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Weekly server maintenance EU times?


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It'd be a hell of a change - they'd need to split the game by zone - I'm not even certain that they'd be able to back-engineer it.


WoW was built, from the start, with three areas (from memory) - if you wanted to be on the US servers (because, say, you worked nights) then you'd have to buy a US copy of the game.


Good or bad, I can't see them being physically able to implement it for a heck of a long time.


At the moment they seem to be (mostly) taking the servers down when the US players are asleep and, most, EU players are at work. The guys in Ociania must be peeved (if there are any players over there).


OK i'm no systems engineer, but if individual servers can "go down" without taking the rest with them then clearly they operate independently of each other, so i suggest your argument isn't actually correct, maybe my argument isn't technically accurate either, but i'd be willing to bet they could do it but either A) they cant be bothered right now or B) it will cost them money they don't "need" to spend.... either way isnt good enough...


Do 8 hour service WHEN THE MAJORITY OF YOUR CUSTOMERS ARE ASLEEP.... if they do this for the US market, which they do, then we all should be afforded the same courtesy...

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Emergency patches are scheduled when they can get the support staff to implement them. I'm sorry you don't want to see this game to be fixed. I will point a few things out that i've read in this thread:


BW hates EU... I counter this by looking at when the patching happens, if they were to place the patch at 6am eastern or even central that's 4 or 5 hours LATER, so instead of EU having the patch from 10-4 then it is 3pm to 11pm which is MAIN PRIME TIME. I think this is why they picked the 2am central to start their patches. and by limiting their patches to once a week they can have a large staff on hand ONCE to minimize costs, which might end up translating to increased monthly fees, to implement these fixes and make sure the servers all are working well.


Bringing all servers down, US and EU at the same time this allows this large staff to come in and make sure ALL servers get the same treatment and minimize costs, which again translates in no increased monthly fees.


If I were to select any time in my time zone I can tell you without a doubt the following is true. some where in the world it is lunch time, some where in the world it is dinner time, some where in the world it is breakfast. so by this logic i could see the argument to say ok lets make eu, us and oceanic patch times different, who gets the patch first? if you select US then the US may get the later patch to fix the patch yet EU and Oceanic only gets one patch. so US then complains why did they get the patch first, gimme gimme gimme the perfect coding in the world.


by these three thoughts it is clear why it is a good idea for a central patch to happen at all times. there is this as well: no plan of war ever survives an encounter with the enemy. what do I mean? well we the humans and our want to be the best at something have an undeclared war against the code to find the mistakes to exploit to allow domination and winning. this is why occasionally a patch though tested is not the best one and a later patch is needed. again they plan to bring together the larger work force to get it done fast.


Darth Freki

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God for bid a North American based company take down the servers when most North Americans are sleeping...


Now if Bioware was a European company I bet you they would take it down at 2 European time (where ever they were located in Europe)


What a shocker!!!!!


There is this thing called real life....and there are other video games to play as well...not to mention this great invention called TV!

Edited by Vicen
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OK i'm no systems engineer, but if individual servers can "go down" without taking the rest with them then clearly they operate independently of each other, so i suggest your argument isn't actually correct, maybe my argument isn't technically accurate either, but i'd be willing to bet they could do it but either A) they cant be bothered right now or B) it will cost them money they don't "need" to spend.... either way isnt good enough...


Do 8 hour service WHEN THE MAJORITY OF YOUR CUSTOMERS ARE ASLEEP.... if they do this for the US market, which they do, then we all should be afforded the same courtesy...


alright would you be willing to put an extra $5 or 5 EU to allow for them to pay for the massive amounts of man hours this would require? at least three patch times each for 4-8 hour in general. also do you know who gets the patch first? and how do you fix it if there is something that breaks on server up? do you integrate the patch fix in the renaming group(s) or let them become broken and require emergency patches as well?


and if one market is set to get the patch first what's to stop those market servers from getting over whelmed when the people learn they'd experience the new stuff first? talk about having a lot of servers as a ghost town!?


Darth Freki


ps: oh sorry I applied logic to your illogical rant because you weren't getting your way.

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God for bid a North American based company take down the servers when most North Americans are sleeping...


Now if Bioware was a European company I bet you they would take it down at 2 European time (where ever they were located in Europe)


What a shocker!!!!!


There is this thing called real life....and there are other video games to play as well...not to mention this great invention called TV!


Exactly, so I encourage other EU players to do as I've done - cancel their subscription to this game and play something else instead.


It will be interesting to see how long the game lasts if significant numbers of EU players stop subscribing - but that's what everyone defending Bioware wants, right?

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lololol, oh boy the ******** continues...


How would you like it if you were told your country wasn't even allowed to purchase this game through EA or the SWTOR official site? What if you only got to play it through the loophole known as Amazon?


