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SWTOR's Launch Has Been "Staggering"


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the following post is not mine but was posted on mmorpg. I found it to be a fairly good post and may be how alot of players are feeling right now. posted by MMOtoGO on mmorpg.com



I did not pre-order it, but a whole bunch of folks did. Thousands of gamers have been frothing at the mouth to get into the Star Wars Universe in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Those gamers have already spent their money with the promise of getting into the game world before the December 20th launch. Imagine the joy that filled the hearts of those that were sent that first email saying, "You're in!". You could hear the immortal words of Oz's Scarecrow, "Joy! Rapture!" But...then the rumblings began. Forums began to see sprinklings of posts saying, "Where's my email?" Then the official word via Twitter clarified what was about to happen. Those that pre-ordered would be allowed only one wave at a time. This means that thousands of people are forced to sit on the sidelines and watch their friends blast through the first zones of the game.


That New Server Smell

Back when World of Warcraft was still growing explosively, new server launches occurred on a regular basis. Each time a server was launched, thousands of players would re-roll there in order to be a part of the initial wave of leveling. There's nothing like it. Everybody is basically the same level, World PvP is amazing since there aren't several higher level players to one-shot you. It's a rush, to say the least. This experience will never happen in SWTOR. Leveling is super-fast and there are several pre-order gamers that still haven't received their invite. By the time they get in, those unfortunate souls will be behind by 10-20 levels at least and won't be able to do any of the lower level content with those in the initial wave or experience that once-in-a-server-lifetime world PvP.


Gamers Should Always Come First

I want to credit EA/BioWare for doing such a fantastic job of marketing their game. The hype is beyond what I've seen in a long, long time. I hope that they will honor that hype by giving gamers a world-class experience in and out of game. That being said, the staggered invites were the wrong choice and I certainly hope they learn from this. The gamer's experience should never fall secondary to an unwillingness to tackle a technology problem. It was more important that gamers play together than it was for their hardware to stay shiny. Separating groups of gamers causes much more frustration than an occasional server crash or 10-15 minute wait to log in.


What's the Alternative

Yes, as it has been stated, if EA/BioWare had chosen to let everybody in at once, they would have faced server stability problems and long queues. I say, "so what?" This is normal in MMORPG's and is expected and this is what gamers are prepared to endure in order to claim the rewards of being in the first wave during launch. By letting players in 'in waves' they've ruined that golden moment where a community is built, legends are born and where, arguably, the moments that spawn stories that are told year after year when recounting the server's history. But then again, I guess the most important story to BioWare is theirs, not yours.


TL:DR The staggered launch is the wrong approach that is segmenting server communities and severely hurting world PvP. It's a lazy solution to a larger problem. It's better to have an occasional server crash and smaller queues than to have yoru friends 20-30 levels higher than you and never experience initial content together for the first time.


Agree? Disagree? Do you think it's better to separate gamers or to have occasional server crashes and queues?


Please post your thoughts but lets keep in clean and constructive.

Edited by Devials
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All of my friends are already playing since I was out of the country for most of the preorders. So I'm stuck waiting for my email while all I hear on vent is how they think ToR is so great. I'm stuck just sitting here. Hell I logged of vent because of all the exclamations about the quests where full of spoilers. So... I paid the same amount as all my friends... but I know I'm going to have to wait at least another 24 hours while they are going to be at least mid to high levels. So yeah, I'm pissed.


Do I think EA or Bioware even cares about what I think, hell no. I'm going to have to wait. Doesn't mean I have to like it. But in the end, I'll probably end up playing alot. I am an addict.

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If you want 1000 people in the starting zone at once, mob camping/tagging, 50 people standing on top of quest givers and lag so bad you are unable to move then go ahead, let all the 1 million+ pre orders in.


Why does it matter if there are level 50's before you? Are you going to cry because someone beat you there? Why does it matter if someone levels their professions faster than you? Don't want to be ganked? Get on a PvE server, world PvP happens regardless.

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If you want 1000 people in the starting zone at once, mob camping/tagging, 50 people standing on top of quest givers and lag so bad you are unable to move then go ahead, let all the 1 million+ pre orders in.


Why does it matter if there are level 50's before you? Are you going to cry because someone beat you there? Why does it matter if someone levels their professions faster than you? Don't want to be ganked? Get on a PvE server, world PvP happens regardless.


have you played SWTOR? What you are describing is impossible in this game.

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If you want 1000 people in the starting zone at once, mob camping/tagging, 50 people standing on top of quest givers and lag so bad you are unable to move then go ahead, let all the 1 million+ pre orders in.


Why does it matter if there are level 50's before you? Are you going to cry because someone beat you there? Why does it matter if someone levels their professions faster than you? Don't want to be ganked? Get on a PvE server, world PvP happens regardless.


