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Gunslinger is to weak compared to other classes


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sad but true, damage is mediocre and you have not enough survival tools. (Damage mitigation skills like absorb and stuff are to weak or dont last long enough, maybe absorb like 1k damage)


Bountyhunters and other classes outdamage you, have heavy armor and selfheal

and are not a pure dps class like we are. (something is seriously wrong here)


On top of that, the stupid cover system is preventing you from doing damage because it happens alot that enemies just LOS or sprint away. Also every build that i tested now has energy problems up to the point where its just better to die and have full bar of energy rather then wait for energy to return and being useless for like 1 minute ..


Competent Teams will also knock, choke, push you out of cover the whole time.

Only viable build for PVP is lethality (the one with the dots) I have around 400 expertise and manage to deal around 250-300k damage in a WZ without going to cover a single time.


LOS is less of a problem because of the dots ticking and you dont have to waste time and GCD for going to cover ...

Only downside of the dots is that they instantly break flash grenade and legshot, so this two skills become useless once you have dotted people


BW you should revisit this class and think over the cover system, thanks

Edited by SwordoftheStars
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So true, but posting is basically pointless because you will get a bunch of ignorant replies like "well this one time in a warzone i got top damage, gunslinger is fine" or 'i see Gunslingers top damage all the time" when in actuality what they see are OPs/scoundrels. (As the above posts illustrate)


Too bad dealing damage alone in a warzone is not an accurate measure of whether or not a class is good or bad.


Gunslinger/Sniper are far and away the worst advanced class in the game.


-You can do decent damage, but not while being attacked.

-You have no worthwhile instant damage abilities, instead you have casted or channelled abilities that deal as much damage or less then the instant abilities of other classes.

-You have virtually no survivability. Id say without a doubt snipers are the easiest class to kill.

-You have no mobility, you are forced to stand still to do damage. Move and your damage is about 10% of what it was behind cover.

-and to top it off your damage is incredibly easy to mitigate/avoid by simply line of sighting or going out of range.


It seems they spent too much time making Operatives stupidly overpowered to make snipers decent. I guess you picked the wrong class.

Edited by Gidoru
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The class is fine, you do amazing burst and sustained damage and even though cover can suck you've got a lot of cc to make up for it.


i dont see where the amazing burst is and i fail to see the reason why classes that are able to self heal or tank do more dps then a pure dps class (3 Trees for dps)

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i dont see where the amazing burst is and i fail to see the reason why classes that are able to self heal or tank do more dps then a pure dps class (3 Trees for dps)


All 3 made for PvE apparently.

Ive respecced about 10 times in the past couple of days trying all 3 specs are none of them are fun or good. The best spec i could come up with is a hybrid spec that i can share with you if you want.

Edited by Gidoru
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I'm always #1 or 2 on the damage done as a sniper and usually am up there in the least amount of deaths. Our absorption isn't great when you look at classes like the sorcerer or the bounty hunter, but we get something.


Entrench is also quite good and we can backload alot of our damage if we want to. Sometimes we really get screwed with the ability delay and pvp can be laggy at times and give us issues. We aren't the strongest but I don't think the class is that weak.


There are definitely not alot of people playing the class though, at least not on my server.

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I can't say that Gunslinger/Sniper suck but they are just average among those operatives sorcs mercs. This class is very team-dependant if noone protects or heals you, you die in seconds and smart players choose you as their favourite target very often. Our damage is nice but very easy to counter. Edited by Esmie
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I'm not saying sniper/gunslinger don't have their issues, however, 99% of the snipers I see are absolutely dreadful, and have no clue as to how to play their class.


No chaining rifle attacks.


Using cover pulse with zero intelligence. If you're playing huttball, all it takes is one debilitate/flashbang -> reposition -> pulse -> goodbye.


Zero IQ positional sense (hey, let's stand 15m away from the alderaan mid turret on the ground floor, so absolutely everyone will see I'm a free kill with my shiny shield)


List goes on...


As for damage, I've seen snipers take ~50% of my health with one shot.

