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Gunslinger is to weak compared to other classes


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Yes this is guy is not playing sniper for ****.



Sniper needs a buff in damage department , either change ambush/sos/ft for tech damage


and maybe add more range.


or add armor peneration wayyyyyyyyy over 20% and if we are lucky the shot will go thru the shields.

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well if all they bring is damage, as a dps, i would say that alright with me. Bad players will whine and complain and be bad, do bad, and get bad dps, kb's, solo kills,and won't work toward objectives in pvp.


You don't even know what you are talking about go back to your sorc/sage Merc/Commando.

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im a gunslinger sharpshooter, that doesn't ***** and complains and works with whats there. Anyone who isn't bad knows that they can do just fine in pvp, yah maybe a few bones could be thrown our way, but its not broke either. Welcome to mmo's. Edited by deanguedo
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I think Op may just be a bad player.


However - nothing wrong with our damge - survivability needs to be buffed.


yes, the few bones i was talking about. People just get mad when they aren't good at everything. Go play rift. baddies will be bad, end of story.

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Gunslinger/Sniper is by far the worst class to play against as a Marauder from my experience they hit like a truck, I can't jump to them and they are extremely tough while in cover to the point where my Champ lightsabers feel like wet noodles if this class is buffed I shudder to think what would happen.


-My 2 cents

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I'm playing 41 GS atm valor 21 I think.


I started PVPing around 20ish, and since then just cruising through. I've found there are certainly some weak points in our setup, but, in general around 40 we really start coming into our own.


Since we are so obviously an offensive class, we really need our offensive attacks in order to produce the kind of DPS necessary to produce kills. you just can't and won't be able to do that sub ~40ish, where you can cap out your top tier talents.


GSers, in general, with reasonable gear and reasonable planning can produce kills and yes, we will die as well. you won't survive long when you're outnumbered by people who know how to play, but, you can't expect to survive long in that situation anyway.


That said, I've been in a jam before, with 4 guys on me, hit flash grenade, and dropped one attacker, in the time that the others were stunned, hit the next with dirty kick, and took the next guy to 50% health, then died to damage... still though, the point is that we aren't completely defenseless.


I'd rather not be in that position, though, and thats what making best use of positional defences is all about.


Best advice I can give is to use your run-up time to prepare for your fight, choose your cover location carefully, and, when you choose targets, don't play hero. go for the easy kills first and got waste your big attacks on low priority targets.

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GS is a very mediocre class right now. Yes it is capable of some burst once in a while but everything a GS can do a sorc/bh can do better. The "proof" see: anecdotal evidence, that people are giving about how in the right hands the class is great doesn't cut it. You can say the same about any class.


Sharpshooter is the play style I prefer but right now it's a struggle to line up that burst without being crippled by a melee zerg or some combination of tracer/lightning spam. There is also an unbalanced ratio of classes that can mitigate the bulk of your damage vs how little damage you as a GS/sniper are able to mitigate (basically nothing except damage by another GS/sniper and your small absorb from dampers). I like the playstyle, I like the defensive talents in this tree but the top half of the tree is pretty much a disaster:


- 3 points for a stacking alacrity buff that falls off unless you are only chain casting charged burst, which you should never be doing in any environment

- Rapid fire is lackluster. I'd much prefer it reset the CD on Aimed shot.

- Spacer. Another worthless talent.

- 3 points for trickshot. Horrendous talent bloat. Why not just make it baseline 5 sec CD and lowered cost.

- Sharp aim is only in the 2nd tier but 2 points to ignore armor on 1 attack is horrible talent bloat. It should at least apply to charged burst as well.


Dirty fighting is probably the go to pvp spec but it takes too long to setup and anyone with half a brain will just purge your dots because there's no dispell protection or penalty in place. Bleed ticks barely do any damage it's just extra work to setup the debuffs for your channel which is actually very strong and one of my favorite attacks as a GS. Hemorrhaging blast CD is too long and the cost too high compounding DF's energy problems. This tree also suffers from serious talent bloat where you basically can't take any of the pvp related talents (lowered CDs on trinkets etc.) because you will lose essential damage talents somewhere else.


So with all this in mind I'm currently playing a hybrid SS/DT spec deep enough in DT to get the channel bleed but taking all the defensive CDs in SS as well as the energy regen talent.


