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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Design Notes - Game Update 1.1


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The tears are delicious...







also the minority are always the most vocal...




The patch apparently ruined a part of the game I never intended to play and is alienating the most annoying and entitled minority in the game. If I didn't know better, I would almost say this is a strategic move to improve the player community by encouraging all the jerks to unsub before new content starts rolling in.


This is like watching a school bully get punched in the junk. I can't wait to read the next post!


*munch popcorn*

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The patch apparently ruined a part of the game I never intended to play and is alienating the most annoying and entitled minority in the game. If I didn't know better, I would almost say this is a strategic move to improve the player community by encouraging all the jerks to unsub before new content starts rolling in.


This is like watching a school bully get punched in the junk. I can't wait to read the next post!


*munch popcorn*


lol I love this posting. I really do. This is also the way I see things.

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Originally Posted by Dathran

Just reading the largest part of this thread I can't help but facepalm.


This game is out for one month, it's a frickin' MMO, and people can't even wait a bit to have it fixed?


The amount of vast rage is simply disrespectful to the game developers. Yes, they made mistakes, yes they will have to change it, but just like this MMO took more than 5 years to create, so too are not all things fixed in the blink of an eye damnit.


Go ahead and quit, but really, this only shows the current mindset of modern society.


Everything has to happen now now now now now now now now. 5 minutes? NO NOW, gosh darnIT FU I'M LEAVING CANCELLING SUB, QQQQ


:l really. I hate the changes too, but ***, cancelling over this is IMO childish and a pure sign of impatience.


Now people will say: I won't pay to play beta! Well, believe it or not, but if you would be playing beta this game'd already be dead. This game is good, but the developers are bit oblivious to how they should make PvP work. Apart of that? No issues, IMO.


And yes, I'd actually pay beta because I want this MMO succeed. If supporting it can make it the best game ever, then why not? I mean if you want this game to succeed you'll have to sub. If you QQ over stuff and unsub, then your voice becomes illegit very fast.


+10 ^



People really need to learn that not everything manifests right away.


I'm here with this guy. Really people, learn some patience. OMG, so they made a mistake? Ok, so less than 24 hours they're making hotfixes to address the worst of the mistakes. How exactly does that equate to them not listening to the community?


Grow up, Calm the F--- down, and try to act like mature adults by engaging in a mature discussion about it.


Every new game has issues. Hell, my favorite one I remember to this day is from vanilla EQ. In the early days of EQ, Rangers did jack diddly for damage and people would not invite them to groups because they were so gimp. It stayed like this for MONTHS! It wasn't even a balance issue because all the numbers said their abilities should be working. MONTHS later they finally found one piece of code that explained it all. Rangers were supposed to do full damage against everything except other ranger type mobs, at which point they were only supposed to do half damage. Somehow they'd written it backwards so that ranges only did half damage unless it was a ranger mob and then they did full damage. Seriously the class was broken and we complained and complained and complained. And again I'll stress that it took MONTHS to sort it out.



WoW itself was so unbalanced and broken in the beginning that I refused to play it for the first year. Even then I had to put up with them completely changing how my class was played with every new patch it seems. It had huge bugs from the beginning and still continues to add new bugs with every patch that's supposed to fix bugs. It happens.


SW:TOR is not special in this regard. Just like every other MMO out there, there are bugs. Sometimes fixing one thing breaks something else. It happens. Sometimes the numbers say one thing should work when it fact it doesn't. They do, however, seem interested in jumping on game breakers as soon as possible. I'm impressed they fixed some of the worse things over night. Had this been WoW you'd have to complain for the next month while they went in there and got the numbers themselves and proved it really was a mistake.


Stop the QQ and rage quits over stupid stuff and learn to have a little patience.

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I don't understand why you totally changed the Daily/Weekly on Ilum.


Before was fine - destroying 5 control points (3 tanks per control point) to get your daily done.


What should have been added was that a kill of another player counted towards your 5. Instead you implement a system of 30 kills. It was more of a GRIND to get the 30 kills yesterday, and above all it wasn't FUN. I had more fun killing the random Republic player when we were doing our 5 capture points.


Yesterday when I jumped on to get my 30 kills, I was lagged out, had no fun and it took about 4 times longer to get the same reward. I don't need the instant gratification, but in comparison to the first Ilum system, yesterday, was just a poor design.


PvP players wanted more fun, and for their kills to count towards the daily/weekly. I didn't want the whole system to be changed where it now took more kills to complete the objective. The tank killing objectives are just a waste of space now - as the only true thing they give is a bonus to valor.


My suggestion is to go back to where you captured the control points, then allow player kills to count towards those control point objectives, and last raise it from 5 to 7. So it would look like the following.


