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The Hardcore are what drive MMO's. So goes the hardcore, so goes SWTOR


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100% agree with this.


Casuals which make up the bulk (maybe 80%) of the playerbase will not agree with this but they do not understand how it works.


The top playerbase moves on then the next, then the next and so on.


No-one wants to play a game aimed at low level skilled players.


LMAO you consider yourself better than anyone else who plays this game? That sir is just arrogant and stupid. This is a game you are not elite..get over yourself

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Without the "everyone else" group, the rich would have no one to "control" anyways. While the rich may be individually more important than everyone else, as a whole, they can't magically rule the world. Again I'll say, without the "everybody else" group, the rich are NOTHING, and the "everybody else" group speaks with larger numbers (and therefore more power) than the "rich group".


So I'm going to say that my opinion is still valid.


EDIT: Also worth noting, I said who "IS" more important to America, not who was in the past. Did you even read my post?


Oh I'm sorry, your question is: who IS more important to america? Well then my answer is still going to have to be the rich. The rich control most of the money(and money=power), while the citizens are getting overweight and dropping out of school and committing crime.


Yep, those masses are more important to this country...what would we ever do without them.../sarcasm

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This has been true since the days of UO/EQ1.
If that was true, WoW wouldn't be adding Kong Fu Pandas. All the real Hardcores moved along to MOBA's anyway, it's time to claim back MMOs' by allowing them to grow into MMORPG's!


Also, just to bring some math and business into things, if you and I pay $15 per month and in under a month you get one character to Level 50, see there's not a lot for you to do there and foul-mouth SWTOR and leave, while I spend my time having fun with multiple characters which ensures I'll level all of them much much slower than you and exhaust the available content over many more months than you... in the long run, who do you think brings EA/BioWare more money?!


Hardcores aren't paying more than Casuals and Casuals are less fickle than Hardcores. Think about that when you say Casuals look up to Hardcores. Pffft!


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disagree with you 100% (sorry but you could be the CEO of blizzard/EA/whatever for all I care)- agree to disagree ?


Yes they are the minority but they help drive the envelope


they are the reason bugs are found, new content issues are found, etc,


minority but very important part of every successful MMO


Yeah agree to disagree but the metrics just doesn't bear out what you are saying...talk to some of the folks in the Syndicate if you don't believe me...they will be the first to tell you that Hardcore players just don't matter that much anymore because every one is too busy doing their own thing to care and now thanks to all of this causal content that have a ton to do.


Look at end game in TOR...dose anyone really give two craps about who is wearing the very best gear?




What guild cleared all endgame content first? Anyone care?



And the subscription numbers continue to climb; I can pretty much promise you that in the future endgame operations will be the occasional bone that gets thrown to the very few raiders left.


The genre has changed.

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This discussion is completely worthless. The "casuals" (such a misused term) will never comprehend community dynamics because they don't care about anything that happens outside their claimed few hours a week. They play the game solo for as long as they can do something in-game without even a hint of effort, when that runs out they move on or use the client as a chatroom in a 3d environment. These people do not give a damn about the all-around well-being of the community or the game, if it doesn't directly affect their few hours a week, it might as well not exist. This whole thread makes it very evident to anyone with half a brain.


The term casual is a terrible trend. The real descriptive should be lazy. They do not want to play a game that requires effort, they want stuff handed to them for no other reason than having a subscription.


And I completely understand it. Most people have ****** jobs and a crappy family life, this is a fact. They WISH they had the time to do something they enjoy, and seeing others do something they can't makes them envious and bitter. Of course, it would be foolish to assume anyone to admit this, so don't even bother responding. I've said my piece and if it doesn't get deleted in 2minutes like every other post with actual substance, I'm shocked.


People on both sides should stop for a moment and try to be introspective for a change, instead of moaning aimlessly. This ridiculous fight will never end, do you know why? Because a game needs both kinds to be enjoyable for both kinds, but you're too busy shouting "gimme!" to realize that.

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Casual, hardcore, whatever you name it. Play the game the way you like.


What bothers me is that some self-proclaimed hardcore gamers seem to think they're better than casuals. They assume every gamer wants to be hardcore, but only the really skilled ones succeed. Did it never occur to them some people actually enjoy playing games casually?


On topic:

Both hardcore gamers and casual gamers bring something to the table. A game is best of with a community that has both.


To the OP: If I wanted to play this game hardcore, I'd be out there on my lvl50 tackling the raid content, and giving all the feedback I could to BW. Then either stick to it and wait till they fix it, or come back in a while.


