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Thank you bioware


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1st of all, just wanted to say thank you for having an early game access available to anyone who preordered


i put in my code at the end of october, and hoped to get ega before the weekend was over (the weekend before 12/20) even just 1 day ega is better than none, honestly, i would have been happy just to start on 12/20/11 as this is such an awesome game


now looks like i might actually get in tomorrow, which is excellent


so thanks for offering an ega, and thanks for giving me more days than i ever could have expected!!!

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I was going to wait until after launch to send Stephen Reid a tweet saying thanks for everything.


Seriously, the people around here are ridiculously greedy. Get a life. I didn't get in yesterday, but I did today. My wife won't get in until later because I bought her copy in November. Is she mad at Bioware? No. She's mad at me. :)


Appropriately direct your blame: At the person that bought your copy of SW:TOR. I mean, I hadn't even been following this game until shortly before they started offering pre-orders. I still ordered within the first 30 days.

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It is 11am in california, im sure Hundreds of thousands more have been let in at this point. Earlier this morning i got up with my duaghter at 6am just before they started letting poeple in, and could not believe the amount of frustration on the forums. People wearing out thier F5 keys like mad. I said two things. Noobs. This will go away the minute 90% of these people get invited in 2 hours.
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Ahh finally sane people, I was getting worried that SWTOR would be filled with kiddies, just think if they are this mad for not getting EGA, they will sure be made when they keep dying in the dungeons, because they don't understand the roles of Tank/Healer.


BioWare is doing a solid job in my books, and I'm comparing them to the last few major MMO launches.


P.S. If your a sane person and not complaining as to when you get in, hang in there we're the ones that will dominate the dungeons and raids (Ok sure they call them Flashpoints and Operations - same thing different name) and even though we may get in a little late, we'll still dominate in game.

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This is a rare find.

Someone posting something positive and not trying to troll or start a flame war.


I registered 4th October and a guild mate of mine who registered on 14th august got in today so I'm hoping to get in tomorrow, if not then I'll be in by Friday.


Been reading the forums and must say I'm amazed at all the raging over not getting in from day 1.

I honestly dont see the importance of being first, I for one much prefer a stable and as bug free as possible game and server system.


I'm crossing my fingers and hoping to get in tomorrow.

If not then I just have to wait a little longer.

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Well they do a goodwork.


but is it fair when ppl who redemed their codes yesterday getting into the game alrdy.


is that nice do u mean.


Why do they do like that?


How do you know this?

Last I heard they let players in in chronological order.


If you read on the forums someone saying they got in when they redeemed their codes yesterday, then I suggest you dont take it too seriously.

Most likely its just someone trying to troll or start flame wars.


And are you sure its the pre-order codes they are talking about and not the retail code?

There has been allot of fuss around that as well where players who entered that code already has been locked out or gotten problems with their account or code.


If however it is true as you say that they let in players who redeemed their pre-order code yesterday then I agree its unfair, but I honestly doubt that is the case.

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If you read on the forums someone saying they got in when they redeemed their codes yesterday, then I suggest you dont take it too seriously.

Most likely its just someone trying to troll or start flame wars.


That was me and yes I did purchase it yesterday but I did not get in yet, just trying to see if anyone would catch that and start complaining because there too foolish to realize it was an blatantly false statement.

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