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Why do so many play Empire?


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Haven't gotten a chance to play my sith warrior toon yet. Although, I can't help but keep hope that adult conversations will prevail once free-trial period ends this thursday.


They are almost exact mirrors so if you mastered your JK you'll shine on your SW.

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Western civilization is decadent, it's dying. People subconsiuosly feel it, demand change, are revolting against current order.


Humans are born evil. Empire feels "comfortable" to most Players and allows them to be the people they always wanted to be.


I think i've /facepalmed more in this thread than in a month combined.


How can any of you say these things with a strait face?


Humans are born evil? Are you *********** kidding me?

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Do you deny that women and children play republic and adults play empire? hmmm..very interesting post.


Where in my post did I make any mention of age or gender specifics in each faction?


If you didnt get that it was aimed at the fools trying to use real world situations and hippy polictical reasoning to justify their faction choice then 1. You werent reading this thread ie Troll or 2. Go to your local Public Library and read a book, use you mind a bit. Its like a muscle, gotta exercise it.


Let me restate. IT'S A GAME! If you haveing fun faction/race/gender/age has no bearing.


If you arent having fun then just QQ. Really folks all the nerd rage since Beta has prgressed to the Patrhatic side.


Peace out!

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I think i've /facepalmed more in this thread than in a month combined.


How can any of you say these things with a strait face?


Humans are born evil? Are you *********** kidding me?


Careful now, there could be some RPers amongst us.


RP threads tend to carry over.

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They won at the end of Episode 3.


They also come back with a raging clue, in The SW Legacy era, plus if The Rebel Alliance hadn't had been a bunch of whiny uppity jerks Palpatine would have decimated the Yuuzhan Vong prevent millions (Not including the millons killed by the Rebels after destroying both Death Stars)of casualties.


Or even better, Empire still lose by the Rebel Alliance but Thrawn Empire takes over and he stops the Vong invasion. At least then an empire would be ruled by someone competent opposed to a moron sith who'll kill anything he sees.

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I think i've /facepalmed more in this thread than in a month combined.


How can any of you say these things with a strait face?


Humans are born evil? Are you *********** kidding me?


I am 100% convinced of it. Real Life has proven this to me over and over again.

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I rolled republic primarily because of the idiots in charge of the Sith Empire. Im a big fan of Galactic Empire but at least Galactic Empire had smart leaders like Thrawn. The sith on Sith Empire don't even understand the sith code. Nowhere in the code did it say "Go kill everything and strangle bunnies" but yet every sith does it and it's no surprise that this Sith Empire will fail as well. (already in canon, wiki it if you don't believe me. Also Republic stood for 25,000 years as of Ep 3)


Honestly, the sith in this era are a disgrace to sith and empires.

Edited by Idunhavaname
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Empire has 2 syllables and 6 letters.


Republic has 3 syllables and 8 letters.


With the word 'Empire' I can spell 'Erm Pie'


With the word 'Republic' I can spell 'Pube Licr'



I rest my case.


I get "epic blur" and if i had to choose.... "pee rim"

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Yes but in this case the herd-mentality is Sith, and the free-thinkers are Republic. :p


Yet the Jedi code and the Sith code are opposite of what you yourself just described. The Sith are the free thinkers - do w/e the hell you want but you better back it up. Jedi are the ones that conform. What I hate about the Jedi order is that it's too preachy and it reminds me too much of religion - e.g. Christianity, Buddhism.

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There is NO Population Bonus/Penalty!


Most MMO's I have played have added in some type of "incentive" to get people to play classes/realms/factions evenly but there is no useful system in this game yet. I have seen companies give a 10% XP reward to the faction that has the lowest population and I've seen 10% and 20% loot gains for people that were on the under populated faction.


Not only is there no bonus/penalty for populations but the Warzone structure has no impact on over-populated sides.


If you have 500 Empire Players and 10 Republic Players it would normally mean that Empire would have insanely long queue times when trying to enter PvP but BioWare decided to make Huttball playable against people of the same faction and that took away the long queue times, which in turn took away the one thing that frequently helps keep factions balanced in MMO's.


Empire Has Cooler Everything...


I could sit here and complain about how stupid Smugglers look when compared to Imperial Agents but everyone has complained about this stuff a lot so lets talk about my EVIL companion...


Akaavi Spar is a Dark Side Mandalorian companion that has some Bounty Hunter style attacks and despite the fact she fights kinda like a Bounty Hunter... She is forced to wear TROOPER armor.


I can live with my Smuggler having to look like a God**** moron but why the heck can't I put Akaavi Spar in Bounty Hunter armor? This is VERY disappointing to me and I KNOW this kind of one-sided crap is bugging some other Republic players too.


Everywhere I turn I see people dressed like a friggen Trooper. I see a lot of Troopers in PvP and it seems like 70% of the Republic companions are dressed like Troopers.


Note: I actually think this might be a little worse for Smugglers and a few other select classes. As a Smuggler I have two companions that look like a Trooper and two companions that look like another Smuggler and that means I never get a break from seeing stupid Smuggler/Trooper outfits. The only one of my companions that doesn't look like a Trooper/Smuggler is my Wookie (Bowdaar) but one of his models can change and he wears a Smuggler vest too...