Two small sentances to flatten both your statements:


Instanced world


Levelling with friends.

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The post is spot on. Especially the paragraph (That New Server Smell). That is what makes launch special to me, and now only the first wave of invites gets to experience what most of us have been waiting for for literally years now.


Instead of that epic launch we were all dreaming of we get this carrot on a stick nonsense. Its just not the same. I don't think BW meant to slight anyone by doing it this way. I'm sure this is the most stable and cost effective way to launch. From this gamers perspective though...This is BAD...

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If you want 1000 people in the starting zone at once, mob camping/tagging, 50 people standing on top of quest givers and lag so bad you are unable to move then go ahead, let all the 1 million+ pre orders in.


Why does it matter if there are level 50's before you? Are you going to cry because someone beat you there? Why does it matter if someone levels their professions faster than you? Don't want to be ganked? Get on a PvE server, world PvP happens regardless.


******** because there are more instances like in GW

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I've been supporting the staggered launch and still do, but i'm not gonna deny that some of what is quoted in the OP makes sense. Majorly the point on the new server smell, starting even on a new server with everyone else is VERY fun, and i loved rushing to max level for each expansion of other games( i wasn't gonna rush swtor but i also didn't want max levels before i was able to play either)


At the very least, they should have staggered it by guild deployment's, not pre order dates. Just my opinion. 2 of my friends are playing w/o me. :/ I have patience to wait for the game, but it just seems silly that they will be level 20+ when i begin :/

Edited by SchwartzMaster
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Agree? Disagree? Do you think it's better to separate gamers or to have occasional server crashes and queues?


Please post your thoughts but lets keep in clean and constructive.




The only ones angry are those that cannot accept what they've been told all along and instead conjured false beliefs resulting in unrealistic expectations.


It's a maximum of 7 days. Nice perk but in the grand scheme of things, not a big deal.

People level at different rates anyways. There are people who will have one or more days head start on you that you will zoom past in your zeal to reach 50 as fast as possible.


And in three months, when everyone who got in from the 13th to the 20th likely as at least one level 50 char, what will be the difference?

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I like the staggering system here are my reasons (being lucky that I preordered, no invite yet however):

  • Get past initial leveling zones before the "masses" hit
  • The progressive server load will allow them to stablize issues faster, so as more people enter the game the game will remain stable
  • Suppose if at launch 200k people enter the game, the server stays up for say 1hr,then crashses; now you have to wait god knows how long... (think WoW patches and no raiding on tuesdays)
  • Yes, it sucks that other people get to play before us, but really its all for the better

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Well I pre-ordered with the promise of maybe getting some early access. I assumed I would get in MAYBE on Sunday before. The 18th. I am cynical yes, but would be teasing myself if I assumed a promise of maybe early access would be fulfilled to the fullest extent. For some it has come true, well actually not since it is not even the 5 day mark yet, and it looks like nearly everyone will get plenty of early game time.


I am very happy with the way they are going about this. It looks as if everyone will get early access and that I will not be in laggy zones. I will avoid the massive ques that everyone is just logging on now. The more staggered they are the better I say as I hate the idea of ques and laggy zones. So I see where the OP is coming from but I disagree, personally.



Thank you BW for doing a good job.

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Just because there are more instances, doesn't mean they are infinite and do not rely on the same resources.


The OP was well written; but I think it exaggerates that community thing with a fresh server. Not like I am going to notice anyone specifically or bond with anyone in a sea of 1000. I'm more likely to bond when there are less than 100 or less than that.



The thing with playing with friends is; you could have a lot of friends. I know my guild is 97 people strong; but that doesn't even really matter. I will also meet new people who are doing the same thing as I because it is staggered due to the fact that not everyone is leveling up at the same speed. At the end of the day, we all finish at the same level anyway.

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The alternative? Well to me it sounds like the launches of Warhammer online and Age of Conan. You'd have 6 hour queue to get in, then after 15 mins you'd get disconnected or crash to desktop and back to queue. First month like that, and after that... well no queue, as no players... and about 20 server merges.
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I totally agree here. BW/EA in all their wisdom took away the feel of a true MMO launch. To me it will be like joining an already live MMO where there is no first time excitement, the mad rush, the chaos, general chat spammed with craziness and/or raving about how fun the game is. Teaming up with your guildies and friends won't be there cause we didn't get in the same wave.


Mind you, I still LOVE this game however this launch and how it was handled will sully the fond memories we could of had. What could of been.... :(

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Agreed. The staggering plan doesn't take into account the human factor. It looks good on paper but people aren't robots and don't like being left out because the plan said so and we simply cannot deviate from the plan. Those that preordered half a year ago have recieved their early access and are progressing through the game nicely. The rest of us would like to start playing. Thanks for reading.
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