Edited by wixxkruppel
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I'm always #1 or 2 on the damage done as a sniper and usually am up there in the least amount of deaths. Our absorption isn't great when you look at classes like the sorcerer or the bounty hunter, but we get something.


Entrench is also quite good and we can backload alot of our damage if we want to. Sometimes we really get screwed with the ability delay and pvp can be laggy at times and give us issues. We aren't the strongest but I don't think the class is that weak.


There are definitely not alot of people playing the class though, at least not on my server.


Dealing damage alone does not make a class good.


How do you get that damage? By hiding on a perch in Huttball sitting in one spot? By attacking people that arent attacking you? That is hardly any indication that class is good.


Bounty Hunter/Trooper has basically everything Sniper does except better and more of it and without having to use cover.

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Dealing damage alone does not make a class good.


How do you get that damage? By hiding on a perch in Huttball sitting in one spot? By attacking people that arent attacking you? That is hardly any indication that class is good.


Bounty Hunter/Trooper has basically everything Sniper does except better and more of it and without having to use cover.


Oh boy... you're one of those...



Please, roll a bounty hunter and you'll be on the forums in a month or so complaining about how overpowered some other class is, snipers and gunslingers are fine.

Edited by Aidank
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Snipers hurt me




I am happy to engage fighting just about anyone more than a sniper because they really hurt me in my light armor. Obviously I don't include Ops in that group of "anyone" because I never have a choice to engage them or not. They just pop up behind me and next thing I know I am dead (unless I somehow manage to smash all the right buttons to get free for a second or two, then he is in trouble! lol)

Edited by Kuly
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Oh boy... you're one of those...



Please, roll a bounty hunter and you'll be on the forums in a month or so complaining about how overpowered some other class is.


Umm Bounty Hunter is more than fine right now. Say otherwise and you dont know what you're talking about.


And im simply stating facts here.


BH has a knockback, does not require cover, superior to Sniper

BH has a stun, has range on it, Sniper's is melee range, Superior to sniper

BH has cast time damage abilities, deal more or equal amounts of damage to similar cast time abilites of snipers, does not require cover, again Superior to Sniper

BH has high damage mitigation, Sniper has the low damage mitigation.

BH can have heals/dispels, Sniper can have.. cover?


I guess BH have it rough eh?

Edited by Gidoru
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I think they are talking about classes like sorcerers and operatives getting very good damage capabilities while still being given abilities like heals


I'm just curious because he mentions self healing and tanking in the same phrase.

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Umm Bounty Hunter is more than fine right now. Say otherwise and you dont know what you're talking about.


And im simply stating facts here.


BH has a knockback, does not require cover, superior to Sniper

BH has a stun, has range on it, Sniper's is melee range, Superior to sniper

BH has cast time damage abilities, deal more or equal amounts of damage to similar cast time abilites of snipers, does not require cover, again Superior to Sniper

BH has high damage mitigation, Sniper has the low damage mitigation.

BH can have heals/dispels, Sniper can have.. cover?


I guess BH have it rough eh?


I know bounty hunters are fine, I wasn't implying they aren't.



I'm saying that gunslingers are also fine, you're just one of those people that will talk non-stop about how terrible your class is and then cherry pick specific topics and/or flat out lie to make your class seem worse than it is.


Bh casts of equal activation times do not do less damage than snipers, that's completely false, you've also left out a lot of advantages snipers have over BHs, an AoE ranged instant mezz for instance.

Edited by Aidank
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well i said playing against competent teams, the keyword here is competent.


When entrenched is on CD every fart is getting you out of cover and youre damage is now only 10% of what it is while in cover.


There is no other class which is so easy negated ...



and speaking of burst, tell me where the burst is when i have to set up my cover first and then channel my abilities. Every keyboard turner is now out of range or has stunned/knocked you or other crap or has just LOS


play Sniper/Gunslinger against player that know how we work and you will just die alot ...

Edited by Zilrota
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I'm surprised this isn't brought up more often, but shields work on weapon attacks and nothing else. So that in theory may make Gunslingers/Snipers under those circumstances weaker compared to other classes. When I play my Sniper I know this, so I try to go after other targets if I can help it. Edited by Amp_
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