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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Republic Boycott of Ilum!


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Empire has better storylines

Empire has better/more interesting looking gear

Empire has more engaging animations

Empire can dish out more dps due to animation and ability delay affecting Reps more severely (as acknowledged by Bioware)


...just a few issues there.


I hear Jedi get blue lightsabers.



Wait....Sith can get them too? Well, then I got nothing.



In all honesty, this is not going to be fixed. Not all ideas work.

Edited by Ossos
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Empire has better storylines

Empire has better/more interesting looking gear

Empire has more engaging animations

Empire can dish out more dps due to animation and ability delay affecting Reps more severely (as acknowledged by Bioware)


...just a few issues there.


I hear Jedi get blue lightsabers.



Wait....Sith can get them too? Well, then I got nothing.


Well by the look of many empire players in this game at least you're not an ******e.

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Speaking as a Republic player: how about we give it some time for the dust to settle before making definitive calls?



I'd also sooner appeal to empire gamers to re-roll as republic and contribute to fixing a problem that's fundamentally a community created and perpetuated one.

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Well by the look of many empire players in this game at least you're not an ******e.




I'd love to see Illum work; I just don't see how they're going to do that. They need to incentivize (is that a word) going Rep in a way that doesn't make it too attractive to go Rep. They're also going to have to offer a faction switch to the mirror class ala WoW faction swap style.


That might help...but who knows.

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Sorry but the numbers being mentioned in this thread are not due to a balance issue.


Republic seems to have a lot of 50s, that just don't want to try PvP. Sure the servers are not perfectly balanced, but to claim 15 v 5 can't be helped is BS..even low pop server can muster more than 5 level 50 Republic at any one time. The difference is Rep on many servers just don't seem to try.


Population imbalance will always happen, there's nothing that can be done (besides instancing PvP, but that's not everyones taste), but you still have to actually bring people to the fight...that's not going to happen automatically.


Um.... I play both Republic and Empire on my server, and at any given time there are 2-3x as many Empire at any location. At night there's something like 100 Republic at the Republic Fleet and 270 Empire at the Imperial fleet.


Some of the zones are just gankfests, because at any given time there's 3x as many Imperials.

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No need to call for a boycott. When the Reps realize they won't even get their quests done noone will bother anyway.


Pretty much this.


You might as well call for a boycott on putting your hand on a red hot stove. We're all boycotting that one!

Edited by McVade
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Don't judge server imbalances at 9:30am EST on a Wednesday....


Actually this is a good indication. It's like taking a poll in voting. You poll 1000 people and multiply for some number to give you a decent indication of the general populous. It will be worse in the pm EST hours.

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I'll translate OP.


"I don't like being at a disadvantage so instead of trying to better myself I'm going to spit my dummy out, have a tantrum and come onto forums as I'm an average 'quitter' person"


Let me translate you:


"I play on a low pop server as empire and I've never been to Ilum, so I'll go to everyones complaint posts and tell them how much they are QQ'ing because I am so awesome"

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I'll translate OP.


"I don't like being at a disadvantage so instead of trying to better myself I'm going to spit my dummy out, have a tantrum and come onto forums as I'm an average 'quitter' person"


You cannot make make yourself better when there are 4-6 of you only and being overrun by 30-40 imperials because you get crushed in a matter of seconds.

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The reason I call it biased, is not because on most PvP servers the empire are outnumbering republics - which of course in itself is not a fault of Bioware, but they do have control of implenting, say, the valor buff that is achieved when capping bases.


As Republic are indeed the underdogs, we are not only outnumbered, but we also gain a lot less valor per kill than Imperials as we will basically have a hard time even getting the buff at all.


How is that not biased?


Also, I've played on the underdog side on many MMOs so I'm not QQing about pop ratio, but it is still very much unfair the way it is now in my own humble opinion. Don't expect many on the republic side to stick around for the madness that will be about around prime time...it will only get worse.


- Elim


It's not biased because it's not on purpose.


I'm sure their intention was balance. BioWare just wasn't aggressive with it. I assume that was the point of the guild launch program to try to put a similar number of coordinated players on the same server to hopefully achieve some sort of balance. But I think that got shot to hell with the queue times, staggered access, and randomly opening new servers. Not to mention the unaffiliated players who were never part of the system to begin with.


That's just my own guess at it though. If it was up to me I would have just made Smugglers and Bounty Hunters the third faction (maybe toss in some grey force users, but I wouldn't want to step on the lore's toes if that's not right :p).

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No need to call for a boycott. When the Reps realize they won't even get their quests done noone will bother anyway.


Sadly, this. I enjoy World PvP occasionally, and it's actually more fun to be a little outnumbered, but 2:1 isn't being a little outnumbered -- and I think the ratio's actually worse than that on my server.


Cap the number of people allowed in the zone, or buff the side with fewer people, maybe? I do understand that having the two warring factions working together harmoniously to trade objectives is not desirable for a PvP zone, but having nobody show up at all is probably even less desirable.


(Actually, I'm guessing that people will just roll alts on the other side and trade kills with friends. So somebody will show up, at least!)

Edited by morporkia
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That is the way to recruit people over to republic. By being chicken s cowards. People should flock to join you.


go on then, i'll bite


i guess today im going to be selling clues, this is a game, the object of a game is to have fun, what the heck is fun about being outnumbered by a factor of 5:1 (reported as high as 8:1 on some servers) and trying to formulate worthwhile pvp?


i love that the guy who hides behind mass numbers and rolled the faction that we all knew was going to be overpopulated also wants to speak about cowardice, when levelling up id happily charge into imps 1v2 1v3 etc and even sometimes come out on top, but frankly i have better things to do then go get ganked in some laggy freezeframe so all the imperial leetkids dont regret being in the zerg faction quite as much, you made your bed now lay in it


good day,

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No it doesn't fix the fundamental flaws with ilum.


Problems with ilum:


1. base switching

->Bases/points once fixed or capped should be perma capped for a length of time

2. benefits of keeping

->holding the whole map should give a buff kept through death to the people who captured it for a length of time

3. server balance

->to prevent server imbalances and "zerg" rushes, they should limit the amount of one side into the zone, or bolster the side that is not as populated

4. reason to stay in the zone

->add valuable nodes to get like slicing or bioanalysis or whatever. this gives an incentive to stay in the zone instead of just doing your dailies and leaving.


Until these are addressed, ilum will forever be useless, and soon empire will come crying that there's no republic to kill because republic gave up trying to do ilum.

Edited by Gvaz
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Faction vs Faction pvp is a total failure. They need to eliminate the faction system and allow same faction battles and also mixed faction teams. Since Empire characters can go light side and Republic characters can go dark side, this makes some sense storywise.


This would really help in warzones and could also help in world pvp because it would allow players who wanted a challenge to go over to the weaker side without rerolling.

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