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Gunslinger is to weak compared to other classes


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If that's how you want to roll with this, then ok.


I do fine on my Sniper. L2play. Play to your strengths and stop complaining about your weaknesses.


well lets see how fine you are when the 50 brackets are here and the majority of people have figured out how to counter us.


at least i can read and dont make false assumptions because i dont know the difference between "and" and "or"

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Gunslinger and Sniper are one of the underplayed classes, so you probably won't see a lot of support with this. But, I do agree. (Although my character is a Sniper, not a Gunslinger)


The Cover mechanic is a very bad way to do PvP for the Sniper, yet our best spec is reliant upon it. Well, hopefully when they do some Scoun/Op nerfs, they will buff Sniper a bit too.

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well lets see how fine you are when the 50 brackets are here and the majority of people have figured out how to counter us.


at least i can read and dont make false assumptions because i dont know the difference between "and" and "or"


A class can be countered through proper tactics. The horror of it all.


The problem I see with most cover based class players is they just sit there expecting the melee on top of them to somehow lose by a miracle. They have no idea how to create space again. I'm level 21 on my Sniper and can do it because I already have 4 (technically 5) different CC's available. It's not rocket science.


This is why you see people constantly going "buff this" and "nerf that." Because they don't want to learn how to be effective. They just want their class moved into the realm of being easier to play. If you would spend less time complaining and more time learning strategy, then you would be better off for it.

Edited by Amp_
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as i said before, these tactics work maybe in a pug (positioning and hoping you attract no mellee or anyone)


these tactics do not work against competent players. I have valor rank 48 and tested literally

every build that is possible.

You really cant say i dont know how to play ....


Lets say you create this space, by running away or pulse detonate them away (requires cover). IF you are out of cover you are a joke. By the time you have set up your cover again, the enemy has allready closed the distance again.


effective kiting is not possible


It is not only an issue with L2P its an issue with class mechanics

Edited by SwordoftheStars
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as i said before, these tactics work maybe in a pug (positioning and hoping you attract no mellee or anyone)


these tactics do not work against competent players. I have valor rank 48 and tested literally

every build that is possible.

You really cant say i dont know how to play ....


Lets say you create this space, by running away or pulse detonate them away (requires cover). IF you are out of cover you are a joke. By the time you have set up your cover again, the enemy has allready closed the distance again.


effective kiting is not possible


It is not only an issue with L2P its an issue with class mechanics


Yea most of the people that replied have stuff like BH/Warriors in there sig. The class is horrible and needs to be reworked. It's a very PVE based class, where everyone is running up charging you pulling hitting you like A truck you get the privileged of stopping and sitting down to endure it :D


Once Biochem is nerfed in the next patch can't wait to see the floods of post from people in game who play the class but don't actually use the forums what so ever.

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How to counter sniper/gunslinger 101

Step1: /facepalm the gunslinger/sniper for actually rolling the class and not a scoundrel/OPs in PvP.

step 2: cc, if he breaks free toss in another cc

Step 3: Root the sniper/gunslinger before it even takes a knee since the law of physics dictates standing in one spot should prevent you from taking a knee.

step4: whenever the gunslinger/sniper is casting try spam a knock-back, after that hes back to the animation time for taking a knee all over again which should buy you plant of time to faceroll.

Last step: Run around a pillar or obstacle, The LoS in this game is so easily breakable it makes anything that doesn't have an instant animation skill like lightning spam look like a joke.


Unlikes its counterpart the sniper/gunslinger's only hope of surviving in grp fight is to pray that the enemy is foolish enough to ignore it.


Did I forget to mention that kitting a dual weilding lighsaber class is nearly impossible?

and those obstacles that gets in the way ?



Gunslinger's weakness

Relies 2 much on long casting abilities that deals heavy dmg, channeled skills, cover, no major heals, no protective bubles, no stealth, nearly impossible to kite like squig herder.

The only good thing about cover is that skill that makes them Immune to CCs for 20 sec but then "Risk vs Reward" Your target just has to run away.

Edited by maximusedward
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How to counter sniper/gunslinger 101

Step1: /facepalm the gunslinger/sniper for actually rolling the class and not a scoundrel/OPs in PvP.

step 2: cc, if he breaks free toss in another cc

Step 3: Root the sniper/gunslinger before it even takes a knee since the law of physics dictates standing in one spot should prevent you from taking a knee.

step4: whenever the gunslinger/sniper is casting try spam a knock-back, after that hes back to the animation time for taking a knee all over again which should buy you plant of time to faceroll.

Last step: Run around a pillar or obstacle, The LoS in this game is so easily breakable it makes anything that doesn't have an instant animation skill like lightning spam look like a joke.


Unlikes its counterpart the sniper/gunslinger's only hope of surviving in grp fight is to pray that the enemy is foolish enough to ignore it.


Did I forget to mention that kitting a dual weilding lighsaber class is nearly impossible?

and those obstacles that gets in the way ?






4-5 shots leaves you oom and if you have already tried to help your team by doing a shot on someone else then you’re a sitting duck after hitting your current target more than once.


Energy regeneration is very slow and seems bugged at a certain point.


Lots of utilities to get away but most people just either CC break or a friend or ally comes by AOEing allowing your chaser to finish you off.


Our knock back situation where we have to press cover> knock back >hit or miss most of the time causing us to either waste a knockback or die because we never got into cover. Why?


Cover bugging when pressed causing you to have to spam it over and over again.



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My 14 Commando does double the damage of my 30 Gunslinger in PvP. For one, she has more AoEs and at least one of them is bigger. And two, because she can fire blindly at any time, she can do a lot more damage, unlike my slinger who has to set up and then get up, and reset up if people move, which is obviously gonna happen in pvp.


