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Design Notes - Game Update 1.1


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I want to ask Mr. James Ohlen couple of questions..


1. "Fraud advertisement" familiar to you ?

2. What does " bad development " mean to you ?


Really looking forward to hear from him or any of the lol dev team.


Fraud? Please explain?


Oh, you mean the High-res textures? Let me ask you this.


How many people sued a movie because the original trailer had a line that was later taken out of the final cut? How many claimed false advertisement? This happens all the time so don't act like it doesn't, I guarantee you no one has.


Bad development is what you make it. I believe Bioware has done an excellent job on development.

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subs pulled cant believe u killed such a ace game as swg for this .... and not only that i shelled out 150 pound to play it for one month ..... how do u say con ......


improve your customer service balance the mirrored profs and role back the valour .....

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Fraud? Please explain?


Oh, you mean the High-res textures? Let me ask you this.


How many people sued a movie because the original trailer had a line that was later taken out of the final cut? How many claimed false advertisement? This happens all the time so don't act like it doesn't, I guarantee you no one has.


Bad development is what you make it. I believe Bioware has done an excellent job on development.


Are you James Ohlen JR. ?

You saying its ok for them to false advertisement because it happens ?!!!

About bad development hmmm have you even played the game today after the patch ??!!

or even before the patch ?? have you checked how many people suffering from issues in game ??

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Are you James Ohlen JR. ?

You saying its ok for them to false advertisement because it happens ?!!!

About bad development hmmm have you even played the game today after the patch ??!!

or even before the patch ?? have you checked how many people suffering from issues in game ??


Nope I am not.


You're the one who claims false advertisement. I dont think it is.


Yes, I have played the game today.

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The new flashpoint has a breathtaking level of detail. I am really happy. There are bugs, however, with the bosses and throughout the game still. Considering we're still in the first month after launch I am not worried at all. No other company ever delivered so much with launch and soon after.


I understand the frustration of the PvP players with Ilum. PvP as a gameplay style in general is an extremely nerve-racking experience, which is evident by the masses of furious people around the official forums. But apparently BioWare are serious about their commitment and there were lightning fast measures taken to address the issue with Ilum. On a side note, do realize that one malfunctioned PvP zone is hardly representing the game as a whole. Even if they go ahead and delete Ilum it will not be a factor deciding the fate of the game, regardless of how dramatic some players are.


We fully intend to support Star Wars: The Old Republic—and our players—for many years to come.

I am glad.

Edited by Darth_Haderach
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I play imp and republic , lets face it if your playing imp side - of course you think everything is just great. But then maybe there is a hint that something has gone wrong with the numbers of people willing to express their concerns with the patch flaws in ilum and sith vs jedi balance, seems like thats too obvious for you to recognize Good game design vs bad.
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Despite popular belief on these forums, sales continue to rise. Last time it was around 2million sold. Thats 1.5 million more people needed than what Bioware needs to make a profit. They already have with 2 million box copies sold though.

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profit has nothing to do with this situation - of course the game isnt going to flame out overnite. Threatening to quit doesnt make a bit of difference, its irrelevant.


What is relevant is people able to exploit ilum to get battle master in a few hours. What is relevant is there is a serious issue with game balance between some of the mirror classes. These issues must be addressed or the game will get a reputation related to how bad balance is.

From my knot hole - the design issues in this game are inexcusable after the amount of testing and design time put into it.

Edited by Adacian
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Despite popular belief on these forums, sales continue to rise. Last time it was around 2million sold. Thats 1.5 million more people needed than what Bioware needs to make a profit. They already have with 2 million box copies sold though.


Provide some links to evidence of your figures. Otherwise what you are saying is only rumor and speculation.

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The new flashpoint has a breathtaking level of detail. I am really happy. There are bugs, however, with the bosses and throughout the game still. Considering we're still in the first month after launch I am not worried at all. No other company ever delivered so much with launch and soon after.


I understand the frustration of the PvP players with Ilum. PvP as a gameplay style in general is an extremely nerve-racking experience, which is evident by the masses of furious people around the official forums. But apparently BioWare are serious about their commitment and there were lightning fast measures taken to address the issue with Ilum. On a side note, do realize that one malfunctioned PvP zone is hardly representing the game as a whole. Even if they go ahead and delete Ilum it will not be a factor deciding the fate of the game, regardless of how dramatic some players are.



I am glad.


I think this post says it very well. They are producing a high caliber product but have to give them time to work the kinks out........I don't understand why people are so quick to jump ship and give up on this it is a month out of release, of course there are going to be buged and have some issues but at least give the dev team the time to address all the issues. Things can't be fixed over night.

Edited by poletski
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I wasn't sure how to describe my issues with the game, but your website provided a perfect segue.