Developers Favor Empire


Sorcerer VS Sage


Sage has a 1/1.5 sec delay on their stunning rock throw while Sorc DON'T have a delay on their lightning stun. Assuming the person that asked this question has never played PvP... Whomever lands the first stun normally walks away the victor! Even stealth classes can tell you that they are screwed if they blow their opener and in the same a Sage is screwed against a Sorc because the Sorc has an "instant" opener while the Sage has a delayed opener. In a full-scale battle the delay may not matter all that much but in a pure 1v1 fight the Sorc immediately has an advantage that the Sage does not (please note... this game is not developed for 1v1 battles so the advantage/disadvantage is argued about frequently).


Imperial Agent VS Smuggler


Imperial Agents have a 60 second cooldown on their flash bang while Smugglers have a 90 second cooldown. THIS IS GETTING FIXED in 1.1 but BioWare claims they didn't know about the issue when in fact hundreds of players have been telling them about it since BETA and they never bothered trying to fix it and then lied about the fact they didn't know about it.


"Cover" Mechanic


If you watch the Combat Tactics videos you will see that Smugglers and Imperial Agents use two different types of Cover Systems. Apparently BioWare had problems with making both systems functional so they removed the original Smuggler mechanic and made the Smuggler class use the Imperial Agent cover mechanic and that once again shows favoritism towards Empire because the entire "cover system" is modeled after the Imperial Agent.


Based on the videos the Smuggler was originally a little faster and could use types of cover that the Imperial Agent couldn't because the Agent was using a much larger weapon. These two classes are supposed to be "mirrors" and that meant having to give them the same cover system but once again... It was the Agent that won the draw and now Smugglers are forced to play like Imperial Agents instead of Imperial Agents being forced to play like Smugglers.


Everything in this game seems to have some type of Empire touch to it. It's so darn obvious that I naturally wonder if BioWare made all the Empire classes before they started working on the Republic classes and I know there are other players that think/feel the same way.


Since all the classes seem to be designed specifically from Empire classes or seem to be smoother (less glitchy) on the Empire characters everyone is better off playing Empire characters (and they do).


With all that said... I play a Smuggler because I really love the conversations. I know Smugglers are based on Han Solo but they sound very similar to Malcolm Reynolds from Firefly and that's enough of a reason to keep me playing my Smuggler.


I have this deep-down hope that BioWare might actually give us something unique (I mean "Republic" players in general and not Smugglers) but I don't see that happening anytime soon. I'm a patient person... BioWare did a good job quickly adding in new armor designs in the other MMO they did so I am hoping we'll see some quick improvements (1-3 months) but the things listed here are some of the biggest issues when it comes to people playing Empire or Republic.


Our stupid armor designs and sluggish character animations are really killing the desire to play the Republic side. Giving Empire the ability to farm each other in unlimited Huttball matches also kills PvP a little because... Well, anyone with a brain knows that Same Faction Warzones is the dumbest idea in the history of MMO's... Nuff said!



Note: People that are quitting the game aren't necessarily quitting because of anything I just mentioned. Some people are having bad FPS issues and other technical issues and that is causing a big problem. For all I know... A bunch of the people that can't play the game might actually be hoping to play Republic characters (lol).

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Yet the Jedi code and the Sith code are opposite of what you yourself just described. The Sith are the free thinkers - do w/e the hell you want but you better back it up. Jedi are the ones that conform. What I hate about the Jedi order is that it's too preachy and it reminds me too much of religion - e.g. Christianity, Buddhism.


This i think is becoming an RP thread. Request to move to RP?

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I went Sith Empire in the start because my guild decided to go down that route though I have republic characters. I think more people would go Empire because you can have a litte more fun being evil :cool:


thanks for getting the thread back on track. It is more fun when you don't have to worry about irl repercussions.

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I've heard from alot of people that Empire is the majority of the players ingame, don't know if that applies to all servers or whatever but if that's so then why?


I like being a bounty hunter, kill for money, as opposed to the trooper counterpart.

I like the troopers assault cannon but not enough to choose over the bounty hunter.


The warrior and jedi are both meh to me so no comment.


I like Inquis cause of lightning and being an evil bastage.

I dont like the consular i pick up a rock and throw at you.


The agent and smuggler are both me to me so no comment.


I have played to at least 40 on both sides and prefer the empire for the above reasons.

The content and zones both rock for me, I am a lover of story, so for me personally its aesthetics and personal preference.

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Here's the truth as to why people play Empire.


And it's the same reason many people played CHAOS in WAR.




Upwards of 90% of today's MMO gamers will have played WoW at some point in time. During WoW's early days, the Horde, the "evil" faction, was far less popular. However the faction tended to attract a much more "hardcore" player base who, on average, were much more capable than their Alliance counterparts.


Early Horde players benefited from near instant queues and commonly only lost against pre-made groups. This "elitist" attribute is still prevalent today and can be seen in a slightly higher win-ratio for the Horde throughout all BGs, despite factions being almost completely balanced.



However the idea that the "evil" side would be the underdog, thus attracting a more "elite" player group stuck in most players mentality. Since everyone wanted to be part of said "elite" faction, joining "evil" became a bandwagon effect that eventually reversed itself.


Warhammer Online was the first incarnation of this reverse affect in that due to Chaos popularity, Order ended up being the faction with instant BG invites and more of an "underdog" role.


SWTOR is just the next incarnation of that. People think they're joining the "underdog" / "more hardcore" / "elite" faction when in fact, everyone is doing it, thus refersing the effect.

Edited by Dee-Jay
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