My 18 Sage probably does slightly less damage than my Gunslinger, but she has sooooo much utility it's crazy. So now I'm just trying to motivate myself to finish this one area on my slinger so I can get my legacy and then I'll focus on classes that naturally pwn in pvp.

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My 14 Commando does double the damage of my 30 Gunslinger in PvP. For one, she has more AoEs and at least one of them is bigger. And two, because she can fire blindly at any time, she can do a lot more damage, unlike my slinger who has to set up and then get up, and reset up if people move, which is obviously gonna happen in pvp.


My 18 Sage probably does slightly less damage than my Gunslinger, but she has sooooo much utility it's crazy. So now I'm just trying to motivate myself to finish this one area on my slinger so I can get my legacy and then I'll focus on classes that naturally pwn in pvp.


That's all you can do until they fix it. Don't look at it as choosing the wrong class simply look at it like choosing a good PVE class.



I've rerolled sith Warrior got him to 19 in a day, liking it alot actually. Force Charge is awesome it will be the only reason I continue to play the class hands down lol.

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I really dont know any other class more than the things I have learned while fighting them but, I play gunslinger in pvp, atm im at valor rank 61 and im loving it.


I dont think the class are in any way underpowered but of course I wouldnt mind if they worked on the cover mechanic so it acually works all the time and not only about 90% of the time you try to sit down.


Damagewise I can pretty much nuke any other class down in matter of seconds if they dont think and mindlessly try to outdps me while not LoS:ing.


Bottom line: The class is fine, practise and come back! :)


BTW playing as sab spec witch means I dont really HAVE TO be in cover all the time, but it is so much better to be anyway since you can take alot more of a beating then.


Best regards /Sheeva - <Nine Six One> - Kai-kan


(sorry if the English aint too well written just got up!)

Edited by Dadaluma
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Positioning is key for gunslinger, learn this and you will thrive, don't and you will continue to get roflstomped over and over.


Position means nothing when you have sents and marads just jumping 35 meters and shadows popping in and out of stealth...

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Gunslinger description"

Master of the trick and shot and willing to take advantage of every opportunity , The gunslinger learns how to fire two blasters at once, specializing in longe range..............

Which translate into the Gunslinger just looks kool.



In addition to his trusty blaster, The scoundrel packs a stealth belt, a scatter gun and a med pack-everything he needs to get in, Knock the enemy for a loop and gets out.

This description is so accurate its not even funny

The scoundrel actually gets in knocks the enemy, but instead it beats its enemy into oblivion leaving it to feel like a **** victim.

To top it up its actually much more kooler to punch, kick, and blow a shotgun into the face of your enemy than blasting 2 blasters that pews pews.

Edited by maximusedward
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We do amazing burst, yeah.


We burst bubbles.


I do extremely well with my gunslinger, but I have to play a lot better than other classes to achieve the same/slightly better results.


We have a lot of tools. But now that everyone's getting 50 and pvp gear, we are not the terrors we were early on.


And to the guy that got 3shotted--either you're lying or you went into a BG undergeared and underleveled and got ***** by stacking buffs/stims. Either way, you won't have to worry about it after patch.


I've been 50 with full pvp gear for a long time and I have never 3shotted anybody.


The minimum HP pool I've seen is 12k.


My aimed shot his for 4.5k tops. And it's on a cooldown.




EDIT: "TOO." FFS is it that hard?

Edited by Murdertrane
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I think gunslingers need some loving in terms of more energy regen and i think most would be happy. But until we can get combat logs or something to base our OPINIONS on its kinda moot to complain about any class and how they are Over/Under Powered.



Also i think alot of this pvp gripes happens to stem from playing HUTTBALL way too much as in that game type requires you to be very mobile and has a very small focus ((kill the guy with the ball, which gets into OMG i died quick threads)). I see gunsligers and sniper dominate "hold the point" for reasons that they are the masters of entrenching "if skills used right". sorry rambling more i wanna type but late and most arnt gonna read this small wall of text.

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Snipers are really solid.


Cover cannot be leaped to. Cannot be interrupted in. Cannot be pulled from, and as if that wasn't enough, 1/3 of the time you're immune to CC (entrenched). Add to this ballistic dampeners shielding you from sudden burst such as scoperatives opening on you and you're pretty much equipped for every situation.


No other class can frontload as much damage (explosive probe, ambush followed by guaranteed crit snipe, follow-through and takedown). The burst is unrivaled and balanced through the energy hog that it is. But without that the class would just be too good.


Against sorcs you have a ranged interrupt but cannot be interrupted yourself. Against warriors you have a 5 second root on 12/15s CD while they cannot gap close you and if they run to you, you have cover pulse with built-in root as well as entrench to protect from choke when they're near.


Against scoperatives the initial burst is absorbed by dampeners after which you have half a dozen options if you trinket the opener. If you see them even briefly before they open up, you have a good chance of using entrench or cover pulse (which activates so so much faster than Force Wave, too). You can flash gren them and set up for a knockbacking ambush, or you can root, cover pulse, debilitate and use any of these even after they trinket one of them not to mention the two roots you have don't care about resolve either.


I'd probably say mercs are the toughest matchup, but even so it can go either way. Dampeners are almost built for taking tracer missiles, which you can also interrupt. Then it just becomes a damage race that depends on gear and RNG; they're favoured because of heavy armor but that's about it. If it's going bad, you can still often just leg it while leg shotting them (they're kinda poor at the whole mobility thing).


Anyway all in all, very solid. Not OP, not UP. Just solid, and right beasts in capable hands.

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