Unable to ever purchase Authenticators, no local servers, 1/4-1/2 a second delay times because of high latency on a good day...


And then having servers shut down in true peak times, IE at about 6pm.


Try being Australian. Either way, I don't really care. Quit if you want. Or don't. I lack the incentive to give a damn.

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lololol, oh boy the ******** continues...


How would you like it if you were told your country wasn't even allowed to purchase this game through EA or the SWTOR official site? What if you only got to play it through the loophole known as Amazon?


Unable to ever purchase Authenticators, no local servers, 1/4-1/2 a second delay times because of high latency on a good day...


And then having servers shut down in true peak times, IE at about 6pm.


Try being Australian. Either way, I don't really care. Quit if you want. Or don't. I lack the incentive to give a damn.


Difference is, the game hasn't been officially released in Australia yet. It has been in Europe.

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alright would you be willing to put an extra $5 or 5 EU to allow for them to pay for the massive amounts of man hours this would require? at least three patch times each for 4-8 hour in general. also do you know who gets the patch first? and how do you fix it if there is something that breaks on server up? do you integrate the patch fix in the renaming group(s) or let them become broken and require emergency patches as well?


and if one market is set to get the patch first what's to stop those market servers from getting over whelmed when the people learn they'd experience the new stuff first? talk about having a lot of servers as a ghost town!?


Darth Freki


ps: oh sorry I applied logic to your illogical rant because you weren't getting your way.


I'm not quite sure how you imagine Server maintenance to take place. From what I read between the lines it must be something like this:


There is a big industrial Hall somewhere about a few squarekilometer large which houses thousands of servers. When they do maintenance, they have a Company of 500 engineers on standby one hour before the maintenace starts. As soon as they get the 'go' they all rush into this big hall and begin to physically work on the servers/replacing hard drives, fans etc.



So how it actually happens is like this. Somewhere in a comfy office the IT team will remotely apply the patches to the servers after they closed the network for public access. There will be one or two guys actually in the server room on site in case there is need to restart a server physically because of a hic-up.


Also, I don't really see the logic in you last paragraph. Do you actually think, if they did patch the European servers from 2am - 10am UTC a significant amount of european players would move to the US servers for the duration? Seriously?

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alright would you be willing to put an extra $5 or 5 EU to allow for them to pay for the massive amounts of man hours this would require? at least three patch times each for 4-8 hour in general.


I don't need to pay 5 "EU" (it's called euro, by the way) in WoW so why should i do so here?

(this random monetary value you just pulled out of thin air to substantiate your idiotic argument)


also do you know who gets the patch first?


I don't care who gets it first altough the americans will whine to no end if it isn't them (just like they did in WoW)


and how do you fix it if there is something that breaks on server up? do you integrate the patch fix in the renaming group(s) or let them become broken and require emergency patches as well?


I'll completely leave that to the people getting paid for it and you're grasping at straws when you demand techical solutions from the end user. It. can. be. done. because. the. competition. is. doing. it. RIGHT. NOW!



and if one market is set to get the patch first what's to stop those market servers from getting over whelmed when the people learn they'd experience the new stuff first?


Server caps


talk about having a lot of servers as a ghost town!?


The way this is going that'll happen quite soon, anyway


Darth Freki


ps: oh sorry I applied logic to your illogical rant because you weren't getting your way.


You should be more sorry that you applied idiocy to anyone who actually took their time to read through your nonsensical stupidity and thereby lost minutes of their lives as well as millions of braincells that, in true lemming like fashion, commited mass suicide rather than be subjected to one more word from you.


I award you - 2 internetz and remove your cookie privileges for all eternity.

Edited by Nanoling
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we really do need separate down times for the EU and US.


Granted good business acumen clearly states that you would cater for the larger population. (U.S.)


but Its getting so frustrating not being able to play at all becuase of it. the middle of the day is a terrible time for such a large downtime.


out of 30 days i think i'm losing about 5 or so to downtime during Peak EU hours. Perhaps you should lower the subsciption fee for EU players if your planning on giving us less playtime :)

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There's a really easy solution to this; There's so many American posters who are telling us Europeans to go read a book, go out, watch TV, generally get a life etc, why don't we move the maintenance to American peak hours since they're better then us at handing server downtime. Easy solution and the Americans seem very eager to go do something else while they pay subscription.



PS: Funcom is a Norweigan company, they didn't bring down Age of conan during American hours, they didn't favour Europe simply because they're not wankers, they make rubbish games but they're not wankers.

Edited by Henigan
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God for bid a North American based company take down the servers when most North Americans are sleeping...


Now if Bioware was a European company I bet you they would take it down at 2 European time (where ever they were located in Europe)


What a shocker!!!!!


