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Weekly server maintenance EU times?


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You should be more sorry that you applied idiocy to anyone who actually took their time to read through your nonsensical stupidity and thereby lost minutes of their lives as well as millions of braincells that, in true lemming like fashion, commited mass suicide rather than be subjected to one more word from you.


I award you - 2 internetz and remove your cookie privileges for all eternity.


there were other quotes but you decieded to hide them by using the quoting and replying there. that means you are trying to make your point nonsencical itself. my point was this no one has said where all the servers are, currently i am under the impression EVERY server is in one location. if they are not then i'd like an offical post. I am not saying it shouldn't be split but i'm tired of hearing everyone say it affects them more than any other. actually my play time tend to be right through server down times so *I* am affected but I accept it! they have stated they are looking into how they can flip this out but they can't just come up with something in two seconds. it's a time they have to take to make the RIGHT decisions. instead of always telling me that i am not affected and it sucks to be you, realize that you did not know *I* was also affected and yet i accept what has to be till it gets changed. why don't you do that as this is general chat not the feedback area. they read the feedback area before here. or if i were cm's and BW/EA I'd start there and ignore flames against me. from the get go so stop threats, do what you say of be quiet about what you'd rather do. just say give the issue, your possible solution and let those that know the business here more than anyone else do what they do best.


Darth Freki

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Bioware have confirmed on numerous occasions that the EU servers are located in Ireland. Physically located that is.


In fact I read an article in an Irish newspaper where Bioware were crowing about how great it was that Ireland was pumping a load of cash into infrastructure just for them.


You would need to have been living under a rock to have not read this.

Edited by spudbynight
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there were other quotes but you decieded to hide them by using the quoting and replying there. that means you are trying to make your point nonsencical itself. my point was this no one has said where all the servers are, currently i am under the impression EVERY server is in one location. if they are not then i'd like an offical post. I am not saying it shouldn't be split but i'm tired of hearing everyone say it affects them more than any other. actually my play time tend to be right through server down times so *I* am affected but I accept it! they have stated they are looking into how they can flip this out but they can't just come up with something in two seconds. it's a time they have to take to make the RIGHT decisions. instead of always telling me that i am not affected and it sucks to be you, realize that you did not know *I* was also affected and yet i accept what has to be till it gets changed. why don't you do that as this is general chat not the feedback area. they read the feedback area before here. or if i were cm's and BW/EA I'd start there and ignore flames against me. from the get go so stop threats, do what you say of be quiet about what you'd rather do. just say give the issue, your possible solution and let those that know the business here more than anyone else do what they do best.


Darth Freki


It's all HERE


I’m going to tell you where the European servers are, but you’re not allowed to freak out. The European servers are going to be located in Ireland, in Dublin.


Doesn't get more official than that. I can't link to the official forum post on this subject because it was removed when the wipe took place just before launch, so this is the closest is gets.

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I would like to know something when servers came down in other MMOs I have realized they come down about the same general time when I played wow they brought them down early in the AM and came back up later into the afternoon or sometime before noon and all servers went down. That means that their EU servers went down too, how come I did not see any complaining going on there? Edited by nevetss
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Another thing if they brought down the servers but the EU servers separately what do you think the people with their servers down are going to do? They are going to make a ton of little alts to play until their servers come back up and vise verse when yours are down. Edited by nevetss
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I mostly find it annoying that maint takes from 9 am till 5 pm sometimes. I want to play SWTOR during the day, I sleep at night. Why not have the servers down from 2 am till 10 am? Makes it way easier, because hardly anybody plays swtor at breakfast
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Another thing if they brought down the servers but the EU servers separately what do you think the people with their servers down are going to do? They are going to make a ton of little alts to play until their servers come back up and vise verse when yours are down.


And if that would happen the whole game would collapse right? I mean if we played some toons while US players are sleeping the servers would be destroyed, and if US players made toons on EU servers while we sleep to play during their maintenance the world would collapse.


Well this is one of the many reasons i canceled my sub, but not the only. If BW would fix this and one or two major things (i.e. balance populations with giving transfers, or dual specs at 50 , or travel times, or .. or .. or .. or ) then i would consider in buying another month of this game.

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oh and another thing, it seems US people are saying something along the lines:


"The power company had to shut down the electricity in the whole country, I was in the forest cutting wood for the day and picking shrooms.

I didnt see it so it did not affect anyone am sure you are over exaggerating people! "


You are sleeping, we are not at that time. What we want is our own maintenance window not shift yours.

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Yes there was an emergency patch. But for those that say "Why wait?!" Yes lets bring down the servers during the most peak time available.


Lets say the patch was finalized Friday night at 6PM. Yeah lets just go ahead and bring down every server from 6-10.....People would not mind!


Can you imagine what would happen if they did that? Sometimes emergency patches need to wait. It does not mean it is not an emergency.


So Saturday morning it is.


