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From a Sorc, about Sorc nerf QQ... the low down.


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I can't understand why people complain about sorcerers.


Yes we have CC, but no more than say Smugglers or IA, we have sprint, so what other classes can leap 50f across a room, we have a shield? SO? other classes can put up a shield lowing all damage to nothing for 20 sec...


Sorcerer damage is pathetic, we can't kill anything that is being healed, when we focus targeted we can do nothing, sprint wont save us.


look at this player, he is a skilled sorcerer picking on stupid players who can't look up.


he is using battlemaster gear, does that damage look scary? 1k hits? maybe a 2k here and there, slow tick dots and easy to counter channel attack? nothing he does is scary, he doesnt 4 shot people, he can't hit over 3k he cant leap tall building and own 2 players, he can't stun aoe and aoe **** for 4k a tick, he can't sit immune to all cc and interupts while pumping out 5k hit chains, he cant stealth and attack for 10k damage then instantly restealth.


all he can do is Dot, slow, stun and heal and do none of these as well as other classes.

Edited by direblaze
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last night a sage had 410k damage and 300k healing, it's just a bit ridiculous that one class is the best healer and the best dps'er rolled into one.


sorcs should be glass canons, not armor plated steel canons.


just remove the stupid bubble and sorcs will be at least killable.



I'm going to respectively call BS on this. There is no way to get both 300k healing and 410k damage. To get 300k healing, you have to spec 31 points healing to get the aoe which leaves you not enough for the dps aoe's. And vice versa.


Sorcs are glass cannons, if you can't handle the fact that your doing 5x the damage per hit you would against a heavy armor wearer, and the fact that our shield diverts 5k damage maximum, your just bad.

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Does anyone think a sorc player would really say they needed to be nerfed, uhhhh yea you guys need to be nerfed and nerfed hard.


I'm still looking for proof. In retrospect, i'm not looking for idiots who did not even bother to read the OP, or any of the following arguements in this thread. You don't understand your class, or the sorc. So you sir, need to go figure it out.

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For players that understand the mechanics, Sorcs are arguably the easiest kill 1v1 for a lot of classes/specs with gear being roughly equal.


Yes, and what's frustrating is that us players that take the time to understand the mechanics are having to take the time to explain to these idiots about it. First off, these QQ'ers need to go research the stuff for theirself instead of looking like idiots. Second, the dev's should have already pumped this information into the flow instead of allowing us players to take a battering from 10 year olds crying nerf.

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Agreed. Sorce/Sage gets the benefit of ranged dps (and slow dps at that) with the set back of light armor. Sorce/Sage out of spec healing is crap if you are getting beat down, so us being dps and heals in one is not an arguement. If you let a dps spec Sorc/sage get away with healing someone and not get in his face you should have read only forum priviledges.


To chain bubble you have to have the timing, which doesn't always work out like you want it to. Not to mention an untalented bubble sucks. Most assassins/shadows will tear through it np. Only undergeared and underleveled players will find it a problem.


The balance in pvp across the classes is there. It is the gear that makes the biggest difference post 50. I don't even mind Ops that demolish me, of course most times im fast enough with cc break and bubble to wear i can get away or survive for backup to arrive. And it was my fault in the first place for being on my own.


Sorce/sages don't need a nerf, no class does. There will always be a gap between <50, fresh 50's, and geared 50's. Suffer through it until you can compete or just don't compete.

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Sorcs are the easiest class to kill... you guys who complain about them suck... but seriously they should be nerfed, I propose:


- all their damage spells do 1 damage total over 10 seconds.

- they should have 10k health max at level 50.

- they should only be able to heal 5 health over 20 seconds.

- remove all CC and bubble abilities.


I think all other classes should receive a similar nerf except operatives who needs a buff!


I propose.


- 10k instant damage skills with additional 10k damage over 10 seconds.

- their health should be buffed to 600k that regenerates at 100k every 10 seconds.

- we need more CC abilities too.



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The 500k club is useless, it is for epeen only. The 500k club consists of sorcs who do nothing to help the team, but just sit back and use the 2k damage insta aoe that hits 3 people, and chain lightning with a 3 second cast timer that hits anyone within 8 meters for 2k, and force lightning which hits anyone in the area for 200-300 a second for 6 seconds. Tell me who this is going to kill? Nobody, they are just farming dps, they are of absolute no help to the team they are on. If you see these kinds of numbers against you, be grateful that was 1 less player you had to worry about. Now, part two of my rebuttal, you as a scoundrel of all people should have the least right to even cry op against a sorc, your class was built to kill us before we stand up from your knockdown. If we are killing you, your playing wrong.


Now I'm actually curious, as, frankly, both those AoEs on instant-cast are among my top damage powers available (note: even against single targets, at least for burst. Can't sustain, but I've yet to run OoF in a Warzone). For DPS, I'd need to crit on every Force Lightning tick to come even close, and only Shock (even talented for the extra 50% dmg proc) comes particularly close. If I'm on a single target, Crushing Darkness will be used first, of course, but if there's multiple people in a group, and I can do my best DPS by using both my best AoEs (I don't actually bother with Lightning Storm, even against groups - too slow, too useless, I agree with you there)... why wouldn't I? And How am I not helping?


I'm honestly curious how, as a mostly-DPS specced sorc, I'm supposed to contribute meaningfully with damage if 2 of my top 3 damaging abilities on instant-case are, apparently, not contributing meaningfully.

Edited by Unusualsuspect
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classic at the sorcs are op people.


light armour, all they really have is a shield and a 2 second sprint.


