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Was Obi-Wan lucky?..


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Had anakin simply hopped down in front of obi it would have probably been different, but no we got to be flashy flashy and do I flip over your head. Whoops!


Hope down in front on the boiling hot dirt that would give out the instant he landed (it couldnt even support his body when he lost his limbs).


Obi had nothing but luck in almost every fight. He is outmatched in almost every fight we see him in. He got past Jango by luck, both on the ground and in ships. Grievous kicked the crap out of him and he got out of that with luck too. Darth Maul he got lucky too, Maul was just toying with him and overconfident, Obi had no shot otherwise. Same with Anakin, he seemed to be tired and outmatched but found a convenient terrain advantage. Obi wan always seemed to me to have good defense and incredibly good luck, but was never exactly a powerhouse when it came to fighting.




Obi-wan kicked Grevious' ***. If grevious hadn't run away (and obi-wan fail and drop his lightsaber) obi-wan would have cut him to pieces in second.

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There is always some element of luck/good fortune. But Obi-Wan had to figure out how to use his surroundings to his advantage. So it may have been luck that he found that hill, but it was ultimately his judgement that allowed him to use it to out maneuver Anakin.
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Hope down in front on the boiling hot dirt that would give out the instant he landed (it couldnt even support his body when he lost his limbs).






Obi-wan kicked Grevious' ***. If grevious hadn't run away (and obi-wan fail and drop his lightsaber) obi-wan would have cut him to pieces in second.


Go back and look there is plenty of room for anakin to just get in front of obi. Even then he could have just stayed on the droid and had a telekinetic sabre fight and forced him into the lava or force pushed him off the rock or so many other things...Anakin lost cause he had to be flashy. Stop being a fanboy. The prequels were terrible.

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Obi had nothing but luck in almost every fight. He is outmatched in almost every fight we see him in. He got past Jango by luck, both on the ground and in ships. Grievous kicked the crap out of him and he got out of that with luck too. Darth Maul he got lucky too, Maul was just toying with him and overconfident, Obi had no shot otherwise. Same with Anakin, he seemed to be tired and outmatched but found a convenient terrain advantage. Obi wan always seemed to me to have good defense and incredibly good luck, but was never exactly a powerhouse when it came to fighting.


Master Windu quotes Obi-Wan as being a master in his own right. Being the best known Jedi at the Soresu form at the time. There is no luck in Obi-Wan's constant victories. Only patience, experience, and the Force.

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Master Windu quotes Obi-Wan as being a master in his own right. Being the best known Jedi at the Soresu form at the time. There is no luck in Obi-Wan's constant victories. Only patience, experience, and the Force.


and incredible plot armor allowing him to win fights he constantly loses.

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Master Windu quotes Obi-Wan as being a master in his own right. Being the best known Jedi at the Soresu form at the time. There is no luck in Obi-Wan's constant victories. Only patience, experience, and the Force.


^ This. IIRC, Master Windu states he believes Obi Wan to be the best duelist in the galaxy due to his mastering of Soresu.


I also love how the books (Dark Lord Trilogy) depict Obi Wan. The movies make him seem to be "lucky" and not a great Jedi. However, the books describe how Obi Wan uses the force to guide himself through the fights. In the books he is quite the Jedi, but he does run into some precarious situations. I'd argue that in those situations, he makes it out due to his patience and reliance on the Force.

Edited by Demalpheus
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In Obi-Wan's experience, there's no such thing as "luck."


The hill, the fight, the very fires that burned Anakin, all of them are a story weaved by the Force, written in stone long before they happened. It's a decent metaphor and one of the better parts of the prequels.


Possibly because it was written years before the prequels were ever announced, not that I have a source for that. Some old interview during the original trilogy rerelease.


*edit* Wait, what, Obi-Wan was a tank?

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So it came to my mind recently, and watching Anakin vs Obi-Wan for the 100th time I figured I should ask this question. Now they say Obi-Wan was letting Anakin push him back to wear him out for him to make a mistake, however clearly throughout the fight it is back firing on him.


Instead of Anakin being worn down, Obi-Wan is. Anakin is charging at Obi like a raging bantha and near the end of the fight it didn't even look like he was out of breath whereas with Obi its the opposite.


So...was Obi-Wan just lucky that the hill just happened to be there?


I mean if that hill wasn't there, I really don't think Obi-Wan could have lasted much longer.


I'd have to say there is no luck, only using the circumstances to one's advantage. Even before Obi-Wan physically crippled him there was a point earlier in the fight when he could have taken Anakin out.


"He twitched one finger, reaching through the Force to reverse the polarity of the electrodrivers in Anakin's mechanical hand. Durasteel fingers sprang open, and a lightsaber tumbled free. Obi-Wan reached. Anakin's lightsaber twisted in the air and flipped into his hand. He poised both blades in a cross before him. 'The flaw of power is arrogance.' 'You hesitate,' Anakin said. 'The flaw of compassion-' 'It's not compassion,' Obi-Wan said sadly. 'It's reverence for life. Even yours. It's respect for the man you were.' He sighed. 'It's regret for the man you should have been.'"


I think what some might perceive as luck in Kenobi may have something to do with his fighting style. He is strong in the Force, not nearly as strong as some others, but he does imo fight to his potential. In Jedi vs. Sith it is said of a master of Soresu, which Mace said Kenobi was ["'I am called a great swordsman because I invented a lethal style; but who is greater, the creator of a killing form - or the master of the classic form?... not a master. The master,' Mace had said."], "True masters of Form lll have long been considered invincible; although not always able to overcome their adversaries, no Form lll masters have ever been defeated." It is a style that "maximizes defensive protection".


During that fight I'm of the opinion that it was Kenobi who was directing it though there were instances where Anakin got to him and vice versa as I've already shown. Here are a few quotes to that point:


"In every exchange, Obi-Wan gave ground. It was his way."


"Obi-Wan let go. Of everything....And their lightsabers. Startled, Anakin instinctively shifted his Force grip, releasing one wrist to reach for his blade; in that instant Obi-Wan twisted free of his other hand and with the Force caught up his own blade, reversing it along his forearm so that his swift parry of Anakin's thundering overhand not only blocked the strike but directed both blades to slice through the wall against which he stood. He slid Anakin's following thrust through the wall on the opposite side, guiding both blades again up and over his head in a circular sweep so that he could use the power of Anakin's next chop to drive himself backward through the wall, outside into the smoke and the falling cinders."


"Obi-Wan let Anakin drive him toward it. It was a place, he decided, they should reach together."


Also in the movie Kenobi was so bad azz he told Anakin it was over. He said back down or you're done. And he finished him.

Edited by LordQordisz
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