4 tank objectives captured + 3 player kills = 7 total points - the daily is done


1 tank objective captured + 6 player kills = 7 total points - the daily is done


6 tank objectives captured + 1 player kill = 7 total points - the daily is done


then for the weekly:


(4+1+6) tank objectives captured + (3+6+1) = 21 total points - the weekly is done

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Seriously if this is the type of stuff that makes you want to quit the game, go ahead. You are the most vocal, not the majority. Quit, and when they fix everything in this perfectly awesome game, we will laugh when you come crawling back.
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I'm here with this guy. Really people, learn some patience. OMG, so they made a mistake? Ok, so less than 24 hours they're making hotfixes to address the worst of the mistakes. How exactly does that equate to them not listening to the community?


So taking action after 24hours of massive exploiting by players on every server, when the forum started to choke up after about 1h after they came up. Yes, thats so superfast.


If they would have taken down the servers as soon as the news hit. they would have saved themselves from a lot if fire.


bw are currently laughing in the face of every minority faction.

its also affects every highranked player who gained their rank legit, on both factions.


meaning most highranked players have wasted pretty much 90% of their gametime since they hit 50, in vain. To accept this is a joke.

to destroy the pvp effort to that degree, and not doing something about it... it really grinds my gears.


edit: last part is based on the fact that nothing has been said about WHAT will happen, if they get a valor reset or a warning etc.

Edited by dangerusdave
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I've been waiting on this game to come out a long time. I'm not dropping my sub because I realized early that you put this out too early even your designers said as much. I appreciate you bringing it out early though and am having a ball at the game. I am more PVE oriented then others but I would suggest a limit to the amount of people in a world PVP area from opposing factions so if there is 25 Republic then 20-30 Imp's would be cap at that time and no other Imp's can travel to that area til more republics join. As for the PVE side I would ask that you put together a LFG system I miss most of the Flashpoints when leveling because I really don't want to spend an hour or so forming a group to do a flashpoint I will out level in a day or so anyway. I'm looking forward to the Guild bank and other additions that you are working on but don't forget to fix the bugs we already have. I would also ask that you allow addon's, I would like to see a DPS meter that will help me to maximize my damage.


Thank you for your hard work,



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Yes, the tears are delicious. Worst thing about it all, though, is there is no way we are ever gonna have enough popcorn to get through watching all the angst and pearl clutching from these whiners....


I'm not whining - look at my above post. There is some legitimate concern on several fronts.


1. What the community asked for (from my understanding and reading the forums/talking to players) was not what BioWare gave us.


2. The fun factor is gone - especially for the side that is in the minority getting spawn camped


3. The gave us more grind - when grind is never something to give us more of.


Please look at my previous post. I know quite a few players just wanted a system where killing another player in Ilum counted towards the daily; not that the whole system should have been changed.


The changes to Ilum made the game less fun (and I'm an Imperial Op), it made it more of a grind, and it made the gear progression very tilted for the zerg.


I'm NOT cancelling my sub - I'm just stating that the game was less fun for me last night than at any time since early access. After getting my 30 kills that took 4 times as long, I logged from the game, because it felt wrong and too much like work and not enough like a game. That is not the feeling that BioWare wants to give its players if they want to keep them.

Edited by Rhinoplat
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I'm not whining - look at my above post. There is some legitimate concern on several fronts.


1. What the community asked for (from my understanding and reading the forums/talking to players) was not what BioWare gave us.


2. The fun factor is gone - especially for the side that is in the minority getting spawn camped


3. The gave us more grind - when grind is never something to give us more of.


Please look at my previous post. I know quite a few players just wanted a system where killing another player in Ilum counted towards the daily; not that the whole system should have been changed.


The changes to Ilum made the game less fun (and I'm an Imperial Op), it made it more of a grind, and it made the gear progression very tilted for the zerg.


I'm NOT cancelling my sub - I'm just stating that the game was less fun for me last night than at any time since early access. After getting my 30 kills that took 4 times as long, I logged from the game, because it felt wrong and too much like work and not enough like a game. That is not the feeling that BioWare wants to give its players if they want to keep them.


QFT, and to increase the tiny chance BW will actually read it :/

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After the last update they made it impossible for people who play swtor casually to get gear. I am level 50 and now getting gear is going to be a teeth pulling experience. I either have to fight my friends and allies on ilum for boxes and kills. Or play the WZ against people who have gotten top notch gear before the patch. Giving me no chance to win the WZ and get my dailies finished. They should be more worried about everyone in the game not just the lifeless drones that play the game like it was their profession.
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I like the warzone changes.


Rather than new companion characters, I would like to see content for the current companion characters fleshed out more or expanded.