Also, why does it matter? You want to cancel just because you cannot play during maintenance? You love this game so much that 8 hours of down time is unacceptable, so you cancel? That makes no sense. You may not like it, which is fine. But threatening to cancel or actually canceling is just way over-the-top and does not make sense.


Oh I forgot, back when I was in college, my days off were generally Tuesday.....Guess what? I could not play WoW during that time. I did not go to their forums threatening them so their maintenance would fit me.


To the people that say "Well what about people that work nights.....shift hours....and so on": You cannot be serious with that argument? Of course people work at different times. But the MAJORITY of the people work the standard 8-5 hours. Keyword: Majority. We do not know the stats. It could be only 1% of the entire player base plays at 3am or so. WE DO NOT KNOW.


Statistically speaking, and what BW looked into, the MAJORITY of the population works standard work hours and goes to school/college around the same time.


They will probably adjust their time once the subscription numbers balances out.


Even if they do not, you already know when most of the maintenance will occur. Do what I did when I could not play WoW: Play something else or do something else.

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The emergency patch they did saturday, wasn't emergency patch enough to screw EU players playtime.


It was a patch to fix people from crashing to character screen of what i have seen and i have had that issue for a month or so. Happened only once every second day or something.


If they were able to wait a month with fixing that, they couldn't wait 3 more days until the tuesday maintenance?

I bet some US players wanted it fixed and bioware didn't want to make their most favored customer group unhappy xD


Seriously saturday is the day where peak-time is lasting all day. That downtime was the most annoying one so far.


I have little time to play in weekdays, so if patching is now also done in weekends what am i paying for?


And the comments some people place, that we should all go read books or watch tv, I can't really use for anything. I pay to play the game and I expect to be treated as a paying customer, unfortunatly only american players gets that treatment at the moment.


And i do understand that they need to patch the game and fix bugs and so on. But for the love of god don't do it on a saturday! If big big emergency occurs and the game is in so bad shape it needs fixing, do it at nighttime!

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This might sound harsh now, but in general...US players should be silent about this subject. Simply because if the downtime would be in their times, the forums would explode from whines.


But something struck me. Isn't there more EU server than US ones....

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Bioware can be excused for needing a long time for the maintenance, and the amount of downtimes because they are new to MMOs.


But they cannot be excused for not talking about it or which is even worse, telling us things that are blatant lies.

For nearly all Non-US Timezones all planned downtimes happen at times which might not be main peak times but are by no means off-peak. As someone stated before off-peak times are about 2 am to 8 am.


If Bioware or EA want to save money by having downtimes centralized world wide it would be perfectly understandable that they favor the region where most of their customers are and set them so that they are at off-peak times for the US. If they need more time on the downtimes (8 hours is pretty much the longest time I ever experienced in an MMO for a standard scheduled maintenance if you compare it with say Rift or WoW) this would be understandable since Bioware is still new on the MMO market.


But why oh why don't they communicate about it? Just tell us "we have to do it like that because we must due to technical and/or financial reasons."


People react way better to honesty than most companies think they do.

Edited by Khaaan
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I would like to know something when servers came down in other MMOs I have realized they come down about the same general time when I played wow they brought them down early in the AM and came back up later into the afternoon or sometime before noon and all servers went down. That means that their EU servers went down too, how come I did not see any complaining going on there?


Interesting guess you have verry little clue about the problem to post this. Actualy i might state as a fact that you dont know anything about timezones. Guess what there is more in the world then the US and no we are not all on the same timezone either.

So lets use WoW as a reference ( they also have a few subscribers)

WoW servers are being brought down 4-8AM local time.


SWTOR servers are being brought down 10:00-14:00 and sometimes even 10:00-18:00.


Do i need to point out the difference? Hardly anyone is playing in the 4-8 timeframe but a lot more play in the 10:00-12:00 timeframe. especialy on a saturnday.


But since the US posters seem to agree on 1 thing and that is that maintenance during peak time is no problem at all why not move the maintenance to their peak time. Everybody will be happy.

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It is COMPLETELY ARROGANT and IGNORANT to say that only because the company that runs this game is based in America, Americans are higher class customers.


I wonder if people who think that are mentally challenged.


FACT is:


Europe is a bigger market for games, because Europe's population is a lot bigger than the United States' population.


Lots of games have shown this. World of Warcraft of course, but also other online games like League of Legends. Anyone that plays League of Legends knows how fast the EU playerbase grew and what kind of server troubles it brought because they put their emphasis on US servers.


Turns out they were wrong and had to massively invest in EU servers to cope with the number of players. Hell, they had to split the EU region in two to be able to offer stable service.



Disregard all of that, US customers should NOT have maintenance during the day either.

The argument that an unlocked client doesn't permit different maintenance times is completely oblivious to the truth. Rift does it.


And honestly, who in the world goes to US servers during the night in order to play a whole new character with 150 ms latency. That is simply not gonna be a problem.


They need to get into their heads that in order to compete with the incredibly professional, quick and high quality customer service and server stability of Blizzard they need to offer similar service and at least show the willingness to offer the same service in the future.

