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How should Bioware compensate the Republic


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Since the factions are imbalanced right now, how do you think Bioware should compensate the republic to "restore balance" to the game?


Any suggestions welcome.


I think the Republic should be boosted with +20% HP as a bonus to start with


Not sure if serious . . .

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no, there should be no compensation or boost, they need to fix the bad design ASAP, maybe roll back valour gain and gate pvp zones by numbers in some way. Over time numbers will swing one way and the other, right now they are being gamed because they can be so very easily and this patch has just made it simple
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Since the factions are imbalanced right now, how do you think Bioware should compensate the republic to "restore balance" to the game?


Any suggestions welcome.


I think the Republic should be boosted with +20% HP as a bonus to start with


Because people chose to roll empire more often then republic? No. You are definitely joking.


They can't FORCE people to roll Republic

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Free server transfers from servers highly populated with one faction to those poorly represented by the same faction.


Not +20% HP, not sped up levelling, not something that actually create imbalance on any server with a good representation of either side (or in any Warzone or for any competitive PvE player) like you seem to be suggesting through no reason than a bewildering sense of entitlement.


Just allow players the tools to balance the servers themselves, for free. Monitor the impact it has. If it's still past the acceptable threshhold then look into capping faction per server, but only after other options have been exhausted.

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Something needs to be done to balance out the factions in Ilum. Other games show the different kinds of solutions:


- capping players per faction in the PvP area

- stat boosts to the outnumbered side

- NPC spawns/guards to help the outnumbered side

- cross-realm pvp to help keep the numbers in balance (likely won't work here)


Perhaps they can change the reward system so that the bigger the imbalance, the fewer points the superior side gets. Unfortunately this is the kind of system that people will find ways to exploit. Perhaps they can also have a"Turncoat" system where players could cross factions in exhange for additional rewards (or perhaps the poor rewards for the larger-sized faction would be incentive enough to turn coat)

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Every game that has PVP goes thru this. Once Empire pvp'ers start getting owned by some Republic class everyone will jump over in droves. Then they'll be some patch and they'll all jump back.


There's more to it than that. Even before most people got into the beta the player polls showed a strong preference for Empire among the pre-order players. Empire side got a lot more players and guilds at launch, and the kind of people who play at launch are generally more hardcore (and more pvp-oriented) than more casual players who will join later.


So the faction imbalance is very real, and not just mechanics differences, I'm sad to report.


Once some of the early adopters drift away and EA actually starts to advertise this game to grow the population a bit, the factions should come into much better balance than they are now. That's probably months away though.

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Free server transfers from servers highly populated with one faction to those poorly represented by the same faction.

Are there any servers where the Republic are in the majority? Or are you talking about letting Imperials move from servers where it is 8:1 to ones where it is 4:1?

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Are there any servers where the Republic are in the majority? Or are you talking about letting Imperials move from servers where it is 8:1 to ones where it is 4:1?


Are there any servers where the Republic aren't comprised of a bunch of whiners rather than winners?

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They should just use their bolster system on Ilum to give a planet wide buff to the faction with the lowest representation.


I like this idea. Either give a population based boost or control the population ratio in the pvp area on Ilum. It doesn't have to be 1:1 but maybe cap it somewhere in the realm of reason. I don't think giving Republic bonus stats elsewhere in the game or quicker leveling would be fair. And I plan on staying Republic as long as I play.

Edited by Ace_In_The_Hole
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