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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

incombat stealth needs to be nerfed in bg's


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Are healing operatives the ones you're having trouble with?


No I am just pointing out which class with re stealth has the most abilities for survival. Also adding the fact that their burst is noticeably overpowered there is no denying that they are overpowered.

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You want to take away a class defining skill 'cause you can't deal with it?


I agree that the Smuggle thing is a little cheesy and I don't use it at all, but, honestly, what the hell? Let's make healing unavailable to healers during WZs, 'cause they're making the ball handler in Huttball last ENTIRELY too long. Let's also take away damage abilities from DPS, too, 'cause they're taking down the ball handler in Huttball ENTIRELY too quickly. Oh, and let's make range attacks unavailable as well! Why should someone be able to hit me from 30 meters away? Completely overpowered if you ask me.

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This thread is ridiculous like so many others.


You know what? Nerf stealth. Nerf pushbacks. Nerf pulls. Nerf scoundrels. Nerf sorcerers. Nerf stims. Nerf rng bags. Nerf... I got an idea.. Let's sit in a circle, hold hands as we talk about our day. Yeah, that sounds nice.


I honestly feel for Bioware sometimes. Mainly because a majority of the vocal minority are dolts.

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No I am just pointing out which class with re stealth has the most abilities for survival. Also adding the fact that their burst is noticeably overpowered there is no denying that they are overpowered.


Thats not true. You listed none of the survival abilities that any of the classes had, in addition to combat stealth, besides the scounrel/operative.


Slanting your argument by listing one classes strengths and not the strengths of the classes you are comparing it to is child's play, but who knows maybe you are just ignorant.

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I believe that shadow is not a shadow without this ability. WoW rogues have this ability and they are not imbalanced. Those who do not like this ability simply wish to play to an endless kills farm. Today I read posts about removing stuns, vanish, shields, operative's opener. What next? The warrior's charge? Lets give all classes two buttons - hit and heal.

The only thing that confuses me is the warrior's vanish. It seems unnecessary, as warrior is all-sufficient class without it. A warrior that hides in invis looks strange.


BTW, in WoW it is much easier to restealth. In swtor the only way to do this is vanish, while in WoW this can be done for the stun's time (near 8 secs). I really do not understand how swtor's combat leave system works and why it works in this way. This is annoying. Sorry for offtop.

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