My final thoughts on GS are that while the damage could use an adjustment the main hindrance is on our ability to mitigate damage; especially while in cover. In pvp if you are spotted you have 1 GCD to blow all your survival CDs (after you trinket, if you need to) and desperately try to reposition or you are dead. I think with all the effort it takes you get setup and start dealing damage this gives literally everyone an unfair advantage. I'm not asking to be a ranged tank like a vanguard/powertech just give me enough time to actually react before I get destroyed in 2 GCDs.

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So true, but posting is basically pointless because you will get a bunch of ignorant replies like "well this one time in a warzone i got top damage, gunslinger is fine" or 'i see Gunslingers top damage all the time" when in actuality what they see are OPs/scoundrels. (As the above posts illustrate)


Too bad dealing damage alone in a warzone is not an accurate measure of whether or not a class is good or bad.


Gunslinger/Sniper are far and away the worst advanced class in the game.


-You can do decent damage, but not while being attacked.

-You have no worthwhile instant damage abilities, instead you have casted or channelled abilities that deal as much damage or less then the instant abilities of other classes.

-You have virtually no survivability. Id say without a doubt snipers are the easiest class to kill.

-You have no mobility, you are forced to stand still to do damage. Move and your damage is about 10% of what it was behind cover.

-and to top it off your damage is incredibly easy to mitigate/avoid by simply line of sighting or going out of range.


It seems they spent too much time making Operatives stupidly overpowered to make snipers decent. I guess you picked the wrong class.


I think you have to get better I have no problem 1v1 with any class in melee range. SNiper is gear dependent get some more BM gear and ambush hits for 7k. It does kind of suck most of our damage is mitigated by armor but that is what shatter shot is for.

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I think you have to get better I have no problem 1v1 with any class in melee range. SNiper is gear dependent get some more BM gear and ambush hits for 7k. It does kind of suck most of our damage is mitigated by armor but that is what shatter shot is for.


I've never hit for 7k...ever. Rarely if ever hit for 5k.

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im sorry but they really cant buff the dmg or dps of gunsliner or sniper without making them the MUST HAVE DPS for any PVE flashpoint or op.

they do tremendously well in pve as it is but their pvp is standard.

scoundrels and operatives do really well in pvp but are subpar in pve.

its a tradoff and you picked a better pve class. sorry but no buffs ever plz.

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im sorry but they really cant buff the dmg or dps of gunsliner or sniper without making them the MUST HAVE DPS for any PVE flashpoint or op.

they do tremendously well in pve as it is but their pvp is standard.

scoundrels and operatives do really well in pvp but are subpar in pve.

its a tradoff and you picked a better pve class. sorry but no buffs ever plz.


They are already "must have" because they are the only class with raidwall and are vastly under represented.

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Seems to me that the main argument of the 'heroes' here who claim that gunslingers are actually excellent class with no need for any change/buff is ------> 'you need to get the battlemaster gear' :confused:


Is that really the only way to improve the class usefulness considering horrible issues we have in PvP due to dependency on the shabby cover mechanic?


I am valor 42 gunslinger and i know what i'm talking about. In 1 v 1 conditions we can get mauled by any sane player playing any other class. In PvP our damage output is mediocre at best ( often overshadowed by jedi sage/sith sorc, commando/bh, scoundrel/operative ), while our mobility is almost nonexistant if we play sharpshooter spec. Some call it: ''immovable turret''...Yes, there is dirty fighting tree, which basically lets you retain some mobility at the huge cost of energy consumption and it's not really viable build for PvE where u need a constant stream of quick damage ( not dots ). And we all know respec costs in this game...


There is a reason this is the least played class in game. Many people are simply saying: 'you picked a wrong smuggler...'


I think that sums it up pretty much.:(

Edited by Wrakk
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Few notes about "Ballistic shield".


I strongly believe it works exactly as operative counterpart "Infiltrate", e. g. adds + 20 % hard damage mitigation to the allies in 10 m radius but not to the sniper himself (infiltrate hides allies in 10 m radius but not operative himself).


So using bullistic :D shield to susrvive (like some dude said) and not to help surviving allies is a vaste of time.

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Seems to me that the main argument of the 'heroes' here who claim that gunslingers are actually excellent class with no need for any change/buff is ------> 'you need to get the battlemaster gear' :confused:


Is that really the only way to improve the class usefulness considering horrible issues we have in PvP due to dependency on the shabby cover mechanic?