Can easily tell who the terrible players are, the ones saying they just spam lightning.

Madness rotation is 3x dots, and AOE instant cast that increases dot crit, and force lightning.



So this means the terrible players dont notice they are even being attacked till they have 3 dots on them and the AOE hits.


At this stage they are like "What the", and the force lightning starts, they die because they have been attacked for 7 seconds without noticing, and think its just imbalanced, when really it is their lack of ability to even notice they are being attacked.




So not only do we use 4 attacks that are not lightning that you dont notice, but the other attacks we actually do have, are ALL LIGHTNING.


Force Lightning, our stun, shock and 2-3 other abilities all use lightning as an animation.



Dont blame sorcs because you fail to even notice your being dotted up before the lightning hits you and to stupid to realise that those lightning attacks arnt all the same thing ....


^^^^^^ this

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I'm going to respectively call BS on this. There is no way to get both 300k healing and 410k damage. To get 300k healing, you have to spec 31 points healing to get the aoe which leaves you not enough for the dps aoe's. And vice versa.


Sorcs are glass cannons, if you can't handle the fact that your doing 5x the damage per hit you would against a heavy armor wearer, and the fact that our shield diverts 5k damage maximum, your just bad.


As I understand things, the Sorc's bubble counts as "healing" for the purposes of Warzones. Combine that with 12 points in the healing tree for the instant HoT and Force-bending, and you've got a recipe for incredible amounts of healing and damage, assuming the Sorc is utilizing a ton of AoE damage and bubbles allies like a madman (as any Sorc worth their weight should).


I don't know if I've personally matched those numbers, but I've certainly gotten high 100ks for healing while still in the 250-300k damage range. I'm in half champ gear and half orange modded gear, so I can certainly see how a Battlemaster Sorc/Cons could possibly make those numbers.

Edited by Unusualsuspect
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OK, watch these videos i pick at random, and tell me whom you think is most overpowered.



all videos picked at random, all of the Avg joe players.







bounty hunter

















Why do you have vids from BETA?

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As I understand things, the Sorc's bubble counts as "healing" for the purposes of Warzones. .


If the bubble is counting for healing (I dont think it is though) thats a misstep on bioware..


Mainly for counting Absorption as healing.

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people dont like fighting us thus we are OP for same reason that people hated locks in WoW




Escapes(ok locks didnt have this)



anything thats hard to kill is immediatly OP and they forget that there are tons of other classes are either far harder to kill(powertech/juggs and there mirrors) or do way way way more damage(commando/merc and ops/scoundrel) fact of matter is what we bring to the team is our utility if you take that away then we are easy kills easier then we are now.


at present any melee decides they don't like me will leap on me, snare me, and proceed to interupt any cast we try and make so option is to knock away, kite, and run pretty much and keep our dots running this however in a team set up force run rarely gets away, because they will 9/10 stun you moment you pop it wasting it. Shields? most people will pop bubble in 1 hit 2 at best even SPEC'D for the shield 1 crit destroys it and strangely enough crit ratings are huge atm! Any decently geared melee will be pupping 3-5k crits easily on you, and can interupt any casts and perma snare you, so what does that leave us to do but try and tank the damage? but problem is we cant...we are to squishie... and to easily interupted.


People are whining because good players or over geared players are owning them plain and simple. I have far more issues with dps commandos and mercs and ops/scoundrels in general can deal insane damage in short span of time then some dots...

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You mean like Infil/Deception spec'd Shadows/Assassins who attack at MELEE range? Oh, oh wait they have Sprint.


Yes, we have sprint, because we are USELESS at range, do not tell me you only have 1 CC to stop me from moving, just cos it doesn't stun doesn't mean its not a CC.


Great argument there, 1 skill with 30 second cooldown counters ALL cc's to your class, bravo, well thought out.


These assassins rely on stuns to keep you close and will proc your resolve quickly, break their stun, CC, survive the burst and you win. nuff said, learn your class, learn to run, don't whine because you rocked up to pvp at level 31 and got owned by 50's who do nothing but PVP and know how to counter other classes & make the most of theirs.


This goes for all the whiners here who do not have any fact or apparent experience to back it up.


Btw, on Jekk'Jekk Tar, how come all barring 1 premade group of republic are bad? all of them.


The 1 good premade group is pretty awesome and throws up a huge challenge, maybe learn from them, they'll teach you how to play, or go back to pve where you do get to stand still and dps instead of having to think about survival and getting away properly.


Any pvper can pve, most pve'rs can't pvp.

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Sorcs aren't OP. I actually wish the PvP game play was faster paced. Choppy FPS (lack of engine optimization) on top of clunky PvP mechanics isn't the greatest... but I'm hoping BW addresses the issues.


Turn down the graphics or get a new computer, i don't experience any choppyness

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What spec are you running? 0/19/22?


Currently, I run 13/11/17


Enough for Madness for Madness and Wrath for the instant procs, obviously, with enough Lightning for Chain Lightning, and enough healing for Resurgence (i think that's the instant HoT's name) and Force Bending. The extra point in healing went to reducing force cost and CD for my bubble.


As needs be, I can focus on DPS or healing, but my preference run towards a quick bubble + resurgence, then back to DPS.


If I'm on the steamrolling side, I tend to be in the top 5, but certainly not always. I do tend to top metals amongst my team.



Edit: Note: Do not take this to indicate skill, or effectiveness in PvP. While I'm no pushover and I do try to go for objectives, I'm certainly not what I'd call a good pvper. I'm just now getting comfortable with mouse-turning and movement, ala taugrim.

Edited by Unusualsuspect
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