and why?

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Aside from the obvious faction imbalance, isn't the real issue here that the motivation for PvPing is too high? Meaning, the gear you can get is too good for the effort it takes. Players will always take the path of least resistance for better gear.


Adjust the motivation (gear), and you'll find PvP much more balanced. How do you do this? Make crafted gear better. Make HM flashpoint drops better. Make PvP gear have stats with more PvP-oriented benefits, and not just better stats all around.


The carrot on the stick is the real issue here, IMO.

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