I am valor 42 gunslinger and i know what i'm talking about. In 1 v 1 conditions we can get mauled by any sane player playing any other class. In PvP our damage output is mediocre at best, while our mobility is almost nonexistant if we play sharpshooter spec. Yes, there is dirty fighting tree but basically you retain some mobility at the huge cost of energy consumption and it's not really viable build for PvE where u need a constant stream of quick damage ( not dots )


There is a reason this is the least played class in game. Many people are simply saying: 'you picked a wrong smuggler...'


That sums it up pretty much.:(


So rank 42 valor means you must absolutely know what you're talking about? Right. Ok. I've seen good gunslingers (WITHOUT Battlemaster gear) put up crazy numbers consistently and WIN 1v1s regularly. A good sniper can kill me in about 5 seconds. You get cover which prevents them from closing the gap. Just toss out some snares/CCs and blow them up in about 3 attacks. If you're in a bad position, well, it's your own fault for not realizing you're playing a turret.

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So rank 42 valor means you must absolutely know what you're talking about? Right. Ok. I've seen good gunslingers (WITHOUT Battlemaster gear) put up crazy numbers consistently and WIN 1v1s regularly. A good sniper can kill me in about 5 seconds. You get cover which prevents them from closing the gap. Just toss out some snares/CCs and blow them up in about 3 attacks. If you're in a bad position, well, it's your own fault for not realizing you're playing a turret.


No, rank 42 obviously means 'i am absolutely totally clueless on how my class acts in PvP conditions' in your world. :rolleyes:


They win 1 vs 1? Against whom, sentinel in greens? Wearing which equipment? Champion? Did you see it on let's say 20-30 occasions by yourself? Or you just heard your mates bragging about it?


First of all, it's really obvious you've never played a sniper/gunslinger cause you wouldn't be writting this kind of philosophising/theoretical smack;


What class do you play? For in this case I could say the same for you: 'it's L2P issue' - but i won't cause that really got STALE.


'toss out some snares/cc them', lol?! Which snares? With my 'mighty' 2 cc abilities? Which ones? The one with 30 sec or 1 min CD? Cause i will be dead by then so i guess i have to pick wisely. Why would i for example want to snare a ranged class if i want to dps them? Others can use escape or whatever ability they have to brake of my 'superior cc' anyway and it's not like i'm gonna kite them when i'm dependant on cover mechanic. Have you ever seen a duel between a sith sorc and gunslinger? I bet you haven't :cool: You wouldn't be saying 'blow them up in 3 attacks' ---> That is something operative/scoundrel does. Same goes for Sage/Sorc. We simply can't - our damage is ok, but not 1-3 shotter


Our damage is mediocre at best if compared to those 2 classes ( They mostly top the wz damage list on my server, together with commando )

Edited by Wrakk
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No, rank 42 obviously means 'i am absolutely totally clueless on how my class acts in PvP conditions' in your world. :rolleyes:


They win 1 vs 1? Against whom? Marauders in greens? Wearing which equipment? Champion? Did you see it on let's say 30 occasions? With your own eyes? Or you just heard them bragging about it?


First of all, it's really obvious you've never played a sniper/gunslinger cause you wouldn't be writting this kind of philosophising/theoretical smack;


What class do you play? I could say the same for you, you know: 'it's L2P issue' - but i won't cause it got STALE.


'toss out some snares', lol?! Which snares? The ones with 30 sec to 1 min CD? Why would i snare them if i want to dps them? have you ever seen a duel between a sith sorc and gunslinger? I bet you haven't :cool: Cause you wouldn't be saying 'blow them up in 3 attacks' ---> That is something operative/scoundrel do. Same goes for Sage/Sorc.


Our damage is mediocre at best if compared to those 2 classes ( They mostly top the wz damage list on my server, together with commando )



Wrakk just reroll another class.

Sniper/Gunslinger is retarded and needs to be deleted if they are not going to fix it.



These people who comment are like the rest of the sheep and play lolclasses. You went for diversity so shame on you, had you rolled an easy class that was setup properly for you then you wouldn't have to worry about it but its your fault. So why you here QQ up our forums?!? We want this forums filled with NERFS not buffs to broken classes PLEASE LEAVE.

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