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Design Notes - Game Update 1.1


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I do know this, I'll -NEVER- PVP again if all these exploited battlemasters get to keep their ill gotten goods.




I actually just started PVPing a couple days ago, historically I've never enjoyed PVP in MMOs but I was surprised to discover I was actually having a LOT of fun in Warzones. I was a bit gloomy about discovering this right before the patch, since the toon I really enjoy PVPing on is lvl 50 so I knew it'd get a lot harder to find matches once they separated us out from the rest of the players, but I figured in the interest of fairness I could live with that.


Having tons of players who have farmed max valor in a day or less with the 1.1 exploits absolutely guarantees I will not be PVPing. Period. A part of the game that I really enjoy will no longer be worth touching with a ten-foot pole.


I'm really, really hoping that Bioware will have a solution for this and will not allow these players to keep, as Gurps said, their "ill gotten goods". Anything else is completely unacceptable.

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I'm a level 24 Jedi Knight and since the patch I die all the time. Before the patch I hardly ever died now I can't stay alive. What happened to cause this?? Sorry this is NOT a PVP question. I don't play PVP. Edited by Vercinge
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I think that whoever was in charge of releasing the current scenario on Ilum PVP should get fired.
They didn't really see, or forsee for that matter, the disparity between empire and republic, because it's already been disclosed that most devs enjoy playing empire (and are actively doing so) more than republic.


I know that probably sounds like a /whine, but when the rose-colored glasses are on, there's no denying it when someone calls you out on it.

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What is the deal with the loading screens when things are popping in during the game? Before when things were rendering I didn't get a loading screen but now I can just be running through the world and get a 30 second loading screen where I can't control my character but I can still die. Seriously is there any way to get rid of that?
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Are you currently working on a fix for these rakata bugged weapons or not yet ? No official answer since more than two weeks now , all mods on rakata weapons are bugged , worse than tionese/columni so everyone keep their rakata tokens in their inventory waiting for a fix .
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This game had an extremly nice beggining, you have made a mistake not a big deal, it was obvius but everyone can make a mistake. But if you don't want to lose the chance to keep this game going you need to react now. Close the servers, close ilum for a while till you know how to improve it and also think about rolling back the servers.


I think it's not needed to remaind you how much money you've wasted in this game, if you don't wanna lose it act faster than you're doing and also think about giving something to the clients to keep them happier. If not, seems that the population is gonna flee away so fast.

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hi all, not sure where to make this question but seeing most people here are having a gripe I need to ask something also, i'm disabled and unable to get out so i have played many hours on this game with a smile on my gimpy face, right up to this latest update, now i log in select char and bang the pc reboots, i get as long as i dont hit something 10 mins before it go's to crap, anyone know why yesterday all was good and today all is not?


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What is the deal with the loading screens when things are popping in during the game? Before when things were rendering I didn't get a loading screen but now I can just be running through the world and get a 30 second loading screen where I can't control my character but I can still die. Seriously is there any way to get rid of that?


Don't worry, there'll be a fanbot along any moment to tell you that's not a gamebreaking issue, as you can work around it by staying in the spaceport.

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I honestly thought only turbine was run by complete villiage idiots but seems to me bioware might have hired some of them.


As it's been said before this thread is for constructive critics not just to insult that won't help at all.

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As it's been said before this thread is for constructive critics not just to insult that won't help at all.


As I feel I must say I will say what I want to say,,due to me paying for this game and wanting a better playing environment for all. You start paying my bills you can monitor my words......have a great day

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Almost nothing in the new patch fixed any issues ive been having. Now since 1.1 this game feels cheap due to all the glitchy bugs and lag i get all of a sudden. PVP is broke and lags to the point of not being able to play. I would get your asses in gear to fix whats wrong with the game before you lose more subs.
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Well... I'd say the patch as a whole is actually GOOD. Did not get to see the new PvE stuff, but PvP-wise I like 50s bracket, since it finally gets the useless lowbies off my radar.


I also think that Ilum is definitely heading a right direction, I think today is the first time ever I had fun in Ilum. Yeah, I admit, I am an Imp, but at the very least people now are actually fighting and not win-trading.


I do feel that the rebel scum is in a severe disadvantage ATM, which kinda defeats much of the point, though. I think some sort of incentives for the outnumbered side must be provided, like local/global Valor bonuses and maybe even commendations for objectives control for a severely outnumbered side, basically introduce a good reason for a losing side to keep fighting.


There are some issues like this whole turrets farce (is this really real or some sort of rumor?) with the biggest issue for me being loading screens flashing in the middle of a combat - this must be fixed ASAP, it simply should not happen in PvP! Also Ilum seems to be a lagfest even for people with great rigs, some serious optimization is needed.



I'd say, overall there is too much drama here, sure there are issues and some of them severe, but on the other hand we can't disregard the fact that, as a whole, this patch IS an improvement PvP-wise. It may be an improvement from non-existent Ilum PvP to unbalanced Ilum PvP, but that's already a step forward.

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Don't misunderstand me i'm not trying to write you're words =) just telling you taht even if you're paying u accepted the rules of the games and respect is one of those rules


They can put the word "respect" in any rule / ToS / EULA they want, EAware gets respect when they earn it. And a month in, I haven't seem them earn it yet.


Lying, deceiving, and ignoring are not the "3 Pillars of Respect", regardless of what EAware seems to think.

Edited by Zorvan
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Nice that 50's are in their own bracket of pvp now, but its not making me feel better that they have resources enough to pump out a major content patch but still havent addressed the warzone lag and ability delay. They have till TERA/GW2 comes out(whichever comes first) to fix this imo.
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The game is how old? And this is their first patch? Lol, lighten up guys. BioWare has never let us down before in their game making history. So let's keep it up for a bit. This is their first MMO and they could have just been aholes and not have released the game yet at all. They will get the stuff sorted out. They are learning and if they don't, we will just dump em like our old ex: StarWars Galaxies.


We are important to them, they need us to survive, they will conform, won't you BioWare ^_^??? Don't fire your interns in charge of the PvP just yet, but slap em around a bit for us and fix the game please :)

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