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5-6 sorcs in a warzone now common


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The fact they can all nuke for insane amounts and ranged is OP in huttball and Voidstar makes it seem 'OP"


Assassins don't nuke for insane damage or ranged damage.


Anytime someone calls out a base class like inquisitor I know they are an idiot. Sorcerers and assassins are hardly alike. People need to learn the name of the advanced classes and how to identify them or they just sound dumb.

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still dont see many operatives or scoundrels


mostly see sorcs adn bh mperial side, and jedi of any flavor/commandos republic side on hyperspace cannon


hell even our pug 16 man raid was all melee jedi with 3 scoundrels - one healing. the rancor was interesting

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I'm a level 37 jugg and I just tanked 4 people, solo while defending a point on Alderaan, for 40 seconds.. long enough for reinforcements. Two of them were level 50.


Tell me that ain't OP.


Yes, you must have had a good healer to keep you up through that. Kudos to them.

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that talent that makes their aoe knock back snare.. is amazing.


Not to mention if you run into a WZ agasin't 5-6 of them on one side in void star they stack together in that invincible line of defense. They can easily rotate their knock backs to defend a door or rotate their knock backs to get people off their ball carrier as he sprints past the fire trap with the shield on himself in hutball.


(i've seen this amazing gimmick for 4 inquisitors or any sort is quite often on my server.)


Such mobility is too good to have and I wish I played beta.

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Having a lot of Sorcerers is only annoying if they're all actually healing, but in that case you just get a slugfest. It's not as bad as getting the same number of Merc/Commando since those guys are even harder to kill. Heal heavy teams are not hard to defeat provided you have at least 1 good healer on your side, because although you'll have a hard time killing anyone on their side, the reverse is also true.
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As a 14 operative I won us a game of Alderaan- rest of my team was pummelling east where their team was, I stealth capped west node, help off two level 50s by kiting, CCing and LoS healing then doting/auto attacking when they tried to cap back for a minute and a half before finally dying.


My team finally shows up when I die, holds it for a minute or two, their whole team zergs the point so our team being idiots don't return when they die- manage to hold the point and am the second last to die- fly back, grenade to break cap, dot up, run around with five Republic players chasing me for a half minute before dying again- fly back and stealth since they've taken it. Wait a minute, stealth cap it again once most of them leave and an ally comes by and distracts them. Hold it against three with just us two flying back and harrassing for the last two minutes.


Win game 40-0.



This proves level 14s are OP and need to be nerfed in WZs.



Also, I have twenty pairs of high heels, and three pairs of sneakers- since there are more high heels, this proves that high heels are superior shoes for walking over sneakers. Because quantity always means quality, always, no exception- the pvp bads of TOR general have spoken.

Edited by fungihoujo
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The problem is doing a warzone with 5-6 sorcerers and all their dots stacking, lightning everywhere, healing each other and bubbling each other.


Hard to do much when you move and have 4 channeled lightning on ya lol


4 of any class will kill you.

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You people are misleading.



A real pragmatist would recognize this, stop QQ'ing, and roll the counter to a sorc or assassin to have more lunch in PvP.


...uhm, like EVERY class is the counter to sorc once they buff up the tanks.


It's a weak class that ONLY excels based on THE EFFORT OF OTHERS on the team.


Solo WPvP is NOT a good place for a Sorc.

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