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Take down patch NOW


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You are doing irrecoverable damage to the server faction balances. Fights are 100 vs 20 with 5 fps, empire is getting FED on valor like mad. Leave it like this for a week and every sith is battlemaster, which is gonna make warzones even more 'fun'.
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I actually gonna post about this: at least Ilum needs to go down RIGHT NOW. As in, NOW.


There are Imps farming 800 valor PER MINUTE, and when Reps actually show up it passes 1500k PER MINUTE. Are you kidding me?


PUT THE *********** PATCH DOWN. Shut Ilum down. NOW. Reset every single valor point on every single player since the patch went live.


My god Bioware what are you doing? You are destroying all the faith and confidence that took you so many years to build.

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I actually gonna post about this: at least Ilum needs to go down RIGHT NOW. As in, NOW.


There are Imps farming 800 valor PER MINUTE, and when Reps actually show up it passes 1500k PER MINUTE. Are you kidding me?


PUT THE *********** PATCH DOWN. Shut Ilum down. NOW. Reset every single valor point on every single player since the patch went live.


My god Bioware what are you doing? You are destroying all the faith and confidence that took you so many years to build.


Then stop feeding them kills? Duh.

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Then stop feeding them kills? Duh.



Yeah, except they get it from TURRET KILLS . Thats right. With no diminishing returns, and are feeding Republic alts to keep the "turret game" going.


Its one of the most "disastrous" decisions I've ever seen taken game-mechanics wise. And the damage may be irreversible.

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If Ilum is broken then dont go there....do Warzones or something...its not like you're being forced to go to Ilum and do it.


Are you people failing to see the problem? 800k Valor PER MINUTE from turret kills alone? I repeat, they have alts to keep the flow of the killing turrets game.


We are talking Battlemaster gear in 2 days. Yeah, go to Warzones two days from now in and you will face nothing but Battlemaster-geared Sith.


Fun right?

Edited by Soulaufein
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If you are creating poor game in star-wars universe with lame good and cool bad characters you should expect republic to sux and be outnumbered 5:1 :p People were saying this from the start and it happened.

Last time I checked PVP there was few battlemaster lvl 50 agents, mercenaries and sorc. Oposite team could not even do serious damage to them :-D


Quite fun if you are not republic. Got a blast there killing lvl 50 with my lvl 14 agent just because they were busy with lvl 50 :p


I didn't resubscribed and it will stay that way for a while. Good luck everyone else.

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I've never been more convinced that PVP ruins MMOs.


The endless desire to find "balance" is what utterly destroyed SWG.


PVP doesnt ruin MMOs mate. Developers do. People warned repeatedly how dangerous it would be to launch Ilum like this, no one listened.

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Another upset PvPer complaining about PvP...


How quaint...


You have got to be the most blind person in the world (or the most head damaged to put it nicely)...


On EU server, Nightmare Lands there are up to 100 Imps in the republic BASE spawn killing around 50 of us

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Keep ignoring feedback you are signing your own death warrant on this game the Ilum debacle is almost impossible to put in words how poorly implemented it is. Just wait until peak hours tonight when 200 sith are camping 40 republics in the graveyard spawn point and can't play their characters.
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this is what happens when you put people who have proven to be failures in the mmorpg industry, sure they did good things with daoc, but that was what 11 years ago now? i think old age has taken their brains and the only thing keeping them in the industry is the fact that actually i honestly don't know how they have jobs still, i do hope they lose them though and never work in game development again, they need to make room for new talent.
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