It's capitalism. Competition matters.

Edited by Jonisaurus
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People still crying over this, I cant believe how people base there life's around an MMO.

Surly you can find something else to do for the time the game is down.


Fact is no one cares, not even Bioware and the small amount of people crying over this is tiny compared to the people who dont come on the forums because they dont care and are happy the game is being fix and made better week by week.


Its never going to change, so deal with it and plan your MMo time accordingly.

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theres like 50 threads involving the horrible maitinace times that hinders people from the EU to play the game, and they all have like 2000 replys, and yet they do nothing to change it :D


Because it's not that simple. For one thing Ireland, where the EU servers are housed, has these really annoying things called labour laws and human rights. Bioware simply cannot just insist that the server maintenance guys work nights from now on at the drop of a hat, and that's only one of the problems they would face.


At the end of the day someone somewhere is going to be inconvenienced by the maintenance. As time goes on and as Bioware collects more and more info about peoples preferred play times, I have no doubt they will adjust the maintenance to the most optimum time.

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Ok bottom line here:


The cannot change to split maintenance. They started this game with the ability that anybody can play on any server they want to. They cannot change that now.


If they do split maintenance, many people will create accounts on the other servers when they cannot play on theirs. Just because you will not, does not mean others will not. If I have time to play, and my servers are down, you bet I will create a character on a different server. Because I have the time to play, so I will play one way or another.


The only way they can do this successfully is by region locking. But like I said, they cannot go from open access to a more restrict access. What about people that are already on international servers? Will their characters be moved to a random server?

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People still crying over this, I cant believe how people base there life's around an MMO.

Surly you can find something else to do for the time the game is down.


Fact is no one cares, not even Bioware and the small amount of people crying over this is tiny compared to the people who dont come on the forums because they dont care and are happy the game is being fix and made better week by week.


Its never going to change, so deal with it and plan your MMo time accordingly.


People will cry about broken things for which they pay until these broken things are fixed. And you are wrong: Bioware WILL change the server maintenance times for the larger Non-US Regions in time. The point is that a major competitor on the MMO market should fulfill basic standards like this at release times or at least offer a schedule on when the issue is planned to be resolved.

If a minor to medium company like Trion Worlds can do it, it does shed a very bad light on one of the biggest gaming company in the world (EA) for being so tight on their money to not provide a game with an estimated creation budget of 200 mio dollars with basic MMO features like reasonable maintenance schedules and proper endgame content.

This is not 2004 anymore and every competitor will be judged against the products currently in the market.


If we aren't allowed anymore to criticize clear failures then we can as well stop thinking.


As for the matter of "nobdy cares"... count the amount of posts (including your own) ... that is unless you have stopped thinking along with not caring altogether.

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Ok bottom line here:


The cannot change to split maintenance. They started this game with the ability that anybody can play on any server they want to. They cannot change that now.


If they do split maintenance, many people will create accounts on the other servers when they cannot play on theirs. Just because you will not, does not mean others will not. If I have time to play, and my servers are down, you bet I will create a character on a different server. Because I have the time to play, so I will play one way or another.


The only way they can do this successfully is by region locking. But like I said, they cannot go from open access to a more restrict access. What about people that are already on international servers? Will their characters be moved to a random server?


where is the problem? If you started on a US server you will have to live with US maintenance times, but if you started on say a french server you will have to live with french maintenance times (european for that matter).

It should be pretty damn obvious that as a US resident joining a french server can have repercussions.

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Because it's not that simple. For one thing Ireland, where the EU servers are housed, has these really annoying things called labour laws and human rights. Bioware simply cannot just insist that the server maintenance guys work nights from now on at the drop of a hat, and that's only one of the problems they would face.


At the end of the day someone somewhere is going to be inconvenienced by the maintenance. As time goes on and as Bioware collects more and more info about peoples preferred play times, I have no doubt they will adjust the maintenance to the most optimum time.


Working nights maintaining servers once a week on an mmo is kinda in the job description lol. And if they didn't state this to any potential employees then they are fools. Besides that, it's once a week. I'm sure they can spare some money to employ a few more people to do nights, or if not, it's quite easy to change a contract, you just need to give notice, and consult.

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where is the problem? If you started on a US server you will have to live with US maintenance times, but if you started on say a french server you will have to live with french maintenance times (european for that matter).

It should be pretty damn obvious that as a US resident joining a french server can have repercussions.


Read the first part again: If they start doing split maintenance, a lot of people will start creating characters on different (active) servers while theirs is down.


Which would mean the servers MIGHT get overloaded. Keyword there is MIGHT. If they stick to one maintenance schedule, they know this would never happen. Keyword there is never since all, ALL, servers are down.


Therefore, if they do split maintenance, they would probably region lock the game. At that point, those that started on US servers might be in a sticky situation. They would do this because they would like to have an option to where it can NEVER happen versus it MIGHT happen.

Edited by Nighthawked
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