Here's the crux of my problem:




Character choices don't have any impact at all. The only impact your choices have are on your Light/Dark meter. My choices don't matter; all of the quests end in the same way regardless. NPCs don't remember who I am. The world doesn't change.


This is the issue with the game. It's missing features that are all but standard on MMOs today, and lacks any sort of polish or refinement, yet all we hear from you guys is that the game is revolutionary, ground-breaking, paradigm-shifting wonderfulness that will make us forget about every other MMO. Instead, I find myself pining ever moreso for WoW or Rift.


Your responses to major issues (Ilum in v1.1, ability delay, PvP brackets, dungeon finder, performance issues, et. al.) have been nothing more than deflection in most cases. "We're investigating it" isn't a valid response when a huge number of players are experiencing major performance problems on machines that would be able to run any current game at max settings. It still isn't a valid response when your customers are saying that the UI is clunky and lacks needed options (Scaling, ability to move windows/bars). And it's definitely not a response when people complain that the lack of level brackets in PvP makes queueing for Warzones all but pointless for people below level 50.


These responses weren't valid when the same team (Rich Vogel, others) were feeding us the same lines in SWG and EQ1. They aren't valid today. All of these issues should have been evaluated and changes made PRIOR to release. Instead, players received a game that feels rushed and incomplete.


Releasing an incomplete game may have been acceptable in the past, but certainly not today. Unlike years past, your potential customers now have a wide variety of choices in the MMO genre. Pulling players away from WoW requires polished, well-tuned content that exudes creativity and inspiration. What we get with SW:TOR feels bland, uninspired, and rushed.


I recall one of the things that stuck out for me: In the Black Talon flashpoint (the first FP that any Empire player will encounter), there's a sequence that plays out as you zone in. Your shuttle takes off from a docking bay, and docks with another ship. When your shuttle takes off, the "door" object that you click to zone in remains in place, and stays behind until the scene cuts to your ship in space. After the cut, your shuttle seems to have already docked with the other ship.. but then another shuttle appears and stops in the same place. Two shuttles. Considering that this is the first flashpoint that Empire players will see, you'd think that these minor details would have been fixed prior to release. But they weren't.


This is what is wrong with this game. You can tell your players over and over that they're playing the greatest game ever, and some of them may believe it, but the great majority will feel alienated because they know that it simply isn't true.


Your players aren't stupid. Stop treating them like they are.

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1. Unlike your kids, we are all in this relationship by choice and, unlike you as mother to your kids, bioware is answerable to us. Most of us would prefer to stay, but the product has to be acceptable.
I fail to see the relevance to my kids in either your post or mine, since I never mentioned them.


2. Watch the videos or check out the pvp forums. Ilum is completely broken beyond any reasonable debate. It is broken beyond the most unreasonable fanboi debate.

Yep, the patch broke something else on Ilum, and BW has already announced an emergency fix tonight. Identifying and fixing a problem in under 24 hours? Pretty damn good response time, if you ask me.

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Along with the changes you guys meaning Bioware are making. Why not also make a valor cap per day for pvping in the Ilum Open World PvP area. This would make where if people got their cap then they would leave and just do about their other business like other dailies / warzones / flashpoints / operations. This would allow Republic a chance to get their Ilum daily / weekly done and still get about the same amount of valor if they worked with other people just like the imperials are. Instead of just farming Ilum all the time. Putting a population cap is a small start but what would happen if Imperial takes up most of the population limit and only allow a small number of republic in. Are you going to cap out the amount of people on each side or in general. This was not stated in that hotfix you guys are rolling out tomorrow morning. Mr. Gonzalez said you are watching people who abused the system to get high amounts of valor. What kind of consequences are those did abused it going to receive? Many questions to ask with no answer for them doesn't help your cause.
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I would just like to point out that I told everybody that they'ed respond quickly and fix these pressing issues. And now look, another patch is on the way immediately...proves my earlier points, that Bioware WILL take care of us! Thank you all for your attention, now to play some SWTOR before the servers are down for patchy time.
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Lol. All of these people whining about a industry they have zero clue about except logging in and playing a toon they created.


Here is something you should try...try programming a SINGLE player game....hell try making one on the android or Iphone and put it on the market. Since its so easy to fix bugs and see whats wrong, you all should be millionairess by next month.


A game of this scope will have issues. They will have bugs...there will be things overlooked no matter how much they Q&A. These same people moaning were the same ones yesterday complaining when they did not patch. Now that the patch is here, why did they release it with bugs....lol.


And before someone wants to mouth off with some silly remark, I DO work in the industry and understands what goes on and into these games. BW is sitting on a ton of dev money to have this game succeed. I highly doubt they will let their FIRST game update....That adds new content and what not, to be the end of a game it took millions of dollars to develop.


Have a little faith, or not. But please just stop acting like you could fix and make it all better and do it in 24 hours...because you cannot.

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