There is this thing called real life....and there are other video games to play as well...not to mention this great invention called TV!


There is also a thing called global product and a global service to support the global product. TOR is a global product, but it is missing an acceptable level of global support, and BW will suffer a drop in revenue if this is not addressed. Perhaps they are ok with that?

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Its one day out of 7. Mid week and its early in the morning to mid afternoon for 99% of subscribers. I dont get the issue at all. Most have jobs or school and are not home during the day.


Thats so nice and dandy this problem doesn't concern you because you go to school or have a day time job. I don't see why you even bother to waste your time posting, when the topic is a non issue for you because you do not work at night.


It might be 99% in your Perception, but that does not make this percentage, which you frankly pulled out of a place where the sun doesn't shine, true.

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Its one day out of 7. Mid week and its early in the morning to mid afternoon for 99% of subscribers. I dont get the issue at all. Most have jobs or school and are not home during the day.


Plain false.


1) it's not one day out of 7, its been third consecutive week with at least 2 maintenance days, so 2 out of 7 ... thats almost 30% of days (28.5%)


2) SWTOR has 2 release localizations (servers) EU and USA, so for the numbers to be precise, you only have to count EU players in EU servers, a quick look at servers every other day at maintenanace time, you see them at standard population, so at minimum the down time is disturbing a 40% of EU playerbase.

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To Stejo, Mannic and Sanjoo from the other thread here,


I never said their work hours were during the day. The work schedule is set up as is to inconvenience as few people (the majority of whom are Americans) as possible. That is when the maintenance is done. To have a seperate maintenance for European servers then WOULD be outside of the hours they have otherwise set for maintenance.


All of your protests are based on the asumption that I was talking about 'normal' working hours, and not normal maintenance time, which frankly should have been clear. A night shift job for example, working during the day WOULD be out of their work schedule.


So I am right, it does make sense, the 'excuse' is completely valid (no matter how quickly you resort to your ad hominems), and Stejo considering your post you probably don't see the irony either.

Edited by Aram_Darksun
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getting slightly irked by this 'majority of customers' comment getting thrown out by posters saying it should benefit them


has ANYONE released official figures on subscription area's yet? so you americans who are arguing it should stay as is (with really pathetic reasons) actually have something to back-up your majority claims when its been stated MANY times that EU/Oceania has a user base possibly 3x the entire US or more.


until then, leave out the 'server maints are done to give less impact on majority' arguement, because its as pointless as the 'players will jump to NA/EU servers during maint'


actually....TBH if the maint times dont bother you at all and are american, why the hell are you posting in a thread about EU's not getting the same treatment as you, even though we pay more monthly (due to currency conversion but thats always been the way) but have less chance of game-time than the US players do (regardless of unemployment/work/school...its a 24/7 game but EU's dont get that option during daytime due to maints), everyone sleeps so dont even use that as an arguement, im talking about DAYTIME hours

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To Stejo, Mannic and Sanjoo from the other thread here,


I never said their work hours were during the day. The work schedule is set up as is to inconvenience as few people (the majority of whom are Americans) as possible. That is when the maintenance is done. To have a seperate maintenance for European servers then WOULD be outside of the hours they have otherwise set for maintenance.


All of your protests are based on the asumption that I was talking about 'normal' working hours, and not normal maintenance time, which frankly should have been clear. A night shift job for example, working during the day WOULD be out of their work schedule.


So I am right, it does make sense, the 'excuse' is completely valid (no matter how quickly you resort to your ad hominems), and Stejo considering your post you probably don't see the irony either.


Reading over your original post and this one i'm not sure I understand what you are trying to say. If i understand you correctly, it is okay for a company, providing a service, to not provide equal service to customers who pay the same or more for said service because of convinienc to the companys work schedule?


I'm not sure this would be a wise business strategy.


Also your PoV implies that there is no day shift who could do the european maintenance?

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you would think ppl stop writing about this then causse they are NOT gonne change it.


There is going to be a statement on this matter some time this week, so we'll see. The fact Stephen Reid stated they will be discussing improving maintenance times for EU customers leads me to believe you are wrong.

Edited by Mandrax
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There is going to be a statement on this matter some time this week, so we'll see. The fact Stephen Reid stated they will be discussing improving maintenance times for EU customers leads me to believe you are wrong.


Great! Finally, you guys will be able to get back to the game.

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If I had a business and many of my customers did not like one thing I would look for a balance with the other part of my customers. BW this is really the only thing I detest of this game but it's really annoying me. You have to options:


1- make 2 different maintenance for us and eu servers (both in the night)

2 - make it start earlier in the evening in us


Be carefull cause with the crisis in europe we care about how we spend our money. Try to maximize our satrisfactions.

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