It would also be great to have more interactive NPCs, so that if you can stop and have a dialogue with one and ask questions about the local area or notable characters (and have this information added to your codex).

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I don't think this Ilum change would have been as big of a deal if there hadn't been a change to how Valor was earned and if Ilum was actually a fun planet. But as things stand Ilum has no real purpose to entice players there other than finishing a daily which wasn't fun even before the change.


The concept of a PvP planet is fine, but the implementation of Ilum is not.

Edited by Ellisande
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I don't think this Ilum change would have been as big of a deal if there hadn't been a change to how Valor was earned and if Ilum was actually a fun planet. But as things stand Ilum has no real purpose to entice players there other than finishing a daily which wasn't fun even before the change.


The concept of a PvP planet is fine, but the implementation of Ilum is not.


Good post.


A PvP planet needs to be a place where players spend a majority of their time. Once they are done with the story content they head to this planet to live. By living I mean that guilds are allowed to build mini cities, and the players help gather the resources for the cities. Then allow other guilds to fight over those cities, and allow for location transfers.


By allowing players a sense of ownership you create a reason for them to fight for their assets. Ilum is just something we do because we have to in order to stay competitive with other PvPers. Ilum is a poorly designed planet for PvPers. It's great for a large warzone, but not as an open zone.

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Im killed everytime im droped off by the taxi in corillia. My abilities are bugging out not working right and this just reccently started, yet your proudly expanding before fixing serious bugs? Please please start fixing what is broke before expanding! If this continues i see this game dead in the water.


I totally agree FIX the bugs before introducing more content!!!!!! And do it immediately instead of the next major patch!!!!!

Fix your customer service so people feel like they are getting a resolution rather than a canned message.

Companion chat bug was supposed to be fixed in this release, It's not, I'm still getting it.

Now when craft something I get a message saying "There are no missions defined for the crew skill BIOCHEM and I'm not gaining any experience points in that skill even though I'm crafting top level for my current skills!

Get your act together. FIX THE BUGS!!!

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I think the game is done in a manner unfairly! All changes to support the only party of the empire. Game developers unfairly favor the imperial faction. For a change "for the better" - led to the strengthening of the imperial faction (increase their asset). By the Imperial won best dressed. Making them the equivalent of a struggle now is impossible. Especially on warzonach. All the rebel now have a huge problem with winning any. Today I have not heard that anyone made ​​it happen. I therefore appeal to party rebellion to STRIKE! Do not let us go on and on Ilum brewed pvp. If the game designers did not take this into account, and will be favored empire, is warning resign within one month of subscription. If this does not help it for longer! The game should be balanced! Its developers if they want to earn it, they must take care of it!

Requests for game creators:

- Nerf overly preferred class - Sorcerer

- Solution to the problem of error creators of the game - an unfair increase of valor in the empire that d

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im lookin forward to planetside 2. i know its an fps but its sticking to what works an not tryin to out-do anyone.

3 faction pvp that has a purpose..the collection of recorces to continue fighting with better gear.

not a new idea..the romans where shaftin everyone over for resorces a while ago. what does swtor give...hmm 3 wz and half a map of a dull icy planet that bottleneck players into a zerg. Innovation? de-evolution more like.


Oh yer..i fkn quit this sht game. as an final farewell..fuk u BW for overhypin annother sht game. ill hang arround lurkin to watch the failure grow..hmm wonder if the nerds at Darth Hater have cut thier wrists yet for wastin thier lives on this shte

Edited by Milkmaid
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Imo some whines are absolutely correct...


Sure we can't expect to get a topnotch, bugfree vanilla version of tor. But take into account how many games since WoW vanilla release have tried and said they will be the new wow? Hell there have been alot. And NONE of them made it...Why? cause they didn't learn from the mistakes made already by Blizzard. Thats what pisses the degenerate gamers of (yes i believe most gamers including me are degenerate :D). And dont tell me that its not intended to give this game a WoW feel so actual wow players think of switching games.


What i rather mislike is that they didnt implement stuff they have been absolutely aware of that the community wants/needs it. Guildbank for example. Or in the chat an option to see class and level of a player posting without havin to add them in F-List. Excuse me but thats rather minimalistic. And thats clearly very much unlike BioWare to deliver minimalistic games.


Im really grateful for having great BW developers working on this game which i enjoyed until up to higher levels and finding some really bad bugs. This aint even the developers fault...its the managements fault...they NEEDED to sell it in 2011 to have their annual numbers lookin better. And the Game suffered bigtime cause its no fully tested. So cut them guys from BW some slack and complain more about EA and Lucasarts. I personally don't buy any EA game in general...well besides this one obviously :D.

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