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where are the 2 million that got the game


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I see what you did, but it makes no sense.


I said:


  • The population of one server is not a representation of the total game population.
  • Not all players are online at the same time.
  • Players in the US do not make up the total population of the game.


What exactly is 'opinion' with any of that? They are all FACT. It's like you didn't read a word I said before you posted your silly response.


You forgot to mention it was you opinion that they are not bleeding subs. You stated 3 things that were accurate then tossed in an opinion passing it off as "fact".


You could get him for poor quoting but he was in part correct.

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They are on the EMPIRE side! I have 12 on Hoth at the moment. However, when I log in to my Sith (on the same server), I get 100-200 EVERYWHERE.


So yes, there is a major ratio of empire vs rep.


Also, last we heard from BW, the majority of the players are in their level 30s.

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You realise what you said is a massive decline anyway. Even though I doubt even those stats.


It's a massive decline from the holiday. Did people think that the amount of people on during the holiday, during a release, was the normal amount? And all you have to do to confirm for yourself is wait till tonight and look at the server list. Not like I can fake that.

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They are on the EMPIRE side! I have 12 on Hoth at the moment. However, when I log in to my Sith (on the same server), I get 100-200 EVERYWHERE.


So yes, there is a major ratio of empire vs rep.


Also, last we heard from BW, the majority of the players are in their level 30s.

You say "100-200" everywhere on the Empire side, even on planets like Quesh, Voss, Hoth, and Corellia? Post a screen of this, or I call BS.

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wow where is everyone, my server has about 300 to 400 on republic side i go from planet to planet and there is about 23 to 40 people on them, space station has about 70. Seem this game did get the players they said they would my guild and others had hundreds join come game time about a quarter showed up. Look how many servers they have, they may need to start putting some together.


Timecards are running out or Bioware Employees were forced to be an X number of copies of their own game.

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come on all did you all not think that the servers would be like 5k on them i mean 2million copie's 30 servers american and about that overseas there is no 2million player playing this game


Since when did the game only have 30 US servers. There are about 100 US servers alone. 12 are heavy maybe 4000 online, 10 are light most lightly under 500 and others are avg which maybe 2000 to 3000. If you even take avg at 2000 and say only 100 server, which there are more. US alone has about 209k ppl online now.


Now add to that EU at when it peak. 89 x 2000 = 178k peak. That would make total peak 387k for US and EU. That is NO way bad numbers. Based on other MMO trends take that x5 to see total sub (that is low side also) So we are looking at 1.9 million subs.


BTW the low servers are from Bioware adding way too many server on the Dec 20, 2011. They added about 20 server in the US that day and maybe needed 2 more.

Edited by Romiz
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They opened up too many servers because people were complaining about queues. Now when they have to shrink those servers back down because they spread the community too thin before they were able to raise the server cap, people are going to point at that and say, "See! I told you so!". They won't be able to win.


I don't think any mmo will match the fluke that was WoW. There have been better games that have come out since then, but they weren't "exactly" like wow and at the same time, completely different. /boggle at that mindset.


Gotta hand it to ActiBlizzard. They sure know how to market.

WoW isn't the best of it's genre.

CoD isn't the best of it's genre.

Yet both have insanely large sales...

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These apocalyptic views are ridiculous. It will be perfectly fine come the 20th.


Really... i dont know where some people have their thoughts. Get this in your thick skulls: This is an awesome game! People will not run away from it like the plague. They will flock to it. Especially as it becomes more refined and word of mouth spreads.


These forums are not representative AT ALL. Just a bunch of very loud whiners who think hating on everything is cool. Once the 20th of january comes, we will no longer have to hear these delusional rants. Sorry guys, the game isnt going to fail just cause you wish it to.

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Calm your farm everyone, i don't know what the hell is going on here but i have never had population issues. If your server is so light that most likely means people are a) playing their lowbies b) playing the other faction or c) playing at different times to you. what a big wake up slap to the face.... people don't actually follow my play schedule and immediately come online when i do, the sheer nerve of them! Stop whining all the time, these forums are terribly negative . On a positive note, still waiting for Australia release which equals more people and so i can play on a oceanic server hopefully.:D
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Assuming the population is declining it is not an apocalyptic drop. A game bleeding subs is really obvious.


That being said the 1 month mark is upon us and there will be a drop, by the 3rd and 6th month marks it will be very clear where the game is headed.

Edited by Pyrolight
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There's like a 10 to 1 ratio of Empire vs Republic. So you do the math and now have the answer why Rep side is not completely packed. Rep side is the new horde- since being horde actually meant being on the least populated side in the old days.


People are all into the "I'm so evil! I'm so bad!" now that every percieved "bad side" is very player heavy now. Thank TB and Jesse Cox for brainwashing the masses.


That coming from someone with the name darkhosis...how ironic.

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