I would not come on the forums to claim I have more right to speak than casual players because I'm more important to the game and demand to have more content added just for me.

Edited by hushia
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Cataclysm, when it first hit, was really tough (especially as a healer accustomed to Wrath). I cancelled shortly after release. I didn't know it got easy again.


Early Cata really wasn't that bad, but it seems many guilds did have trouble getting past even Shannox. Then tier 11 got nerfed, things were a lot easier, after which Firelands came along and people had a reasonably tough time against some of the bosses.


The recent LFR, though, is damn easy. Still pretty fun, but very easy.

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Umm no


Right now Blizzard is circling the wagons trying desperately to win back those causal players who left after Cataclysm....and they are doing everything shy of taking you by the hand walking you to Deathwings lair and handing you Tier Gear.


The Casual players is the single most important demographic to Blizzard right now.....MOP is being built as a love letter to the causal.


That my friend is a fact bomb.


Couldn't be more true. Blizzard isn't the first company I've seen steer their development at "hardcore players" for too long, only to turn around and ask, 'where'd everybody go"?


There aren't many hardcore players. The vast majority of gamers not only *do not want* what hardcores want, and they will only wait around so long before they realize their interests are being ignored, while Fatty McFreetime is being catered to with things that actually undermine the casual player's own (now limited) gameplay.

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Let us use these numbers that can be proven by simply looking them up on google.


Naxx in Vanilla WoW. Only .5% of the population killed half the bosses in that raid.


.1% of the population killed Kelthuzad.


We can assume that the extremely small number of people who completed the at the time hardest content ever in WoW and is still the hardest content to have ever been released in wow is the "hardcore" players.


So we would guess that only .1% of the population of WoW is hardcore.


99.9% of the game is Casual/not hardcore.


I sense a major disparity between this actual information given out by Blizzard regarding their Raid content in comparison to the information the OP is trying to imply.

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You sound proud to be hardcore. You should not be proud to be a hardcore video gamer.


Joe Shmo works 8 hrs a day and comes home from work and watches 6 hours of TV.


Joe Blow works 8 hrs a day and comes home from work and goes to a bar everynight for 6 hrs to get drunk.


Joe Casual works 8 hrs a day and comes home from work and plays video games for 1 or 2 hours and watches TV for 4.


Joe Hardcore works 8 hrs a day and comes home from work and plays video games for 6-8 hrs everynight.



Who accomplished more and should be more proud of themselves?

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You sound proud to be hardcore. You should not be proud to be a hardcore video gamer.




ok thank you so much mr thankyjack.


I didnt realize you dictate what someone should be proud of....



Edited by alrighto
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this game isn't UO or EQ. nor is it eve online. hardcore gamers can play this game, but they do not comprise the majority of the playerbase. nor do their "hardcore" actions have any effect on the SWTOR world. if you guys leave, nothing will change, "normal" people will still quest and warzone and have a good time.


sorry, nobody cares about you.

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This discussion is completely worthless. The "casuals" (such a misused term) will never comprehend community dynamics because they don't care about anything that happens outside their claimed few hours a week. They play the game solo for as long as they can do something in-game without even a hint of effort, when that runs out they move on or use the client as a chatroom in a 3d environment. These people do not give a damn about the all-around well-being of the community or the game, if it doesn't directly affect their few hours a week, it might as well not exist. This whole thread makes it very evident to anyone with half a brain.


The term casual is a terrible trend. The real descriptive should be lazy. They do not want to play a game that requires effort, they want stuff handed to them for no other reason than having a subscription.


And I completely understand it. Most people have ****** jobs and a crappy family life, this is a fact. They WISH they had the time to do something they enjoy, and seeing others do something they can't makes them envious and bitter. Of course, it would be foolish to assume anyone to admit this, so don't even bother responding. I've said my piece and if it doesn't get deleted in 2minutes like every other post with actual substance, I'm shocked.


People on both sides should stop for a moment and try to be introspective for a change, instead of moaning aimlessly. This ridiculous fight will never end, do you know why? Because a game needs both kinds to be enjoyable for both kinds, but you're too busy shouting "gimme!" to realize that.


Sorry but you are confusing "casuals" with bad. I know alot of "casuals" who play wow and run 5 mans and raid when they can. Just because they are limited by time does not mean they don't do everything hardcore players do. Just means they might not get to run H raids and such.

