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Does Guard need a SLIGHT nerf?


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Actually no it isn't balanced. Why people stack all tanks and dps that can guard.


1) negates half the CC in this game that breaks on damage.


2) negates any class that relies on burst.


3) Makes AOE heals much, much better because damage is shared.


It makes healing EZ mode. It makes up for badly played classes. It is a absolutely horrible mechanic.


If they ever have rated, everyone is just going to stack tanks and the only dps spec brought will be assassins/shadows because they have the most interupts on a healer and a token marauder/sent for mortal strike.


People are already doing the above and it is the most boring thing in the world to fight the mirror.


It isn't that big a problem atm because there is no rated warzones, so there is no reason (unless you can't win otherwise) to do it at the moment.



Well guarding ppl isnt just a decision u take easy!!

Guarding ppl makes u as tank very vurnerable (trust me we are not so tankish as u think since most of our defences dont work properly in pvp)And besides of that , try to guard some1 without a healer behind u!!!Guarding random ppl needs to be veru accurate and well placed !!!

And as for the Healer/tank combo just a tip!Go for the tank let some dpser like Tech users focus the tank down(since if u go all for the healer he just taunt u off or just try to cc u or going only for tank makes it easy for him just to use relaxed his survivability cds+ having tons of heals from his partner) while other 1-2 not so heavy dps just interrupt the heals + adjust to the situation +play smart and u got them down in notime!!!

Edited by kuan
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The reason I say this is because it's becoming pretty impossible to kill a decent geared tank/healer combination. Especially in huttball. There were two Juggernaut tanks in my huttball today, one guarding the healer and one guarding the other tank, they both had around 21-25k hp. Me queueing with 3 other friends we tend not to lose many Warzones but these three guys were immortal. We're all well geared (champions, some battlemaster) two of us being operatives we don't really have much trouble taking down other ball carriers, but even with the red buff and 15% expertise from biochem we couldn't take this guy down... I think the lowest we got him to was around 40% then he probably popped saberward or something cause he could've literally danced around for another 30 seconds and he still wouldn't of died. We tried to take down his healer (mercenary) but both of them would just taunt us so we'd do 30% less damage and mercenary healers aren't the easiest to take down anyway.


Now I haven't come here to whine about stuff but I really do think guard needs to be tweaked a little, maybe bring the damage conversion down to 30% or 20%? I think 50% is a bit of an overkill. If you have any better suggestions then just post them below, I'm sure some of you have come across the same problem.


derp is in your name, nuff said.

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Guard transfers 50% of the damage. That damage is not mitigated by tank. If healer is pressed enough to heal only self(2 DPS on him INTERRUPTING heals, if possible some DOTs on tank instead of being dps monkeys) then tank will pop in no time.


Now, in Warhammer Online guard was a beast, here its quite balanced.

But why the QQ then? Because 90% of you meet the mechanic first time in your sad WoW lifes and have no slightest clue on how to deal with it!


now, instead of 1 tank, 1 healer, make it two tanks, two healers, the chances of focusing one healer down drops significantly.

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The reason I say this is because it's becoming pretty impossible to kill a decent geared tank/healer combination. Especially in huttball. There were two Juggernaut tanks in my huttball today, one guarding the healer and one guarding the other tank, they both had around 21-25k hp. Me queueing with 3 other friends we tend not to lose many Warzones but these three guys were immortal. We're all well geared (champions, some battlemaster) two of us being operatives we don't really have much trouble taking down other ball carriers, but even with the red buff and 15% expertise from biochem we couldn't take this guy down... I think the lowest we got him to was around 40% then he probably popped saberward or something cause he could've literally danced around for another 30 seconds and he still wouldn't of died. We tried to take down his healer (mercenary) but both of them would just taunt us so we'd do 30% less damage and mercenary healers aren't the easiest to take down anyway.


Now I haven't come here to whine about stuff but I really do think guard needs to be tweaked a little, maybe bring the damage conversion down to 30% or 20%? I think 50% is a bit of an overkill. If you have any better suggestions then just post them below, I'm sure some of you have come across the same problem.


This is how it is supposed to be! Their teamwork (by the sound of you) was near flawless, and smart! Now, with 21-25k hp, you are A BIT more than "decent geared" mind you ;)


But, when people does this in PvP there Should be no other way to get them than by the effort of your team! And to hear that not even two operatives took em down gave me a little more faith in the PvP in swtor :)


Edit: Oh, and to answer your question, no. They should not nerf guard. they are making it more visual which isn't a bad idea. But nerf it? Nope! They frakked us healers up with the -30% debuff, so only fair that we get a -30% DPS debuff (with me, I mean us healers. A tank not guarding the closest healer isn't worth the air he breaths IMO).

Edited by Drengir
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you have no clue about the game. the majority of skills does in fact NOT ignore arrmor. with weapon dmg skills being mitigated by every single defense stat


LOL, I like how you start your post assuming people don't have a clue about the game. Sorry, but I can just as well assume you have no clue how to pvp. Making excuses to nerf an ability/class because you have no idea how that class plays is pretty juvenile. Move on little one.

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Lol i take more damage through guard than when the people are hitting me, i receive 50% of all damage dealt to the player. So really im not mitigating the kind of damage youd deal to a tank (at least 30% + shield absorbtion + avoidance/deflection).


Im mitigating.... 10-15%? If that? when there is a light armour.


Also original poster, your argument is already flawed by the fact that when i guard someone, i can not be guarded, when i am guarded, i can not guard someone.


You already proved that your argument is invalid by not knowing enough about the games mechanics.


And yes ive done premades 2tanks/2 healers. You know what thats like on Alderaan? Voidstar?


You can't cap anything cos you cant kill quick enough unless theyre all <50 which is getting more and more rare, and after tonight wont be happening.

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now, instead of 1 tank, 1 healer, make it two tanks, two healers, the chances of focusing one healer down drops significantly.


"4 people using teamwork are harder to kill than 2 people using teamwork!"


Ya think?

Edited by Jestunhi
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you have no clue about the game. the majority of skills does in fact NOT ignore arrmor. with weapon dmg skills being mitigated by every single defense stat


Saw your last 2 posts, you should look in the mirror mate. And stacking CC's which break has a huge effect, not all at once, one after the other. 90% of movement impairing CC's don't break before 2 seconds, the incapacitating ones do of course.

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For those of you who think this aint op. just look at the numbers 50 % dmg reduce ! 50 % ! they didnt had to reduce the healing in bgs if they just would reduce the dmg reduce slightly. A healer shouldt be able to tank 3 dps without dying.....
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