Edited by Bladedakoda
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This discussion is completely worthless. The "casuals" (such a misused term) will never comprehend community dynamics because they don't care about anything that happens outside their claimed few hours a week. They play the game solo for as long as they can do something in-game without even a hint of effort, when that runs out they move on or use the client as a chatroom in a 3d environment. These people do not give a damn about the all-around well-being of the community or the game, if it doesn't directly affect their few hours a week, it might as well not exist. This whole thread makes it very evident to anyone with half a brain.


The term casual is a terrible trend. The real descriptive should be lazy. They do not want to play a game that requires effort, they want stuff handed to them for no other reason than having a subscription.


And I completely understand it. Most people have ****** jobs and a crappy family life, this is a fact. They WISH they had the time to do something they enjoy, and seeing others do something they can't makes them envious and bitter. Of course, it would be foolish to assume anyone to admit this, so don't even bother responding. I've said my piece and if it doesn't get deleted in 2minutes like every other post with actual substance, I'm shocked.


People on both sides should stop for a moment and try to be introspective for a change, instead of moaning aimlessly. This ridiculous fight will never end, do you know why? Because a game needs both kinds to be enjoyable for both kinds, but you're too busy shouting "gimme!" to realize that.


Ok, I have a wonderful family and iam a casual and do not envy basement dwellers

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Joe Shmo works 8 hrs a day and comes home from work and watches 6 hours of TV.


Joe Blow works 8 hrs a day and comes home from work and goes to a bar everynight for 6 hrs to get drunk.


Joe Casual works 8 hrs a day and comes home from work and plays video games for 1 or 2 hours and watches TV for 4.


Joe Hardcore works 8 hrs a day and comes home from work and plays video games for 6-8 hrs everynight.



Who accomplished more and should be more proud of themselves?


Joe hardcore is 800 lbs

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Hardcores are not the majority. The sooner you realize this, the sooner you will reach true wisdom enlightenment.


WoW didn't get so popular because of hardcores ... think about it.


"Hardcore" players are the people who help an mmo survive in its infancy. They are the ones who stress test many aspects of the game, provide feedback to devs, are the first to sell the myriad of items you buy as you level up, they're the ones who found the realm's top guilds, who end up fueling the server economy by purchasing consumables and raw materials needed for their progression.


I am a casual mmo player these days, but I do not understand why people get upset at the thought of others who play smarter or more often (or both) getting rare rewards to recognize their contributions in game. If you still have content to down, who cares if you're clearing Raid X at the same time as hardcore guild Y? I was never at the front of progression in WoW during TBC, but it didn't feel any less satisfying when I cleared T5 content for the first time with my guild, months after the Ensidia's of the world had left it and BT in the dust. Just look at WoW if you want an example of what happens when everything becomes accessible to everyone - the game has turned into a giant loot pinata where no achievement is really special and every class pretty much has the same looking gear, the same weapons, and the same achievements (albeit at different difficulty levels).

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Games get and stay popular due to the swarm of 20 something bed wetters that don't know how to operate a computer and only understand words like Playstation and Xbox.


That's who is, sadly, in charge. Not the hardcore gamers. You all are gone in 3 mos or so, especially with a game as bad as this.

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Joe Hardcore works 8 hrs a day and comes home from work and plays video games for 6-8 hrs everynight.



Who accomplished more and should be more proud of themselves?

If you call sleep deprivation an accomplishment, you Sir are a failure. At least go deprive yourself of sleep in a Sleep Lab, they'll probably pay for your MMO subscription fee! :tran_tongue:
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Joe Shmo works 8 hrs a day and comes home from work and watches 6 hours of TV.


Joe Blow works 8 hrs a day and comes home from work and goes to a bar everynight for 6 hrs to get drunk.


Joe Casual works 8 hrs a day and comes home from work and plays video games for 1 or 2 hours and watches TV for 4.


Joe Hardcore works 8 hrs a day and comes home from work and plays video games for 6-8 hrs everynight.



Who accomplished more and should be more proud of themselves?


Some "Joes" go to the movies, read books, work out... they keep a balance. That's pretty important-- not to say you can't do these things AND be hardcore, but I sure haven't found a way.


I've found hardcore raiding guilds to be a little obsessive with the game, it always struck me as pretty unhealthy (I'm talking raiders who don't let up for 8 hour raiding days non-stop almost every day).

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Some "Joes" go to the movies, read books, work out... they keep a balance. That's pretty important-- not to say you can't do these things AND be hardcore, but I sure haven't found a way.


I've found hardcore raiding guilds to be a little obsessive with the game, it always struck me as pretty unhealthy (I'm talking raiders who don't let up for 8 hour raiding days non-stop almost every day).


Agreed. Hardcore raiders are without exception 800 lbs.

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